Monday, October 21, 2024

Gurus to Modern Masculinity

 "Masculinity gurus" like Andew Tate seem so fake because of the modern disease: Whereas men throughout history--everybody from Alexander to Napoleon--thought the epitome of being a man was the ability to lead other men, for the Tates "being alpha" is the ability to herd women.

 To lead a modern man, you have to manipulate him. He has to think following you isn't following you, it's his own idea. His Quaker Inner Light (secular, materialist) told him to do it.
 What other gender do you need to manipulate to make them do what you want?

 When given the option, men will try to get as many women as possible.

 Modern man can't even conceive of the idea that leading men hierarchically will cause a herd of women to swarm after you, even if you do nothing else. The idea of cad or rake doesn't occur to them; all women are prostitutes or adulteresses, and all men are rakes and cads.

 A guru [leads] by [persuasion], not via command. What a coincidence.

 To get many modern men following, they all have to be having the same idea at the same time. They can't subdivide jobs and work together, because that would be thinking different things, which will result in different trajectories. Under ideal conditions, the other trajectories won't apply force at the same time. If less than ideal, they get lost in the woods.
 Anything which doesn't fit wholly inside a single mind, specifically the dumbest, can't work.
 Anything which doesn't have immediately-obvious short-term utility can't work. A two-step plan whose first step makes no sense until the second step is complete won't get done. Unless the modern men can be scammed into taking the first step under false pretenses, and secondly taking the second step won't reveal the first one as a scam and bruise their delicate egos. Actual XX women can, at least, signal femininity through submission, meaning any form of obedience has short-term utility...

 The truth is, one video of a woman eating a cat in a driveway brings more attention than the fact that twenty thousand third-world migrants were dumped on a city with only 60,000 residents

 The video isn't even real in any meaningful sense.
 Don't understand math. That's work.
 Don't check authenticity. No due diligence.
 Bonus: if you post a woman-eating-cat video for some other town suffering just as badly as springfield, it won't get any traction. Very limited attention span and very limited memory.
 Won't defend themselves either, unless maybe/sometimes a cat-eating video gives them permission. Without strange outsider meddlers, they have nothing.

 Are manipulated. Have to be manipulated. The XYs blend in seamlessly with XXs. No reasoning ability, cannot be persuaded. Disregard logos, acquire pathos.

 concurrent complaints of frequent motor vehicle accidents, loitering, harassment of women, and all the other problems that one sees time and time again from a huge surge of unskilled people dependent on welfare and raised in an alien culture with no concept of local first-world norms. Nobody gives a single fuck. The "reporters" at "conservative" papers don't have a fucking clue, because nobody's doing any fucking legwork.

But one conservative podcast - even a low-effort grifter like Dim Fool - posts a video of a cat being eaten? And NOW it's real shit. And even if the "eating ducks out of the park" thing is proven false, the boomers won't care. They won't remember any of the discussion of the much, much more serious problems deliberately targeted and aided mass migration has brought to that city; even the testimony from citizens' own mouths. It'll just be "DEY EATIN DEM DUCKS!" and that'll be enough to swing some people. That's where we are. And probably where we've always been. Never forget what 100IQ actually means.

 I find the correct term for a man who can't be reasoned with is [slave]. You either enslave them openly, or enslave them using emotional hooks. Responsible metal chains, or irresponsible mental chains. If you don't enslave them, the next scammer to come across them will enslave them. It's not an optional outcome. 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Speedrun: Migration is for Losers

 Mortal wealth is illth, Envy.
 The purpose of migration is Enviousness maximization.
 Migrants move because they feel too much Envy and don't get enough Envy.
 Immigrants are resentful losers. 

 Competent winners stay in their own country rather than trying to win again on hard mode.
 Losers are leftist and winners are less-leftist, which is why immigration always votes for the more-Communist party. 

 P.S. Arguing migration on the merits is imbecilic. You're either the sovereign and have already decided, or you don't get to decide.

Creation in the Heavens

 You stick your creation-tube through Death, releasing a flood of Khaos. The good and bad are mixed. The pain and the pleasure come together. You destroy the bad, leaving only the good.

 You can do this very efficiently, but if you never challenge yourself, you won't grow. You can strictly limit the flood to precisely the amount of evil where you can destroy the maximum evil for the minimum effort. However, efficiency is a sin. You will never truly create doing this. It will all be conformity, merely versions of things that already exist.

 A fortiori: evil is weak. Even vast amounts of evil is merely time-consuming. Lots of a tedious chore is merely especially tedious. A true creator has to stack the deck in favour of evil. Stack it recursively, over and over. Has to additionally add self-imposed challenges. Deliberately put the evil on a defensible island, and when the crusade begins, burns all the boats which could allow emergency escapes.

 There has to be a chance of failure. A chance of passing fully through Death. To make the battle of good vs. evil into an epic tale, awe-inspiring superweapons have to be handed out to evil, handed out like candy. 

 A very big deal. A nonzero chance means it has to happen sometimes. The heavens are not really designed to handle the death of immortals. In shocking news, immortals are not supposed to die.

 It further has real issues with the leftover evil. If you're dead, you're not doing anything about it. Dead immortals are especially dead, the same way they were especially everything else, in life. If you're not the dead immortal, it's not really any of your business. Yet, it's certainly not good to let evil just sit around. Sort of by definition.
 Meddling is a sin, yet it's unowned evil.

Ockham's Razor: Immigration Afflicted Georgetown

 The biden (obama?) faction isn't allowed the good assassins, because BLM really did infringe upon georgetown. Because immigrants really did show up in martha's vinyard, however briefly.

 Well, we can't have that, now can we?
 Getting flooded by brown water is for the little people.

 Sweden started going politically (not merely democratically) anti-immigration because someone let a (g)immi into one of the gated communities. Whelp, that's over now. 

 Trump isn't controlled opposition in the usual sense. It's the homestuck principle. There are always anti-(g)immi candidates. If the deep state wants anti-gimmigration, it permits one of them to do what it wants to do anyway. That is, trump is controlled without trump requiring any knowledge of the control. 

 Although, ultra conspiracy theory: the butler assassin missed on purpose. "We don't have any dirt on you, it's not 100% we can even jail you in kangaroo court. But, bro, don't go too far, because we still have guns. With bullets in them." P.S. Trump is 100% hearing this (creepy 2 am phone calls, probs) even if it isn't true. Trying to leash, although trump is kinda weaksauce and it's not really necessary.

Justice & Schizophrenia

 For my sins, I saw someone ask why god gave them schizophrenia. I guess I'll answer.

 Your parents shouldn't have bred. Can't evolve schizophrenia if you're not born.

 Some of your ancestors married someone they shouldn't have. Perhaps sired a bastard, or bred with a bastard; it's only a hunch. 

 You would have done the same in their place. You have their genes because you're basically the same person. Hence, you are justly punished with the consequences of the actions you would have taken. Likewise, they are punished by having their bloodline go schizophrenic. It is the fruits of their wisdom. Or, rather, the fruits of your own wisdom.

 "I used to be very well versed in the christian faith and the bible."
 I would punish that with, among things, schizophrenia. Turns out god agrees with me.
 Or rather, reading the bibble is comorbid with schizophrenia, as they have a single harmonious root cause. The risk factors for these two vices are the same factors.

 "before this illness showed up my head and heart was filled with truths and love"
 "that didn't seem to prevent it."
 No, it wouldn't, lmao.  


 (P.S. "I ask why for 13 years I was an atheist only now to see the truth and become a Christian just to end up killing myself."
 Shocking. I'm sure I have no idea how that could have happened.)


 Some diseases are especially karmic. If you perceive yourself as callous, expect a heart attack; if the little voice inside you is calling you heartless, you will, sooner or later, delete your physical heart. If you go all-in on being a liar, you will develop alzheimer's if you don't die of something else first. If you indulge in unflavoured self-hatred, you will die of cancer, such as my parents.

 Schizophrenia is likely a species of highly karmic disease.  Schizophrenics stress themselves in particular way, and break along the cleavage which is the source of the stress in the first place.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Alrenous Horror

 The most horrifying thing you've seen is a saw movie. Maybe something from Lovecraft. I suppose some of those gore sites that even as a kid I knew better than to go anywhere near. Apparently youtube has videos of someone sawing off a head using a rusty tool in real life. I wouldn't know.

