Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Power of Will

  The reason nobody can work out what a will to power looks like when it's at home is because Nietzsche didn't know what a will to power is. He was merely dazzled by the majesty of willpower and wanted everyone else to be dazzled by it too, using a different phrasing to make it seem to you as it seemed to him. The term was new to Nietzsche; in English it dates to 1850, and surely in German it's something similar. New+exciting => flights of fancy.
 Nietzsche did correctly point out that puritans think willpower is a cost centre, whereas in Reality many correct uses of willpower are pleasurable, because it's a virtue. A world without struggle is a world where you can never win a struggle through force of will. The latter is easily worth the former.
 Many slaves think willpower is far more mundane than it is - after all, to them it's a vice. The puritans are disgusted by willpower because it's a vice in their atlas, which they want you to minimize. Do note that as narcissists, they care about your behaviour rather than their own; it's not about holding themselves to standards (lmao) it's about holding strangers to standards. Anyway, Nietzsche running around trying to talk to slaves to get them to improve slave-tongue, lol. Revenge is sour bro, if they could understand willpower you wouldn't need to explain it to them.

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

kinky dinkily two days ago i suddenly got a really good idea: zeppelins.
propelled by sails.
then i spent all day yesterday trying to figure out how it'd work. i got an image i wanted to draw as part of an old scene i'd imagined but i wanted to know how it'd actually work, cause one of the best ways to make a design appealing is if it will actually work.
and it doesn't work.

tweeter summary thread:

"Zeppelins propelled by sail doesn't work.

I thought it would work because sails work on boats, but it turns out I didn't know how boats work either. Sail boats, helicopters, and planes are not so different. Sail differs primarily in the energy source being external.

Work in thermodynamics is extracted from high temperature while energy moves to low temperature. In the case of 'powered' craft, Th is the engine and Tc is the medium.

The wing on a plane works because it has an engine.
The wing on a glider works because it is heavier than air.

The wing on a boat works because it is in two mediums. Th is air, Tc is water: the air is moving, the water is not (see also: 'hold your hand out of a moving car': the hand is 'not moving'). It's possible to go "faster" than the wind, but it can only go as 'hot' as the wind.

Wings on a zeppelin is going as 'hot' as the wind. Th = Tc. It's wind on all sides. There is nowhere for the energy to go, so it will not go - or rather, it will only go where the wind goes. It is just a balloon with a different shape.

"The rudder [can] steer the ship only when water is passing over it. [W]hen a ship is not moving relative to the water [it] does not respond to the helm ... Boats on rivers must always be under propulsion, even when traveling downstream, in order to steer" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steering

A basic truth: going with the flow is the same as being still.
In order to have control, you must either a) add your own energy, or b) be in two different mediums.
In order to move, you must find a Th, or you must be the Th.