Monday, July 22, 2024

When La Wik Lies Less than Moldbug

 "When one of the tribunes, Lucius Caecilius Metellus interposed his veto against Caesar's attempt to raid the state treasury, his veto was either ignored or his life threatened until he backed down.[56] This also showed the sham nature of Caesar's claimed casus belli in protecting tribunician rights: "the man who had proclaimed that he was championing the rights of the tribunes in January was now as ready as his opponents... [to] threaten one".[57] Caesar's raid captured some 15 thousand gold bars, 30 thousand silver bars, and 30 million sestertii, even seizing a special fund kept over the centuries to defend against Gallic attack."


 Kaisar waged a war on Rome because he wanted to loot Rome.
 He won the war, therefore Rome was looted.

 His actual casus belli was "I don't wanna go to jail," which was a direct result of his casual lawbreaking. He had criminal policies because he was a criminal kind of person. Stalin was a bank robber, and would have found Kaisar to be a brother. (And probably killed the shit out of each other for that exact reason.) 


 Note that mainstream historians are so Satanic they can't even tell the truth about how to pronounce Kaisar's name. (Καῖσαρ). Roman c is not at all like the [[latin script]] c, and even if it was, it's before the a, not before the e, holy shit what is wrong with you idiots. 

 When someone says they admire Kaisar, it's a confession. They're saying they want to loot the country openly instead of covertly. If you give any of them power, you'll find they do exactly what I told you they would do, regardless of not only any verbal professions, but regardless of previous behaviour.
 Though it's extremely rare that any Kaisar admirer is remotely admirable as a person. They can't keep it in their pants any more than Julius could.



 P.S. Ref: Dutton's spiteful mutants. Caesar suffered from either epilepsy or strokes in his 40s and 50s. His genes were poor. He was a mutant - a highborn commoner. The kind of phenotype I call a bastard. His behaviour was spiteful at best.
 Alternatively, it is not at all implausible that Aurelia cucked Julius senior with a slave or something.

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