Friday, July 19, 2024

Social Layers and Women

 Women lack focus, so they're better at multitasking, and they also tend to see all levels of a social interaction simultaneously. This means, when you're talking to a woman, it's challenging as you need to keep in mind all the levels that she will see. Seriously obstructs the goal of getting some main message across. (Usually tagged as the main layer.)

 Unfortunately, women are still basically stupid. She will see all the levels, but she can't do much about it. She's going to say whatever she thinks she's supposed to say. If you don't like some of the layers that implies, well, tough shit, take it up with her slavemaster. 

 Naturally you can't be friends who takes that kind of attitude with you. Especially if you're also a woman and taking the exact same attitude with her. Going up a level, why bother being friends with someone who is going to repeat what she's supposed to say - something you, too are supposed to say? You already know? Maybe be friends with whoever sets the rules she obeys...


 Still looking for female advantages. Women have better colour vision and fine manual dexterity.

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