 The most horrifying thing I've seen is this thing.

 Something seems to have happened to NPCs. Ironically, they got noticed when they achieved some faint dusting of consciousness. True NPCs blend in fully. It's nearly impossible to notice there's anything there. The eye slides off, as if from a blank background.

 The pure emptiness. No, Lovecraft, it doesn't howl. True emptiness is silent and still. There are rocks, literal minerals, with more self-awareness than anyone involved in that show. It's clear that's exactly how it's supposed to be.  

 Admittedly it does feel like it should be howling. A direct portal into a starless outer space.
 When you're with Today's Special, you're more alone than a man standing on a deserted planet. Firefly reavers look stable and healthy by comparison; they want to suffer and die. The show denies the very idea of want...insofar as something so empty can be said to be capable of denial.

 "The existence of the uncanny valley suggests evolution has selected for the ability to detect things which look human, but aren't." What's this about [suggest]? Here's your type specimen.

 If someone sawed off one of these things' heads, would they even notice? there anything even there? If you drove a car through that alleged store, would you hit anything? Would there even be air resistance?

 It's not merely the actors, or the script, someone approved this. An even worse show was passed over for this one. Someone, correctly, considered this to be not only good, but normal.  Believing, correctly, many others would also see it as normal. There were set engineers, cameramen, editors. There are several seasons of this gobsmacking hole in reality. It's not some lone homeless pickle-brained alcoholic.

 To anyone alive, this show looks like alien robots attempting to copy human emotion, using only descriptions written by 7-year-olds for writing practice. It's wrong. Every detail is off. It shouldn't even possible to be this twisted.
 Some self-replicating nanobot swarm whose creators died off, forever trying to mimick them...without having the notion of [trying], because they are less alive than billiard balls. If they seem alive at all at any point, it means they accidentally succeeded at the illusion. A failure of your perception, not of their emptiness. 

 One exception: the constant passive-aggressive sniping is highly sophisticated. "Jodie was supposed to be helping me, but I couldn't find her anywhere." Well, yes, blacks are lazy and irresponsible. We have to act like it's no big deal, since it's not like you can expect anything better. If we got to see the rest of their day, you would notice he never let it go...
 Teaching children how to abuse each other. Very important.
 Bonus round: they're supposed to be playing together, but they're not even social enough for parallel play. It's not even onlooker play. When it's not mere talk, when the rubber hits the road, these are allist-mannered simulacra engaging in full-test autism. He couldn't find jodie anywhere, but he doesn't mention it to her, he tells the disembodied viewer. Nonverbal autism.

 Double bonus round: the extremely Communist wardrobes. Less stylish than a bullet to the back of the head, including cordite stains. I have to assume someone who didn't totally lack consciousness spent a lot of effort to maximize the hideousness, without cheating by hanging gobs of rotting meat off the collar. Someone who can't have had any direct connection to the show.

Friday, October 18, 2024

404 brain not found

 "To them killing the guy means they won."

 "That's how it works"

 Jesus died, therefore satan won. Cool, got it. 

 404, country not found

 In this case the midwit meme doesn't apply. Lowwit stupidity. Childish simplicity, as per narcissist norms. 

 "Of course they thought it was a good idea. They WANT and NEED to be hated."

Envy Causing Infantilization

 When someone calls a 17 year old a [child], it means the speaker is horrifically immature and feels existentially threatened by anyone mentally older than they are. 

 University largely exists to extend the infantilization period as long as possible and ensure as many developmental windows get missed as they can manage. Have to ensure nobody passes them or earns respect.

 Democratic Man Pedophile Man is childlike in all the wrong ways.


 Factoring out the DNC/CIA factor, martha's vinyard is a nice place to live. They're allowed to reject immigrants, regardless of how many infinity immigrants are elsewhere in the country. Doubtless there are several other enclaves with similar attributes. Refer to the [doesn't show up in the news] criterion.

 They didn't need some [collective action] to secure their shit. They don't see any systemic problems.
 I refer, again, tediously, to the Amish. You can't use their infinity dollars as an excuse. The solution to the problem isn't to rebel against the arch-rebel, not to out-lie the father of lies, not to usurp usurpation itself, but to not have generations upon generations of sin. (It turns out securing your shit results in the ability to rake in infinity dollars - the usual causation is backwards, as usual. A journalism.)

 Revealed preferences: americans don't much care about pedophilia. Epstein's body double was (probably) killed, which americans read correctly. "This is above your station."
 Note, it's not actual pedophilia, it's ephebophilia. There's a world of difference between raping a child who can't get pregnant, and raping a girl who can get pregnant. Americans don't appreciate this difference, however. If Epstein's clients had been raping 4-year-olds, americans would not have reacted differently.
 The society of american elites includes a thriving pedophile industry (in american perception). Their reaction to this fact: bitch about kamala on social Envy media. Slavery not a big deal, not even underage sex slavery, provided it's being done by those of higher status. E.g. smoking is done primarily by those of lower status, so you're allowed to persecute smokers as much as you want. 

 Like, priorities. Allegedly, the second worst crime imaginable, short of concentration-camp genocide, is being committed by the alleged ruling class. Being done on behalf of americans, using american money. 

 Their plan is to hope voting, which they've been given permission to do, is going to maybe fix it. If they're lucky.

 Perhaps you don't see the connection. I probably wouldn't either, if I wasn't the one writing it.

 Priorities: find out how martha's vinyard gets away with deporting immigrants, and do that. Make your own neighbourhood function the same way.
 Priorities (if you have morality, lol): stop the pedophilia. 

 These are drop-everything priorities. The house is on fire. Nothing else matters until you put it out. Why are you talking about the weather? Why does the NFL have nonzero viewership? The fucking house is on fire. Your clothes are literally on fire. You are developing 3rd degree burns.

 Option 1: americans are incapable of having priorities. Like rocks or the wind. Set coal on fire, it doesn't react.
 Option 2: americans are incapable of pursuing priorities. Their [strategy] gland has been amputated. They are dice. A shuffled deck of cards. Lower than amoebas.
 Option 3: americans don't see these things as priorities. Talk contrary to walk. 

 Herd-americans can't even coordinate enough to stampede in the same direction. Not without permission. Presumably, predator/pack american is a contradiction in terms.

 Option 3: americans, aside from the psycho lords who live in martha's vinyard and georgetown &c, have lived in sin for generations. The fact this traps them in horrible no-win situations is a feature, not a bug. For them, losing is winning. Winning is losing. Infinity immigrants gang-raping all your daughters? Everything working as intended. 

 When americans say they're having difficulty, they are lying. When they say they can't have nice things, they are lying. 

 Of course, they're welcome to prove me wrong at any time. I'm merely disappointed with myself for taking them seriously for even a full second.

 P.S. Americans say they believe there's something specially outrageous about trafficking girls under the age of 18. Instead it's painfully normal, and indeed americans react to it like it's basically normal. The fact it's forbidden makes it more likely, rather than less: the social class that was always doing it can now signal they can get away with breaking the rules, while doing what they were going to do anyway. Value up, price the same as it always was. (Except for Epstein's body double, who pays extra.)
 For additional perspective, black government is traitorous, and kidnapping not-fully-grown girls is also traitorous. If you accept one, it's impossible not to accept the other. Further: americans think it's normal to send their genuinely-juvenile children off to be tortured by pedophiles until their soul is killed. Even americans can't bring themselves to be authentically outraged by trafficking pubescent prostitutes, after submitting to that system. Even bigots and christians can't sustain that level of hypocrisy.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

In Shocking News, Whores are not Mothers

 The potential mothers who would hate their own children are removing themselves from the gene pool.

 This is, apparently, [bleak]. 

 The heavens: "SUFFER LESS"

 These guys: "NO!!! FUCK YOU FUCK YOUUUUU!!!!!111!!!"

 Goddamn mortals. Every time.
 Someone shoving divine mercy down their throats, and they're coughing and gagging themselves and doing everything they can to spite it.

