Saturday, July 13, 2024

I Name Team Loser Biden Behind Failed Trump Asssassination

 If trump had been assassinated in 2023 it wouldn't have been too terribly a huge deal. Doing it now is beyond moronic. Both failure and success would be huge own-goals. 

 I've been saying that I think the biden faction lost their psycho lord in one way or another. Psycho lords, especially in egalitarian countries, hire morons. Yes-men and easily manipulated dupes. Folk who get high on their own supply. The lord himself is the only intelligent guy in the organization. In america it's hard to arrange a successor since he's not Officially or even officially in charge of anything. Openly naming one, for example, reveals his position - and then he probably meets a sniper in a dark alley. Even letting the successor himself know is a big gamble, because a big reason they hire morons so assiduously is to minimize usurpation risk.

 If he doesn't successfully arrange a successor then the organization becomes brain dead. If he did his job properly it won't even realize it's been decapitated. His sock puppet will continue to appear to be in charge. Then you get biden-faction strategies. And open assassinations of presidential candidates during the presidential race.

 One of the major reasons you don't see bullet assassinations in first-world countries too much is precisely because it's pretty unreliable. How many more attempts will need to be made? Imagine not one attempted candidate assassination in a [[democratic]] country, but three? Lmao? (And he still doesn't quite die?) Sharpshooting isn't amazingly reliable even for the best snipers. E.g. the reason they had ~seven snipers on kennedy was because you need that many to reasonably guarantee a kill. Turns out the trump assassination could only arrange one, lol. Whoops. 

P.S. The world is perfectly just. JFK got killed because he deserved to die. Trump lived because he doesn't, or at worst because his death would have bad knock-on effects on someone who doesn't deserve it.
 Put another way, biden doesn't deserve this matter how pyrrhic it would be. 

P.P.S. I have to mock the distinctly video-game mental model of the mob. They seem to believe real life is turn-based. "Sniper casts [snipe]." They think everything has a 100% chance to hit...even if they're playing XCOM. Actor is active and gets to make decisions, subject is passive, inert, literally frozen in place. Unless [special event] occurs.

 Yes, you fucking retarded monkey shit clowns, people turn their head sometimes. This is one reason headshots are hard. Also, what [miracle] made the other four bullets miss, lol? God saves trump so he can kill some random yobbo in the stands? "Oh whoops wasn't paying attention to the background, kek."

1 comment:

Alrenous said...

The other major possibility is that one of biden's rivals or even a foreign country plotted this attempted assassination precisely because both biden and america gets wrecked regardless of how it turns out.