Thursday, July 25, 2024

Readership Increasing, Which is Concerning

 Most of my readers read out of guilt. 

 Don't do that. You can stop, it's okay.


 Readership numbers for this time last year are now invisible on the time series. Looks like a flat line hugging zero. 

 There's some twisted idea about "seeing both sides" or "getting out of your echo chamber" or "getting a wide array of views," and, well, if they could articulate it properly this post would be well pointless, because they would have already figured it out. This is one of those times where, if you word the problem precisely, the solution is not only easy, it is unavoidable. 

 Here's the question: what did you manage to do, as a result of reading my blog, that you couldn't have otherwise done?

 Nothing? Is it nothing?

 Okay, do you read for entertainment? We all have to waste time sometimes. 

 Do the accounting. If it's not entertaining, and it's not making you more powerful, stop. 

 Also wtf why are you all using chrome. how much do you enjoy being spied on

 Apparently I've picked on america enough that they, at least, have partially learned what's good for them, and my readership is completely dominated by [other]. Of identifiable regions, it's hong kong followed by singapore. That is, actual capitalists, so that's nice. America is down in third. These are absolute numbers, meaning considering per capita that's quite the ratio. Spain, of all places, in fifth. Below spain it's probably dominated by bots and scammers seeking vulnerabilities, but who knows. The difference between me and the government is that I'm aware the numbers are miles away from clean.

 Dear HK and SG, you're also brutal to your own children and tell 'em it's for their own good, but at least you don't tell the rest of the world you're the shining beacon of morality because you """ended""" slavery. You don't torture your kids for 13 years then kick 'em out when it turns out that wasn't good for them. In absolute terms you're traitors to your own blood, unquestionably worse than mythological!hitler, but so is everyone else and you don't double down. In relative terms you're kicking all of the ass.

 Wait, hold on, getting spied on in HK and SG is largely harmless. You're too far afield for the CIA to care, aside from extreme edge cases. Indeed I actively recommend orientals use american spyware rather than local oriental spyware (and vice-versa).  E.g. americans should be using weibo and the chinese should be using twitter, never the reverse.


Anonymous said...

dont worry. i only read the 1st paragraph.

Alrenous said...