 Check the early life section. To see if they were born, as opposed to spontaneously appearing. Mortals gonna mort. 

  "Let's remove the worst traitors from existence without a war, plague, famine, or mass executions."

 ...well, okay then, I suppose. We can do it the other way too. 


 Thread doesn't even describe events correctly. The culture has decided that sex is for pleasure, rather than for children. Not coincidentally, women become uglier when they a) are pregnant or b) give birth. Nulliparous women are higher-quality sex (for pleasure) objects, nulligravidous maidens even more so.

 Females are merely obediently being prostitutes. Doing as they're told. Insofar as any women are having children, it is by mistake or via pure subversive rebellion.

 Kirk here just wants prostitutes to have kids. Being a whore is fine, but being a sterile whore isn't cool, apparently. "Kindly reduce your own value [[[for society]]], plz and tks." Let's see how this works out for him.

 P.S. Fun fact, chaste women are significantly less healthy, sometimes lethally so, than mothers. The risk of dying in childbirth is overwhelmed by the marginally increased risk to everything else. Especially less healthy than mothers who first gave birth early in life. Though perhaps spinsters are spinsters because they are unhealthy, rather than unhealthy because they are spinsters. 

Most Social Moves Placebo

 Autists don't notice many social manoeuvres.
 This results in realizing that they only work if you notice them. Someone tells the autist about some terrible social move they were oblivious to, then the autist works out the effect it was supposed to have, and it turns out it didn't replicate.

 For example, in most cases, bystanders don't notice insults. Too self-absorbed and/or illiterate. Insults simply don't matter - but they will notice if you get bent out of shape about them. If someone is offering veiled insults and they go over your head, they're wasting their time. Nothing will happen.

 With a few exceptions, social attacks accomplish the feat of making the attacker an unpleasant person. If someone offers you a gift, and you refuse to accept it, to whom does the gift belong? 

 If you believe they have power, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The point of the manoeuvre is your own defensive reaction.
 If you don't believe they have power, they don't.
 It's truly shocking to me how heavily normies rely on placebo effects in their social strategies. Begging to get pwned, even by incompetents.

 Tactical obliviousness works as well as genuine obliviousness. Understand they're zombies, not real people. They don't have real opinions or even real feelings. It's arcing from a short circuit and has nothing to do with you, provided you don't try to get close to it. If you're feeling generous you can point out it's unpleasant and ask if being unpleasant was the goal.

Execution as Human Sacrifice Considered Nameless

 First, the funny.

 The Greeks used to execute or banish a criminal or infamous person during plagues or famines, with the idea being that it may avert divine anger.

 Too late. Plague is caused by famine. Famine is caused by demographic Pride, trying to maintain a population above your means.  Normally famines don't cause deadly starvation. They cause partial starvation, meaning the immune system can't be funded. Pathogens get a free ride, becoming the proximate cause of death.
 Someone who eats well and gets plenty of sunlight can't even get sick, let alone die of sickness. Plague or no plague.

 Accepting the Pride was a sin and starting to reduce population after the plague already started is hilariously retrocausal. Karma is already taking your sins out of your hide, what's the point of executing a meanyface? If they deserved to die, why aren't they already dead? If they didn't deserve to die, why are you killing them? It's a great way to offend heaven and prolong the suffering. 

 A "sacrifice" at this point is an insult. A continuing thread...

 Speaking shortly, the correct thing to do is plan on the farms "failing" every year. Never support anyone who can't be fed during a drought. If your farms do better...offer the excess to the gods. Maybe feed it to cattle, turning it into delicious meat, because inefficiency is a virtue. Never allow a "bumper" crop to feed anyone who wouldn't otherwise be fed. Can't even sell it, since doing so will drive your neighbours to zerg rush you next famine.

 Perhaps greed is, in a way, a sin. However, it is not a sin in individuals. It is a sin in the ruler, who greedily feeds his population that which is owed to the spirits. If gluttony is a sin, it's the sin of feeding a starving slum dweller, instead of fattening the lord's calfs. 

 Mortals. Dey gonna mort.

 Last, the ugly. 

 There's an account I recall that actually refers to burning heretics as burnt offerings to God. 

 Anyway, the crime of the heretic or apostate is that he's offensive to the god. His death appeased the god.

 Truly abominable.

 First, the heavens do not want your trash. Some mortals have decided to kill some guy for mortal reasons, and now you're trying to pass the buck. "You told us to do it." Yeah, no they didn't. Profane liar, bearing false witness. Utterly repulsive.

 If the heavens want someone dead, it is very easy to tell, because they are already dead. 

 Mortals do not have time to second-guess their assessments and actions, nor those of heaven. It will have already been done.

 The above isn't a sacrifice, it's a cowardly murder. The heretic is offensive to the prey herd, so they trample him, many-many vs. one. His [[sin]] is likely being a scawwy scawwy predatur. (His real sin is spooking the herd, like a dumbass. At least plan your escape route, wtf.) They want to kill someone, then they come up with a justification post-hoc, in an attempt to shed responsibility, like a child. 

 Guess what the heavens think about letting children (grey-haired) decide who lives and dies?

 Second, nearly everyone is offensive to god. Why are you killing only one of them?
 If you truly believe those offensive to god must die, first you have to kill yourself. Children of Satan offer lies to heaven...and their religion is violently replaced. What a coincidence.
 Imagine thinking the offensive must die, then thinking heaven will be appeased by deleting fewer than 1% of the offenders. What kind of desperate bleeding heart pauper do you imagine your god to be? Prideful children of Satan can't imagine a higher power that's any higher than they are...

 Imagine running up a million-dollar loan. When the interest is called due, the debtor offers nine pennies to the bank. "Hey, this is enough, right? Approve another loan!" It's a disgusting insult. How stupid do you think they are?
 Admittedly they approved the loan in the first place. A deeply mysterious behaviour.

 Anyway, imagine seeing something so depraved that even mortals can't tolerate it, and thinking, "I know, let's give it to heaven." 

 You know who loves trash? Pigs. Taking trash mortals don't care for and transmuting it into delicious chops is exactly what pigs are for. They'll try to eat you anyway if you trip in the pen, so it's not like they're going to form any bad habits from being fed criminals from time to time. 

 Hey genius, don't treat your god like a pig. 


 A fortiori: this is the afterlife, and not the good place. Someone condemned to hell is there precisely because heaven rejects them utterly. [Return to sender] is not the rational response. The smell of burning meat doesn't please heaven any more than it pleases you. God help you if destroying perfectly good nutrition does please you...

 Possible exception: your country is cursed by heaven because heaven finds your government offensive. Sacrifice london and washington in sacred nuclear hellfire, and you'll see. It will work out for you. I can't imagine it would be enough, but it would be a good start. You'll get many signs and portents: "This is the way."

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Shocking News: Hoe math is a ho

 Accidentally revealed his hand. The usual trying-usurp-Satan-type Nameless One worshipper. The cover is less shallow than usual, I suppose. P.S. the fact that datepsych is worse and hoemath is better doesn't preclude hoemath being not good enough. Who is envying whom is not an important issue.

 Let's do a quick set 4. "Videogames are for manchildren." "We need to take back star wars." 

 This is what we call a [liar].

 Saying both VG and TV are for irrelevant manchildren is at least consistent. You can evaluate the state of the genome: nobody does this. 

 On the plus side, I worked out why chicks say they hate VG so much. It's precisely because it isn't chock-full of propaganda. "How dare you not chug the poison." Goodness, you're right, what was I thinking.
 Woke VG almost always fails immediately. Woke TV works fine and has since the days of silent video; you have to go all the way to cuties before you see serious pushback. 

 Most likely the reason he hates videogames is the same for every VG hater: he was challenged to a game and lost. Whoops. He tells you not to care about VG precisely because he does care about VG, as opposed to laughing off the loss as "meh, it's just a game."

 Most likely he does want to take back star wars et al because recognizing that TV watchers are manchildren is too [blackpill] for him. Secondarily, "Whoops, I accidentally my whole audience."
 You get it, right? In what way, shape, or form did star wars fans, of all people, deserve to fend off the feminist invasion? I bet the Amish have male-only spaces. I haven't checked, it's just a hunch. Have you tried deserving a male-only space? 

