Tuesday, July 23, 2024

On Reasoning From Identity Instead of Values

 "I am a ninja, I will die in battle like a ninja."

 If you check for manipulation here, the manipulation is obvious. Some guy doesn't value your life. He has convinced you [being a ninja] means throwing away your life for his benefit. 

 It's even easier to notice it's reasoning from identity rather than reasoning from values. "I am an X, therefore I will..." That's narcissism. "I want X, I believe Y will lead to X, therefore I will do Y." That's strategy. Dying in battle won't lead to anything of value...it will only lead to posthumously retaining membership in group [ninja]. Because obviously, after you're dead, you mainly care how mortals will gossip about you. Top priority for cemetary residents.


 In particular, it's an excellent idea to run the hell away from any social group which demands a personality type for membership. It might superficially seem profitable to adhere to their deontology. "I want to be part of this group due to [benefits] so I will profess and embody [identity]." It will 100% turn into traitorous parasitism. Because it's narcissism. 

 If it wasn't narcissism, the group could hawk the benefits. They wouldn't need to think about identity at all. It becomes a trade: follow [rules] receive [benefits]. They don't need to mock or shame (they might anyway, but it's unnecessary) because rulebreakers lose the benefits and that's plenty of deterrent to keep everyone in line. 

 Comcast doesn't have to say, "We're bill-payers. I will pay my cable bills like a true bill-payer." They just cut off your cable if you don't pay. 

 Reasoning from values makes it dramatically more difficult for manipulators to get the free stuff they desperately think they need. This is why they shriek constantly in pain about identity. "That's not who we are." "Patriotism means..." "We don't do that around these parts." Narcissism, narcissism, narcissism. 


 "But nobody would join the army if it weren't for king and country." Have you tried having the pay be worth the risks? Have you tried not deliberately entering losing wars because your buddy is an arms merchant? Pretty obvious you have a meatgrinder that turns peasant lives into personal money.
 A snazzy device. And so obviously fraudulent you have to turn to conscription. Even commoners can see it for what it is. 

 I think the best part is how they keep identity vague so it can be warped into any shape that happens to be convenient. This is the main reason there can't be any test for a real christian priest - the conditions change constantly, and the test would either force them to stop or become directly obsolete.
 It makes the idiots who take the identity seriously constantly question whether they're [[really]] [identity]. Twists them right up into knots, because the masters refuse to permit a definitive criterion that would lead to stability.
 If you don't know exactly what gets you thrown out, leave. Trying to follow nebulous rules isn't worth the hassle.


 Sometimes they exploit a no true scotsman equivocation.

 "I'm a philosopher, I will talk your ear off about A => B." That's not identity reasoning, it's a prediction. Given a known, it predicts an outcome.
 "I'm a Christian, I'm loving or whatever." This is true only due to selection. If you are not "loving" in the way Christians are supposed to be (of traitors and enemies, primarily), they will throw you out. If a philosopher refrains from [bad philosopher habit] they don't get fired from their university.
 Watching for equivocations like this is a pain. Best leave it to your pope, it's what he's paid the big bucks for. If [outgroup] is trying to convince you to do something, mindlessly ignore them. Trust your pope: [outgroup] doesn't have your best interests in mind. In any case, if it were truly valuable to them, they would try paying for it instead of wheedling.

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