Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Movies are Weapons

 The point of a movie is to maim the viewer. Insofar as they're entertaining, it's only because they can't force you to watch the movie, so they need to trick you. This is why movies are generally bad. They're exactly as bad as the execs think they can get away with.

 Making a good movie is not especially difficult. There's numerous way to check if the movie will be good and to correct course until it is. The problem is making a bad movie that feels good. Tricky, as I'm sure you can imagine. They're highly conscientious about never accidentally making a movie that feels good and is, and consequently there's a lot of stinkers. Accidentally making weapons that feel like they cause damage. 


 I used to think studios were incompetent. The bad movies are such obvious bad ideas that professionals should see the failure a mile away. Surely there must be a market opportunity for a studio head who isn't an idiot and greenlights good ideas instead of bad ones...
 Well, no. That's not the point of the industry.


Anonymous said...

Watch Nausicaa

Alrenous said...

get thee behind me, satan