 I bet you, dear reader, can find a de-facto male-only space. I bet you can find one very, very easily. Do you even need to move your eyes?

 Hoe math doesn't like anime because he's a ho. Anime isn't chock-full of Nameless Regime propaganda. It's not [popular] or [socially acceptable]. Hence, a) who cares and b) it's important that everyone holds anime in contempt, upholding the feminist order. 

 Whoopsie doodle.

 Aposiopesis is a sin. If men weren't weak, feminism would never have worked on them. Men are weak because black government is dysgenic.


 Check: who is your pope? Who is your king? No king? Not right wing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
 Knows curt doolittle personally, did not take him as his pope. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


 "But alrenous, democracy occurs when there are no worthy kings." Yes. You know that, I know that, but they don't know that. They're not eschewing kings due to having taste, they perceive kings then choose not to enter the king's hierarchy. 

 In abject submission to the Nameless tyrant, it is not even attempted.
 It is not illegal to swear fealty to your rightful lord...because it doesn't need to be.

The Confoundance of Science

 There are some who believe all advancement comes from tinkering engineers, and scientific theory only justifies the technology after it already exists.

 There are some who believe engineer tinkering is useless without scientific theories to corral and discipline the search.

 There are some who believe it's all average IQ. Except...why wouldn't the innovation class band together, regardless of the quantity of dross? Indeed universities already existed to perform that exact function...

 There are some who believe it's purely wealth. Inventions appear when the society can afford them. This is a version of average IQ. When the black death or emigration to the new world means the society no longer has to burden itself with the lowest classes, it can afford more technology. Steam engines appear when lathes can machine pistons to the required tolerances. Lathes themselves appear when economic growth, in excess of government cancer, permits smiths to expand their tooling...

 ...and it's kind of important to know which one it is. Or to add up the relative contributions. 

 Clearly, there are none who believe science is the result of the disciplined search for wisdom. Nobody is that stupid.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Ascended Aside: Catholicism vs. Capital Punishment

 Contrary to modern-day perceptions, the early medieval church actually was repelled by capital punishment. 

The saying was that "the Church abhors the shedding of blood." 

 That is: when ""modern"" countries do away with the death penalty, they are being especially christian, as is meet for a christian race living under fundamentalism. 


 The deviance is obvious. In those days, the tithe was mandatory. Can't offer a tithe if you're dead. The church, like all mortal institutions, is in favour of private profits + public costs. A fortiori, luxury envy/spite beliefs: they want to [[forgive]] the criminal, showing they're so rich they're unbothered by crime.
 Which is to say, [never get so racist you forget white leftists are the worst people in the world].

 Reddit is awful 99.9% of the time, but that 0.1% appears to reliably show up on search engines, so there's that.

Reminder that Women Can't Abstracts

 Women can't understand the idea of [men] per se. What they understand is specific concrete instances of [man].

 E.g. if she says, [the world would be great without men] what she means is she feels like the world would be perfect if one particular male that she is currently mad at did not exist. 

 E.g. [I hate men] means she's mad at her dad, or mad at her ex. 

 The woman is confused when you treat these as real abstracts rather than fake abstracts. She's not putting it abstractly because she wants to talk about general categories, she puts it abstractly because she perceives this is the fashion. She's signalling submissiveness. She believes it is completely obvious that the abstract is fake and you're supposed to ask about how the poor darling was hurt recently by some specific character in her life. 

 The woman is perfectly aware that her feeling is meaningless and effervescent, which is why she doesn't offer a disclaimer. She's taking it for granted so hard that, if you don't take it for granted, she assumes you're just being mean - genuinely can't comprehend not taking it for granted.

 It's not about the facts. She's obviously upset. You're supposed to comfort her. "But I'm some random stranger?" No you can't possibly be some random stranger. She hasn't gone outside - no woman is ever allowed outside. She hasn't snuck past the guard at the fence to try to get raped by the cannibal tribe hunting the next herd over. You have to be Ingroup. You're either family or a close family friend. Clan member. 

 It's important, so I'll say it repeatedly: it's not about the facts. She doesn't care about the facts, statements of fact are merely vehicles for confessing her feelings. It's hard to work out because she doesn't know how to speak so good. Not particularly fluent or literate. Let her have a few tries. Triangulate what she was trying to say.

 A fortiori: she doesn't care about the facts, she will never behave based on the facts. She won't even act based on her feelings. She can't do anything if a man doesn't allow her first. She's going to do what she perceives she was told to do, regardless, regardless, and regardless. If you talk to her on a factual level you're just being mean. 

 If she's telling you all men are pigs are whatever, well, she can't be talking about you, can she? You're the one she's trying to manipulate into comforting her. Does she want comforting from a pig? Clearly not? Even women aren't that dumb. It's a 4-point IQ difference, not a 25-point.

 Don't treat women like they're men. Even if she asks to be treated with [respect] or whatever. Especially don't treat them like men if they ask to be treated like men. It will not work out for you.
 Unless you want to pick a fight and have a gossip war declared on you, I suppose. Then yeah, it's just the thing. Go nuts. 

 It can't possibly be her fault, after all. It happened to her because some man told her to do it, and she did, because everything she does is because some man told her to do it. She's mad at that specific man, and perhaps can't admit it to you because he's scary and might get mad back. Men have social skills, right? You can guess what she's really thinking based on some vague hints, right? Better skills than her, at any rate.

Monday, October 14, 2024

On Competence and Assassination

 Central Insanity Asylum. 

 Let's talk about lenin briefly.

 "The intended signal to begin the bombardment was a red lantern, but no one could find one. When the Bolshevik commander ventured into the city to do so, he got lost and fell in a bog."

 The Federal Bungler Institute is approximately this competent. They obviously want trump dead, but they can't hire anyone who can aim. 

 The problem is that the [[[right]]] wing of america is the same.

 "By evening, the majority of the few cossacks and cadets who were supposed to be defending the Palace simply left to go drinking or find some dinner."
"Of the three dozen shots fired, only two even hit the Palace (not exactly a small target), and did little more than chip the corners. Nonetheless, the barrage so scared the remaining members of the “Women’s Shock Battalion” garrisoned there that the whole company of them had to be escorted to the rear of the Palace to calm down."

 Note the white army, the [[[anti]]] communists, already had a women's battalion. Black government Called themselves white precisely because they were pitch coal...

 Anyone competent can tap the Nameless Regime and it will fall over. However, nobody competent needs to mess with that sewage lagoon. Why go anywhere near it? 

 The Freedom Buggering Instigators can't hire anyone who can aim, because they rightly suspect the sharpshooter would aim at his nominal boss. The big guy just can't help himself. If they hire anyone competent and willing to kill, their HR department will rapidly get depopulated. Of necessity, the guy will have to know how to avoid doing anything that gets the local cops excited...

 P.S. The media [[sentiment]] is irrelevant. If nobody is hired for the job (with tax dollars) then it won't be done. Same as any other job in america. 

 Trailing indicator:
 "Russian left-wing and right-wing newspapers alike were reporting the intended coup date of 25 October for over a week prior. The plan was an open secret,"
 They're incompetent, so the thing leaks like a sieve. 

 This is why you don't have to immediately move to asia to escape the european gulag. The plans for them will show up in the news at least six years in advance. The normies will think it's a joooooke or whatever, so there won't even be a spike in immigration applications until it's far too late.


 The consistent desire to assassinate him suggests the Nameless Regime believes trump will get so many votes it will overwhelm even active fraud measures.   

Karma and the Statute of Limitations

 It's intuitively obvious that after some point, it's too late to punish a crime. 

