Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Empirical Implications of Made In The Image

 If you're made in the image of god, you can demonstrate this by displaying your divine powers. 

 Conversely, if you cannot show any sacred abilities, you can't have been made in a divine image, and can't possibly be human. 

 Beliefs have consequences. It's not merely a statement of social status. It has physical implications and constitutes a test.

 That or the bible is a crock of shit. Either or. A belief without consequences is not a belief. Normally we call it a [lie] as the one professing it doesn't have any faith in it.

 More consequences: if anyone genuinely believed in the bible I would not be the first one to think of using its statements as a test. That or I just demonstrated my unique divine powers. Either or. 

 Indeed, I'm only the first to put it into words. "Humans are divine because they have hands." Apes, whoops. "Humans are divine because they have language." Whoops, sign language apes. Whoops, crows. "Humans are divine because they have technology." Whoops, ants. Whoops, the octopus. Whoops, AI. Whoops. Whoops.
 P.S. Seculars and atheists are profoundly christian and can't stop obsessing with christian obsessions which come straight from the bibble's drivel.


Anonymous said...

Apes were created by Satan and then evolved into blacks.

Alrenous said...

So you're on board with the out of africa guys?