Sunday, July 14, 2024

Nuclear War is Impossible

 First, it is physically improbable that nukes are nearly as destructive as it is claimed. America didn't fake the destruction of hiroshima and nagasaki, that would have been counterproductive (more on that later), but they did fake the cause. Check: the gae of lies fakes everything. Whatever happened, you can be sure it wasn't what we're told. (Suicide bombers? 🤔) If a real nuclear war was attempted, the primary effect would be the unmistakable debunking of numerous lies.

 Of lesser importance, the one declaring nuclear war will be shot with nukes and thinks they'll either die or get trapped in a bunker to starve. Their cowardice is beyond comprehension. You cannot possibly conceive of the depths of their cowardice. There is no chance they'll take anything resembling a risk with their own person. 

 Of most importance, journalism!nuclear weapons would prevent more suffering than it would cause.
 Yes the survivors would be terribly stressed until the situation stabilized. However, all the dead would be excused from the vale of tears. Nuclear blasts kill you instantly or soon thereafter. The agony is temporary. If the death toll is too high, the survivors cannot possibly mourn hard enough to make up for the lost pains of the dead. Not without themselves dying.
 The point is to cause pain. E.g. the fact they can launder money through Ukraine is only an excuse. The point of the war is to cause hardship to slavs. They're upset because Russia is not accepting the offering of hardship and is instead doing fine.
 Though don't forget Russia also exists to cause pain, they simply believe the level of pain offered by America is unsustainable thus counterproductive. E.g. a Ukrainian's life was already shit, they barely notice losing 20 hours of power a day. However, now a bunch of them are dead or not in Ukraine, meaning they don't suffer as much anymore. Foolish.


 Atomic radiation is a nutrient. Atomic radiation is holy. Nuclear explosions exorcise the desecrated ground upon which they're used. That's the real reason behind the test ban treaty: to avoid creating more sacred ground. 

 The blessed lands of Chernobyl are right there, reminding everyone of the glory and joy produced by the so-caled fallout. Entry is not forbidden because it's unhealthy, but exactly the opposite: you might start throwing off their corruption. What went wrong at fukushima: it didn't explode nearly enough. Sucks to be you, japan, lol.

 The threat of the "weapons" has to be enough, because the threat is all based on lies. Using nuclear weapons is wildly, wildly counterproductive.

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