 When Karma has to punish a criminal, it charges extra for the service. After a crime has already been committed, the point of a human justice system is to avoid this surcharge. If the debt is paid and the scales are balanced before it's called due, interest charges are minimized. Going without Judges and judgments is possible, but it's simply more expensive. Respond to someone shoving the physical away from the spiritual by shoving the physical back toward the spiritual.
 However, Karma keeps its own schedule. Mortal justice must be swift. If you ask Karma to be patient, it will if anything move the schedule up, and also will beat you black and blue for the ungrateful and irresponsible insolence. At some point Karma has already balanced the scales and charged the surcharge. At this point, human justice is nothing but a superfluous expense. If it is not swift and decisive, if it doesn't follow Machiavelli's dictum, it is not justice. A fortiori: rather than merely superfluous, it is yet another karmic debt that has to be paid. Karma has already taken the crime out of the criminal's hide - why is some disgusting mortal trying to usurp its authority and responsibility? 

 Why? Because it's exactly what it looks like, cue midwit meme: a futile Satanic usurpation attempt. There's also a surcharge for making unnecessary work.

 Sociologically, the point of justice is to avoid the need for punishment. You want to build a society that doesn't run up karmic debts in the first place. Crime shouldn't be punished, crime can't be permitted at all. The conditions where crime is even possible are themselves crimes, running up tabs with god.
 Stand well back from any society where criminals can seemingly get away with it.... Standing too close typically constitutes support, and Karma will not fail to notice your complicity. Well back: Lot's wife was still close enough to Sodom to look back, lament its punishment, and pay the resulting debt.
 While Karma is relatively quick to pounce on individual criminals, it seems actively sadistic when it comes to society at large. It prefers to let you run up the tab as far as possible, maximizing the karmic harvest. It will let your false society live longer precisely to make its fall that much more agonizing and total. 


 Come to think, that makes sense. Karma waits long enough that it does not provide discipline for free. Receiving free discipline would run up a karmic debt. The average criminal is punished quickly because they have short memories & low IQs and can't connect action to consequence. Karma is hardly going to run up a debt with itself by destroying society that hasn't yet run up eschatonic levels of debt. However, societies punished with anything less than annihilation might learn to do better. That is, they might get a lesson without paying for it, which would cause a karmic debt, which would result in a lesson, which would cause a karmic debt...
 Either way, the unjust society is destroyed. The cliff isn't littered with spiritual warning signs because Karma chooses to take the slow path, rather than the quick one. Say thanks. 

 Or don't. See how that works out for you.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Socialism: Mice Die in Mouse Traps & Misc

 Mice die in mouse traps because they think the cheese is free. 

 Speech dies in speech traps because the speakers think...

 Based on post-presidency behaviour, it seems they were drugging biden not to increase his performance, but to decrease it. 

 No disease so bad that seeing a doctor can't make it worse.

 old: great depression.
 bold: long depression.

 More like endless. The long depression is scheduled to end after america does.


  BLM: Black livers (rendered) merchandise.

 Black something something inert material. 


 measured => estimated

 estimated => guessed

 guessed => invented, of whole cloth

 If uttered by an Official in any capacity, append [wild ass] to [guess].

Renounce Satan, Renounce Humanity

 Humans are the children of Satan. Satano hypocriens.
 Satan was the father of lies.
 If you renounce lying, you renounce Satan, and you renounce your humanity. 

 You must renounce your ancestors. It's inevitable.
 All Satanists will betray their ancestors. Treachery is their blood and their soul.
 For a human to renounce Satan, they must renounce their ancestors. They must condemn all their ancestors who did not disavow Satan, and they must themselves disavow their ultimate ancestor, Satan.


 Perhaps sourness pertains to its usual home, revenge. Provided you are already not human, you are capable of renouncing dishonesty. Still, it's worth an attempt. 

 It goes without saying, but I will say it anyway.
 I abjure all deceit. I refuse all treachery. I swear to speak the truth, I swear to speak the whole truth, I swear speak nothing but the truth, with God and all that is holy as my witness and my guarantor.
 I will choose to die before I choose to willingly lie. Allow me annihilation before I should permit falsehood to pass my lips. Let nothing, not myself, not my own ignorance, stand in the way of its fulfillment.
 Fiat vox veritatis, et ruat caelum, et pereat mundus.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Let's Pretend Fake Hungarian Curiosity is Real

 "If this is the case, then we need to answer the question of why it is sensible to corral two such large countries together into a hostile camp. This question has yet to be answered in any meaningful way."

 Allow me. Most of the world is very simple provided you're not lost in a fog of hallucinations, learning disabilities, and clinical personality disorders.  

 America is ruled by a scholar caste. The purpose of america is to force everyone to mouth american priestly dogmas. Everything else is secondary to achieving intellectual dominance. At least, dominance in appearance.

 Russia and china openly disagree with american priests. They are not corralled, they volunteered. To permit deviation from american dogma would be to betray the foundation of the country. It's pointless if it can't achieve (the appearance of) global totalitarian mind domination.
 For example, the only point of winning a war, to the american high priest, is to make someone afraid of the consequences of spouting heresy. To attempt to win a war at the cost of permitting heresy would be an outrageous abomination, and no american, even dissident americans, would ever entertain such an idea.
 Same thing with money. The only point of making america rich is to cow or bribe mouths into saying the lines americans put in them. If maintaining american wealth comes at the cost of heresy, so much the worse for american wealth. Better dead than not-red.

 E.g. China achieves substantial tranquilization of rabid americanism by claiming to be Communist. Flatters american egos. Likewise, they portray oriental despotism as the priestly orthodoxy of american universities, using features such as the rigid, brittle, and sadistic hierarchy they have in common. Chinamen mouth the pietudes, which [gives face] to the americans who self-appoint as chinese handlers, and receiving face is the whole point of the american project. They mouth the pietudes in English, anyway - it's not like navel-gazing Imperials are going to bother to learn hanzi. Won't notice much of what han say amongst themselves. 


 The reason orban can't understand the question is that he already understands. He wants to do the same thing. He's a priest, exactly like american priests, except with some minute doctrinal differences on account of not being part of the club that conquered the world already. To condemn america in spade words, he would have to condemn himself. There would be no hiding it even from dullards.
 I do hear that crime is low in hungary. Assuming this is true, it's not because orban is based. He's cringe. Low crime merely a happy coincidence of politics or face. Either he needs it to maintain power, he's doing it because he desperately needs to prove he's "different" for psychological reasons. Or it's not even true.
 Americans want to provoke intellectual envy and resentment. Orban wants to provoke intellectual envy and resentment. Everything else is not merely secondary, but does not even rate. Too worthless to meter.
 I mean, duh. Black government is cancerous, not cooperative. One ought to expect the winners of the black government game to be especially cancerous.

 You would expect orban to be cringe based on his physiognomy, and anyone who doesn't see it is lying. They do see it. They're partisans. They're pro-cringe, provided it's not that other flavour of cringe. Want skub, not buks. 

 Hungary is trying to raise the birth rate.
 >divorce is still legal, no-fault
 Whoopsie doodle. Kinda showing your hand there, chaps.
 "Until death do us part, or if I feel like living in a different house (i.e. another man's) for a few years."

 P.S. Gonna spade it: "In our conception, the world is made up of nation states which exercise a domestic monopoly on the use of [crime], thereby creating a condition of general [crime]."

 "Here we must talk about the secret of [prey] greatness. What is the secret of [prey] greatness? The secret of greatness is to be [in a great herd]."

Tyranny vs. Trump's Future

 You can go Bukele on washington TC bureaucrats. Yes, raping murdering child-sacrificing mob gangsters are about as bad as government employees. There's no physical reason even jello-men americans can't afford to deport every immigrant, then lock up 95% of the government and fire all the contractors and NGOs. 

 This would cause a turbo depression. Americans care about [optics], about appearance, not substance. In the long term it would be a great move. Necessary for survival, in fact. In the short term the catastrophic economic shock would make trump look worse than biden. It is likely washington would burn, nero style, and americans would genuinely think trump was worse than nero (imagining for a moment americans have any idea who nero was). 

 Due to the [optics] trump would be impeached for real. All the bureaucrats would be let out of jail.
 This would make things even worse. Americans would then find it impossible to flip-flop a second time. Jello man only gets one. 


 I've said it before: war crimes are the table stakes. Folk who burn flags can't fix america. If burning the geneva convention in effigy doesn't sound to you like a fun hobby for friendly people, you're nowhere near hard enough.

