Thursday, July 25, 2024

Uniformity is Dystopia

 I have a recurring dream which, unusually, only occurs during the day. It's a dream about the failure of global communication, leading to a fractal elaboration of societies. Each neighbourhood, each house, even individual rooms, detailing themselves to infinity as they no longer have to "get along" or in any way be compatible with anything except what is immediately next door.

 I think the worst tyranny of the black government might be the imposition of legibility. Naturally, the tyrannized immediately become enthusiastic participants, attempting to make themselves understandable not only to the drooling-moron tyrant, but to everyone in some [[global]] [[conversation]]. At the cost of even the shallowest version of profundity. The lowest common denominator is lower and lower the wider the society must reach, so, of course, they deliberately reach for the widest possible [[international]] community. Childishness as virtue. The more immature, the better - less the curiosity inherent to childhood. Toddler-. 

 It is walls and barriers and divisions and inscrutability that lead to depth. Unity levels so aggressively, it razes everything to the dirt. Every community should be incomprehensible fae to every other.


 If there was no way to know what a place was like except by going there, it would mean every place could be different, every little nook could be a new possibility, spanning a massive cosmic space, instead of being yet another copy of every other place. 

 If every place wasn't striving to be readable to someone else who literally experiences night while they're having day, then while certainly not required, every place could reach for endless depth. Each tiny local quirk could lead to a whole explorable culture.

 There would be no way to know if what you're looking for is only a few streets over or a half-hemisphere away, and in return, there would be a nonzero possibility of finding it. It would, you know, exist at all.

 A crude metaphor: imagine building codes didn't have to be centralized, so there were parasitic buildings deliberately grafted onto others. Or not, as the local conditions dictated. Imagine every possible variation on Kowloon Walled City, and imagine they all existed. Open, closed, tall, deep, artificial, natural. The point being, really, that you can't imagine it. The point being that you would have to go and look, instead of explicitly having no need to. 

 As always, there is no need to wait for permission. You can turn off the TV. Could start right now.

 Doubtless you've already realized rather than being a fractal of possibilities, it would only be the fractal of various kinds of self-destruction. Dissolution, but now inefficiently so, lacking a central distributor of self-abnegation lore. Profound only by accident. Yet, I dream anyway. 

 You don't have to lie to deal with self-hatred. Accept that the buddhists are right and the purpose of the afterlife is to stop reincarnating. Then, distract yourself. Don't dwell on it. Don't think about it. Throw yourself into...not-yourself. 

 Even under ideal conditions, many places would still be samey. At least, samey across a particular city. Biomes don't vary drastically from inch to inch. 

 It couldn't possibly be worse if they didn't have to be samey. 


 Global connection is local isolation, which is the true isolation. It is due to pathetically attempting to reach so far that nothing, even the immediate and trivial, is grasped. 

 Global isolation is local connection, local identity, local Existence.

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