Sunday, July 14, 2024

Isn't that the wrong side?

 The bullet comes from behind trump's head, clips his ear, and splatters blood on his cheek downrange of his ear.

 Likewise, when you miss a shot, it's not because it was stopped by folk uprange. It's obvious they're in the way, so you don't aim there. You hit folk downrange, where you weren't paying attention. 

 The bullet comes from the crowd's right.
 The guys hit by missed shots are in the bleachers behind trump, on the crowd's left.
 The crook(s) merked by the SS is on the crowd's left. 
 Bit-for-bit replay of the magic bullet shit you had with JFK. He's on the wrong side on purpose, to attract attention away from the real shooter(s), giving them time to flee the scene before anyone spots them.

 P.S. Being explicit: america just revealed, in 1080p or maybe 4k, that [[[Democracy]]] means shooting presidential candidates in the head. Your vote matters - provided you're using lead ballots. And, worse, Democracy can't aim. Full banana republic. USG is in south america. Latin american country - they don't try to keep the mexicans out because there's no point. Doesn't make a difference either way.

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

i think it's the correct side. blood is on his cheek due to face being below ear for some time while down on stage. the direction Trump is looking at fits a line from the shooter. there is no such line from the other direction.,-79.9712574,900m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu

theres only 3 nearby buildings. one is directly behind him occupied by ss, and then two on either side, one being much closer, that one being they claim the shooter was on.