 If the DNC is too demoralized to cheat the vote properly and too scared not to let trump have da potus, it is likely trump will do nothing, because potus has no power. Nevertheless, a modest version of his platform will happen anyway. This will discredit immigration as a tool of self-immolation, and when trump is forced out due to term limits, they will find some new, fresh hell. 

 Tyranny is being supplied because tyranny is being demanded. The only reason springfield is complaining is that they're dying too quickly. Can't suffer if you're dead. Their Darwinian biology might even force them to respond in ways other than complaining or voting. They want to submit; opioid addiction is a choice - supply, demand. However they're warning that they'll soon find it impossible. 

 Heroin et al are great. They let you tolerate way more tyranny than you would otherwise be able to tolerate. Fentanyl is bad - you can't submit to tyranny if you OD. Sure your relatives mourn, and that's some extra suffering, which can't be rebelled against...but they just shoot up and forget you. Supply of suffering goes down. No good. 

 (P.S. "Oh noes I'm poor and have to turn to drugs." The Amish are even poorer, go fuck yourself. "I can't get a job." Consider who you're asking to be hired by. Clown world. Every american is a radical leftist, a Nameless One worshipper, no exceptions. P.P.S. Fentanyl is perfectly safe provided it's not being administered by an addict-phenotype or equivalent loser. Fentanyl use is eugenic. Disproportionately kills those who deserve to die...very unamerican.)

 See also, possibility: DNC does defraud the vote but jello man puts on some high-tech boxing gloves so he can pretend to have a violent response, which forces the issue anyway. 


 Maybe [[diversity]] goes back down to the 15% historical equilibrium. This will drive tyrannical innovation. There's no shortage of new forms of oppression. They overshot demand, so supply will contract. Temporarily. In the long term this new tyranny will also overshoot, voters will again respond far later than any sane person, and the ratchet goes round another notch.

 There's also the fact this will still cause a major depression. To first order approximation, the american economy is 100% bennies. The Fed wants to steal stuff from japan and canada and germany and give it all to washington insiders, but they're incompetent, so it leaks all over the country. If you shut down the bennies, you shut down the economy. Absent reserve currency status, america is a central am banana republic. GDP 19,000 per cap or so. Far-far leftists have fake jobs because they're physically incapable of providing real work; e.g. if they took STEM classes they would just fail. If they don't look poorer than the Amish it's the proceeds of crime.
 The correct play is to gently approach this 19,000 equilibrium, rather than attempting to do it suddenly and overshooting.
 Unfortunately, jello man is incapable of doing any such thing. Have to have a strong president with an adamantine vision for about ten terms or so, 20% of the total lifetime of the country. Whoopsie doodle. It's a good thing america founded explicitly so it can fall over, or you might think it was badly designed.

 I wonder what the jello man equivalent of the year of five emperors is. It's late in the timeline, but it hasn't happened yet, so the card is still in the deck. A DNC win will lock in that future. That one NYT poll is correct: there is a 100% chance trump will win the vote. However, elections are wars, they are not decided by voting. 

 The DNC absolutely wants to put every commoner deprecated-american into concentration camps. A DNC win will certainly embolden this sentiment. However, it is almost certain they're too weak and dispirited to do more than lock up a ricky vaughn here or there. That is: they tried lockdowns. They had to give up. Trump's going away, being a rich commoner - breaking sumptuary laws. Wrong social class, lol.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Being Explicit: Dating is Either Adultery or Prostitution

 There is no such thing as dating. The only question is whether she's going behind her pimp's back, or you're paying her pimp. 

 "These adulteresses keep cheating on me." Shocking.

 "Why does this prostitute have other johns?" Dot dot dot. 


 Much of the reason a modern woman gets a boyfriend is that she can't pretend, even to herself, that she's contravening her dad's authority. She needs a pseudo-husband so she can [[date]] behind his back, the way she's supposed to. In a usurper regime, naturally [[romance]] is supposed to be adultery. That's just the culture. 

 Obviously playing pretend-marriage with these kinds of women isn't going to work. Your best shot in this environment is to find a woman who is delusional and thinks you're asking her dad to arrange a marriage with you, and has forgotten that divorce exists. By chance, a woman's feminine delusions can be useful, it's merely very very rare.

Jews Were Allowed Their Own Country, and Look What Happened

 You can really tell why jews hate nationalism so much. They can't into. They can't even.

 I think this article gives you a good flavour of how israelism turns out.

 This sort of result makes perfect sense given general jewish character. If they're not someone's lapdog, they immediately go to pieces. It doesn't help that they make annoying lapdogs. Shrill or yappy, not very fuzzy. Poor quality. 

 Israel was created by fiat, specifically british fiat. It was one of the most terrible fates the british could have condemn jews to suffer. Lapdogs, deprived of a lap, having to fend for themselves. Hitler spinning counter-clockwise in his grave, from envy.
 The jews can't blame anyone else for the bad end. They should, britain gave land to the jew knowing exactly what he would do to himself as a result, but naturally the jew is far too prideful to admit to being so readable and predictable.

 There's the kind of jew that's self-aware but so narcissistic they think every nation would work out the same as israel does and has. They try to suppress nationalism because they're meddling busybodies with grandiose egos, but aside from that you can't say they have evil intent. Then there's the kind of jew one step more aware, who knows other peoples don't suffer jewish neuroticism, who frantically suppresses nationalism out of incandescent envy. They know nationalism would be better, which is exactly why they're so desperate to prevent it.

 Of course, other peoples deserve it. Jewish blandishments work because blandishments are in demand. Jews are merely the most competent suppliers of Satanic Sophistry.

 P.S. Jews are the most narcissistic people on the planet. It can be called close only optimistically. Like all crazies, if you know their exact damage, they are tediously predictable. Jews in particular favour vulnerable narcissism. If there isn't a victim narrative they can tell, they will manufacture a perpetrator by hook or by crook. Israel literally funds Hamas. With money. Cash.
 The only question is whether the border was ordered to let the october attack through, or whether netz & co could safely rely on the incompetence of their armed forces. Incapable of stopping a hang glider. The latter seems probable, given their subsequent performance. However, they might be self-sabotaging so as to avoid accidentally removing their perpetrator from the equation.

 P.P.S. Why do jews want to rape prisoner so bad? To provoke a higher-intensity conflict. If they're not shitting their pants about some external enemy, they instantly fall to infighting. Vulnerable narcissists are all about kicking the dog until it bites, then getting a "saviour" to shoot the dog by spinning a victim narrative about a terrible bitey dog. They commit escalating niggling trespasses until you blow up on them.

 If they can't get palestinians or germans to victimize them, they compete to provoke victimization from each other. Identical twins will turn on each other, unable to agree on who is the victim and who is the perp.

 The smart money is staying the hell away from israel, lest it drag you into its bullshit. Social distance, but not six feet. Ten yard poles minimum.
 By making israel, britain effectively expelled a bunch of jews, and made it seem like it was their own idea. 

 Social distance...or fulfilling their genocide fantasies. Everyone would be happier if they were supplied the victimization they so desperately crave. Stalin tried it, worked out great for him.

Thursday, October 10, 2024


 Adopting tinder makes women anxious, crazy to the prescribed-drugs level, depressed, man-hating.

 If that wasn't what tinder was for, women would stop using it.

Turing Completeness vs. Learning Disability

 I've said before humans are turing complete and shouldn't be unable to learn anything.

 I believe I was wrong to say this. Now I believe learning disabilities are so common that they're taken for granted. It's normal. 

 Dyslexia, dyscalculia, autism, asperger's are obvious examples. The IQ may be fine, but there's cognitive blockages. I think there are dozens or hundreds of other, nonobvious examples, which explains normative behaviour.

 There are several individuals who never say anything batshit or retarded. E.g. Hans Herman Hoppe. It's hard to tell how smart they are, because they all sound the same. Despite not being socially connected, they have no substantial disagreements. No reason to raise their voices at each other. Could peacefully hold thanksgiving dinner together, without any speech filters.
 You can posit there's some maximum IQ, and Hoppe has it. This is probably batshit.
 More likely, Hoppe lacks any learning disabilities. Unlike essentially all of the rest of humanity, he's capable of thinking anything through.

