Saturday, July 20, 2024

[Saved Lives]

 Human life is worthless. A startling mass of problems vanish if you accept this truth. Fake, made up problems. 

 Mortals don't value their own lives. If they did, they wouldn't have been born mortal in the first place.

 What happens if you let some extra mortals die? Do you run out? Know anyone who has run short of mortal life? Got anyone whose demand is lower than supply?

 Why didn't they protect their own lives? Why do they need you to meddle? For example, perhaps your own life, despite everything, is valuable to you. I don't much care for it, but it's not really my business, now is it? I'm not forbidding you from securing it. Why would I? What for? 

 Example. What if telling a lie will save a life? Telling the truth is vastly more valuable than than life. You're paying more than it's worth. Mortals are constantly trying to get you to trade valuable things for mortal lives. Which makes sense - they hate joy, they hate wealth, they hate glory, they hate virtue. In their nega-world, it can't be any other way.

 If a mortal's life is valuable to them, let them reward the one who is saving it by, you know, paying them. Perhaps, dare I say it, paying them a living wage. If they themselves aren't willing to pay for it, why are you willing to pay for it? 

 If you think it's everyone else's duty to [save] your [life], how much time and energy do you spend saving your own? How often do you recklessly risk your life, knowing someone else [has to] step in? 

 The life itself is not valuable. Somehow, however, the life's owner uses it produce something valuable to you. Protecting the life is idiotic, but protecting the valuable behaviour is not.

 Likewise, going out of your way to kill someone, for its own sake, is just as deranged as plotting a multi-year strategy to kill a particular squirrel. Even if it works, it merely means there's room for another squirrel to be born. 

 "Boiling water for tea [saved lives] by cleaning the water." You dumb shit, why do you think tea became so popular in the first place? It's not the taste, lol. 

 Doing [something] about immigration can [save lives]. That's an argument in favour of doing nothing. If that's really the primary purpose, it is meaningless.

 Air bags [save lives]. Right, so they're worth $0. Mandating their installation is simple vandalism. Vandalism is far more important than mortal life.

 The [[vaccine]] really [saves lives] does it. But not, like, my life? If it won't save my life if I take it, why would it save the life of anyone who takes it? Devils and narcissists always immediately tell on themselves. Devils on purpose, narcissists by accident. 

 "But you'll risk [your life]!" Yes? And?

 Even if animate animation was somehow in danger of running low, even if they were willing to protect their own lives but couldn't, it would be trading the short term for the long term. When you suppress honour to [save lives] it costs more lives in the future than you saved.

 Which makes sense. Mortals meme themselves into thinking life is valuable, hence, they must minimize it. Commimaxxing. Life worth living? Straight to gulag.

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