Monday, July 22, 2024

Bottom Line on Right vs. Left

 I primarily went into comment sections and twitter and stuff to find someone wiser than I am, so I could ask them to be my pope.

 I didn't find anyone wiser than I am, and that's certainly been a something. I'm looking because I have difficult problems I don't know the solutions to, and I'm told mortals are a social species. When you don't know something, you ask for help. (lol)

 The original plan didn't pan out. However, I've become familiar with the difference between dominance-seeking behaviour and submission-seeking behaviour. I've become very familiar with pro-hierarchy behaviour and Revolutionary behaviour.

 When leftists see someone wiser than themselves, they want that person to submit to them. The high shall be brought low, that the low be raised up.
 If there were rightists, they would have already created a hierarchy. They would have already designated their wisest group member as effective-pope, and enumerated the ranks below them. When the lower disagreed, the pope would win. You would see twitter accounts openly accept the dominance of the higher members of their society. "I tried what he told me to do, although I knew it was wrong because X, Y, and (all very reasonable and persuasive) but it worked. I was wrong. It was only a mistake."

 Online, there are no rightists. Offline there are no rightists either. Even literal church-going catholics don't change their behaviour when their pope says to. 

 Bonus dynamic: if the leftist succeeds and the wise one is brought low, then the one raised up is considered wise and high, and needs to be brought low. The society cannot stabilize. 

 Bonus 2: Socrates was deliberately hacking the leftist paradigm. "As the one asking questions, I cheerfully profess I'm in the submissive position. Right? Right?" We can see how that worked out for Socrates and for Athens. Regardless, this security hole was closed a long time ago. If you try the Socrates thing today you'll find, as I did, that it assumes some minimal level of integrity which moderns no longer possess. They will blatantly and knowingly lie to your face to get out of a gotcha, and their allies will cheerfully misremember past sins to paper over direct contradictions. 

 Bonus 3: the only way to become familiar with hierarchy-seeking behaviour is to deliberately engage yourself in hierarchy-seeking behaviour. If you don't do it yourself, you can't observe it, because it won't exist. I accidentally chose the rarest of possible options, and found a perfectly unique perspective. Most likely this occurred because prayer works.

 But as far as community building and having babies, that's what I want to promote because it extends the lifetime of the movement forward.

 lol "Movements can be right-wing." I guess that's what they did wrong in Ukraine. They didn't [raise awareness] enough and the [movement] was insufficiently popular, lmao.
 Bridges falling down? Just got to start a [bridge-building] movement. Why aren't planes staying in the air? Need a [flying] movement.
 That and the ukies didn't hurl enough racial slurs at the ni- Russians, kek. Should have had a [win the war] movement instead of, I guess, not having that. (The joke is they really didn't.)
 Gee guys, why are the righties having difficulty gatekeeping a [movement]? rofl

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