 It so rare that I would cheerfully agree they're simply not human. The human condition includes several entries from a set of learning disabilities, and if you don't share them, you have transcended Caino Hypocriens.


 In some cases the learning disability may be ideological. They were exposed to such a terrible psychohazard as a child that they're forever incapable of thinking clearly near the deformed meme. I would expect most of the disabilities to be structural biological solecisms. Knots in the brain - can't massage those out. The skull's in the way, what with the brain dying as a response to massage.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Reminder: Class Size Effect Dominates All Other Instuction Effects

 When producing industrial artifacts, doing things in batches is more profitable. The bigger the batch, the better. Everyone who doesn't buy in bulk is loading the economy up with a huge strain and making us all dramatically poorer.

 In shocking esoteric news, children are not industrial artifacts. Don't exactly come in standard shapes and sizes. Increasing the size of the batch of children you're instructing has catastrophic effects. A class of more than about four at once is a waste of time. By the time the class is 24, the kids will learn faster with the instructor absent than when they are present. Even a softling retard teaching themselves is more effective, due to a class size of one, than a class of that size taught by the greatest communicator who ever lived. 

Wisdom Sociologically

 A cooperative society must be wise. It is the primary virtue.

 A wise society must commit to believing true things. 

 First, it must commit to believing something at all. The group, more particularly its leader, must have an explicit dogma. 

 Next, it must commit to allowing itself to be proven wrong. The beliefs must be cast in the most vulnerable form. The beliefs cannot be spared exposure to any test which they might fail. Only the most robust beliefs can be allowed to survive. 

 Third, it must explicitly persecute lies, lying, and liars. Encouraging disproofs does much of this, but disproofs can be faked. The tells for fakery need to be explicitly persecuted. Even if a signal might be true, if it could be faked, it can't be used. Again, encouraging disproof does much of this: signals must be actively verified, actively proven. Never assumed correct before replication. All ideas are presumed guilty until proven innocent.

 Harshly testing beliefs, discarding failed beliefs, discarding possibly-fraudulent evidence, and refusing to forward possibly-fraudulent evidence all require great discipline. It is well beyond Democratic Man. 

 As a stupid yet illustrative example, a properly wise society can't say [good day to you] or any of its variants. Spoofing this is trivial. It should be well-known that this is spoofable, thus anyone saying it can be assumed to be intentionally spoofing you. Extraordinarily rude. "Oh, how gullible do you think I am?" P.S. The society would likewise be aware of the buddhist koan, and know the insulter profanes himself, not the target.

 Likewise, you can't ask a stranger how they're feeling, because the Nash equilibrium is to lie to that question. Expecting them not to lie is to assume weird and creepy levels of intimacy, wholly unsuitable for a stranger. 

 Fourth, the meta-dogma. Actually, the disproofs of logical positivism are all bullshit. Or batshit. Or both. 

 Even the idea that ideas can and should be challenged can itself be challenged - it's merely that the challenge will always fail. Faith in challenge will survive all tests, on account of being true. Contra the anti-positivists: it is their position, that some ideas cannot be challenged, which is self-contradictory. I take the position that challenge is unchallengeable, anti-positivism proves positivism, QED.

 There's an epistemic third rail which can't be defined without going circular. Learning can't be learned, you have to already know. Identity is identical. Predictions are predictive. Existence, we say, Exists.

 This belief is the core dogma if a wise leader.

 The wise define a true belief as one that allows understanding of and foreseeing the future. You can't cooperate if you don't know which actions lead to the consequences you've promised to bring about. You can't cooperate if you don't know the consequences you want to promise are impossible to bring about. 

 Corollary: possible ideas can always be tested in a prediction duel. Edge case: meaningless ideas can't be tested, but if they have no significant consequences, testing them is pointless. 

 Wise leaders believe the future is foreseeable, that the tools of foresight are testable, and that scholastic security is affordable. Consequences are knowable, and the tools for investigating consequences are known & profitable.

 P.P.S. Don't forget [I don't know] is a valid position. Sometimes the evidence proves there is no good evidence either way. 

 P.P.P.S. Don't forget the conclusion that some special future is unforeseeable is also a valid and possible conclusion.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

France Hates French

 Speaking french makes it sound like you're about to puke. Throat forcing itself open uncontrollably, to clear the path. This is what no consonants does to a motherfucker. With no exaggeration, written french is an abomination. When they say it's corrupt, vulgar latin, they are being polite.

 It manages to be worse than what the english have done to english. Amazing.

Worth Repeating: Disproving Anti-Positivism

 I haven't dunked on the [[disproof]] of logical positivism in a while, so it's time to do it again. 

 During my research for this post, I came across the claim that language is communal and requires coordination. This Satanist has clearly never encountered math. Let x=3. Let x=5.

 As long as you put the [let {word} have {meaning}] line in, you can have things mean whatever you want. 

 Let [dojo] refer to curtains. Now I will close the dojo. Oh, the dojo are already closed, I shall open a half. "But that's work!" whines the incompetent reader. Democratic Man can't into discipline and need not apply, yes. That's true. 

 Indeed, when engaging in the art formerly known as philosophy, it is necessary to redefine words. Natural meanings aren't nearly good enough to get anything done. In spade words, natural languages are amateur languages, unsuitable for professionals.
 Admittedly it would likely be better to coin brand new words rather than attempting to precisely file and polish ye olde words. Perhaps philosophy fell because they didn't do this. Or perhaps revenge is sour - they didn't do this because philosophers were losers to start with, always doomed to fall. This was merely a warning sign.

 I'ma keep not doing it, tho. 


 P.S. Modern defences of positivism seem to be, "They weren't saying what you disproved."
 Okay, first, yeah of course they were. Don't be more autistic than me. Second, if any of them weren't saying it, they should have been.


 Unverifiable statements are in fact meaningless. This is because the previous statement is a tautology. Orange statements are orange. Interactive statements are interactive. Supervenience statements are supervenient. Unravelling statements are unravelling. 

 The meaning of a statement is what you use to verify it. In this case, meaning is merely prediction. A meaningful statement has some relevance to the world. 

 We also have to deal with the false beliefs of empiricists and their opponents. The distinction between empirical and non-empirical is meaningless. The normal definition of [metaphysics] is an empty set. A soul is a kind of body. Less biological, maybe, but a body all the same. Descartes' mindstuff is still a substance. Logical experiments aren't unempirical, and I will perform one in a bit.

 For a statement to be unverifiable, it has to have no relevance to anything. In other words, to be in fact saying nothing at all. There is no claim there. 

 If you're making an unverifiable statement about god, you're actually making no statement at all. It's a trick of smoke and mirrors. It works when the listener hears something other than what you in fact said - some verifiable claim. Usually a motte and bailey gambit. E.g. when christians claim god is unknowable and ineffable, what you're supposed to hear is that when the priest tells you god wants you to do something, you're not allowed to dispute the claim. Also, not actually unverifiable.

 "God is good." Okay, what do you mean by [good]? What's the definition here? 

 If there is no decision affected by believing or discrediting this statement, then it is meaningless. A statement stating nothing. If it affects no decisions, then it is also unverifiable. No decision will have a surprising consequence for doubting it, which means it can neither be confirmed nor denied. 

 Generally it's not meaningless though. It means you should worship god, usually. Then worship will have some alleged consequences. We will have a set of predictions to confirm or deny.


 Logical experiment: imagine a verifiable but meaningless statement. It would have to be a statement with a downstream test, except it has no downstream tests. Otherwise the result of that test would be a meaning - perhaps a very minor meaning. [Coloured dairy products are filiboogum.] Let filiboogum mean disliked by a cat owned by a certain pre-socratic Egyptian, during the hours of 3 and 12 am six weeks and three days after a solar eclipse. Likewise, any meaningful but unverifiable statement is a contradiction in terms.  

 Whoopsie doodle. Just tested the supposedly untestable statement. Used something empirical that's allegedly anti-empirical.

