Tuesday, July 23, 2024

potus is an attack, not a reward

 The american political game is responsibility laundering. The job of potus is to take the blame, the very opposite of getting away with it. The only kind of prize this can be is a booby prize. 

 You try to force your rivals to take the office while stringently avoiding it yourself. 

 The biden faction's rivals not only forced biden to take office, likely exploiting his cognitive decline, but forced his faction to falsify the election for that purpose. A tremendous propaganda coup. 

 Do you think the deep state didn't know they would lose in ukraine? I don't. I think one faction provoked it deliberately precisely because they knew it was a losing proposition, and wanted to drain the biden deep state faction's coffers. The bidens can't afford to lose ukraine, and likewise can't afford to keep it. The ploy has succeeded well beyond what was needed.

 The election merely sped up the process. Made responsibility for ukraine completely unavoidable for the ukraine-owning faction. Merely not letting someone else's crisis go to waste.

 What if the hunter laptop was released by biden's own faction, in a desperate attempt to dissuade their own foot soldiers? It didn't work, lol.
 Evil can't hire competence, and, then, this happens. All these electioneers who think american politics is something more than rewarding your friends and stiffing your enemies....
 Due to all the responsibility laundering, it's even more dangerous to directly command your foot soldiers than it is to let their command structure get seized by enemy agents. Usurpation-positive Regime.
 To commoners, the losing strategy always sounds better than a winning strategy. More persuasive. It's remarkable that these sorts of unintentional betrayals don't happen constantly. Perhaps it's a MAD thing, and revenge is sour. The biden faction found themselves in such a bad situation that they couldn't credibly threaten to subvert their enemies anymore, i.e. they had already lost, thus 2019 happened.

 Until the debate, all the deep state factions were "cooperating" in "protecting" the dignity of the nation or whatever, but the biden rivals have concluded victory is thoroughly decided, and now, simply...stopped providing air cover for him.

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