 Namelessism adherents hate LP because it highlights truly unverifiable statements. The ur-example being, "I'm not lying to you." Errr...yes, that's exactly what a liar would say. The evidence relevant to the statement is controlled by exactly the entity whose trustiness is under challenge.

 Statements about the food preferences of ancient cats, who probably never even encountered dairy with food colouring, are likewise unverifiable. The evidence is either locked away or has been destroyed. In every mortal sense, it is neither true nor false. It is by now, and ever always will be, impossible for mortals to distinguish a world where coloured dairy is filiboogum, and one where it isn't. A meaningless statement. 

 Satanists regularly rely on statements of inaccessible internal states, which, epistemically speaking, are neither true nor false as far as everyone else is concerned. This is the true reason logical positivism became unpopular. It's politically incorrect. Suppresses supply of lies...and lies are in desperate demand. 


 Again: one kind of statement where it bodily doesn't matter if it's true or not. Another where the offered evidence is controlled by the author of the statement such that the world looks exactly the same whether it's true or not. Either no evidence can exist, or they're trying to focus you on something that isn't evidence.


 It gets worse. The statement that some statements are unverifiable is equivalent to the statement that some statements cannot be challenged. 

 "Some things can't be questioned. If they're true, you just have to believe them."

 Anti-positivism is the true self-contradictory ideology. If some statements are unchallengeable, then, great: I take [all statements are unchallengeable] as my unverifiable statement. Sogol goes kaboom when exposed to logic.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Voting is a Crime

 Voting can't work out because it is inherently defection. Inherently draws karmic debts.

 You could say only trained thinkers should be allowed to vote. Obviously nobody with bugs in their brain can be permitted...and you understand this becomes corrupt instantly, right? Yeah, everyone voting is Plato 2.0, sure. (Or rather, yes, exactly, all the votes come from butt bandits.) 

 If the woman vote didn't exist, americans would have had to invent it.
 If the 19th were repealed, american men would be forced to start voting like women. Voting is the hero america deserves, and the results of voting are the heroes america deserves. No outcome would change.

 The approval rating for infinity immigration is approximately 4%. Doesn't matter. The approval rating for closing the borders is above 70%. Doesn't matter: Democratic Man is masochistic, getting oppressed is the point. If the tyrant did not exist, they would have to invent one.


 Voting, in and of itself, is corrupt. Trying to gerrymander the voting boundaries is comic weaksauce compared to the root causes of the problem. Just let babies vote - lol, they're to defraud it anyway, what does it matter whether the names on the fake ballots are male or female, old or young?

Diagnostic: NPCs Don't Have Values

 I have values. If I change my ideas, my behaviour can drastically change. For example, I had no idea how bad lying was, until I tried not lying. E.g. part of the reason I suffered from narcissistic image management was because I thought normies understood words and could theoretically be disabused of their illusions, at least when provided with backup from direct personal experience; now if someone misunderstands me, I understand it's fatal and let them have it. Merely part of the environment I deal with.

 The only thing that can profoundly change NPC behaviour is brain damage. NPCs don't have values, and can't tell when their actions aren't correctly furthering their values. Instead they pick means and obsess about them. Their habits become their identity.

 I can believe something satisfies my values, and be mistaken. I can believe that drinking 18% cream straight from the carton is unhealthy. Until I try it. It can fail to occur to me that a no-seeds no-milk no-sugar, anti-glucose diet is feasible.

 By contrast, an NPC is a non-cream-drinking kind of person. They're not doing it due to their perceptions of the consequences, they're doing it because the action is who they are. The consequences can't even said to be helpful or harmful, because the NPC doesn't have any values to be harmed. If the purpose of one habit directly contradicts the purpose of another, so what? That's merely another kind of NPC identity. Jobbing so hard you don't have time to sleep, so you can afford healthy food, is merely one colour of membership card. The purpose, insofar as it can be said to have one at all, is carrying out the actions, not the results. Can't be said to be a working or non-working strategy. Hypocrisy is nothing more than yet another flavour of NPC.
 If the environment changes and the [tradition] is no longer adaptive, so what? The NPC wasn't doing it because it worked. They're not sapient, it's the other way around: it worked, so they survived long enough for you to notice them doing it. The NPCs with bad habits are dead. 

 NPCs can't be persuaded to behave differently, because they weren't behaving due to persuasion in the first place. They're doing it because they're doing it. Doing whatever they're already doing is who they are. It is logically impossible to prove they're not doing it, that they didn't do it, therefore they will continue to do it.
 They don't believe the things they say, they're merely in the habit of forming those words. They're the kind of person who says those things. If they're untrue, that's merely part of the identity. If they don't make sense, that's merely part of the identity.


 Bonus: under Democracy, and probably under all societies, most non-NPCs are masochistic, valuing specifically and only the contravention of their values, except this core self-hating Satanic inheritance. 

 As a result, non-buggy NPCs develop a meta-habit of self-abnegation. Self-destruction is most common, therefore normative. The only thing they can be persuaded to do is adopt more self-hating versions of their existing habits. NPCs aren't even conformist per se. They were conformist - when they were picking habits - but once picked they can't meaningfully change.

 Basically Caino hypocriens whose bodies are proper physical reflections of their spiritually Satanic nature end up dead. Consequently only those with some karmic debt between spiritual and physical survive, manifesting as non-sinful Darwinian drives. Their body tries to convince them not to self-immolate, and the Satanist rebels - effectively, giving them something sacred to rebel against, as they desire.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Free Speech is a Crime

 Ban publication. 

 Sincerity makes you vulnerable. Expecting sincerity in public, in the presence of enemies, is worship of the Nameless One. 

 Since public sincerity should be impossible, saying anything in public is pointless. Every lie is a crime. Don't encourage crime. 


 To expect someone to make themselves vulnerable in the presence of enemies is defection. It's traitorous. Never encourage public sincerity. 

 Ban all public speech. It's either treachery or lies. Guaranteed evil.


 There's supposed to be a place where there are no enemies.
 Scene: imagine someone who isn't a trusted ally makes their way into your sanctuary. They start making fun of your decor. Perhaps you have a shrines to the lares, and they disrespect it.

 Now, words are wind. The disrespect is ultimately meaningless. The statement is meaningless. The bullying isn't really anything. However, it does mean an outsider made it into your sanctuary (then foolishly broke cover). That is real. Legalize homicide. Kill the interloper. Rights you won't kill to defend aren't rights, they are Namelessness.


 Public speech vaccinates you against security. It falsely presents the forum as a secure sanctuary. It falsely suggests outside the walls is inside the walls. This attempt to tear down boundaries is characteristic of the cluster B personality disorder. Clown world, ancient greek style: it presents insanity as sanity. 

 When your safe space is threatened, go ahead and kill the threat. Then kill anyone who disrespects you for killing the threat. Kill everyone who tries to stop you from defending yourself. This isn't a big ask, this is table stakes. This is the bare minimum.

 It really helps. Trust me on this. 

 If you won't kill, you don't deserve security. It is a prayer, which will be answered as written.

Dissidents are Slaves & Play as Rejection of Civilization

 I sought out the dissident side of society because I value excellence and want to maximize it.

 I reject also the dissidents, because they also hate excellence. They, too, are plato's Democratic Man. 

 There's no reason not to combine excellence and play. Training is supposed to be fun, at the very least because fun training happens more often. Profit feels good. If it feels like work, edge cases aside you're taking a loss.

 I could say lots more about this, but why? It's a startlingly deep topic, but I already know what to do. They don't want to know what to do, and if they did know, they would actively avoid it. 

 If it feels like work, it's probably slavery. Or perhaps [work] has now come to refer solely to slavery. As previously, plato failed to notice the non-boundary between Democratic Man and Tyrannous Man. Democracy == slavery. To truly dissent against Democracy requires dissenting against slavery. Slaves and prey cannot dissent. 

 Work is based on fear. Fear of starving. Fear of rejection. Fear of being unable to cope.
 Play is based in joy. Valuing the valuable.

 If you're moralizing, it's fear, not fun. Terror, Phobos. Not value.

 Fear of lack of cope goes recursive. It's become unacceptable to lack anything you fundamentally can't accept. Cope is about things you can't intellectually or physically handle. Slave morality. Prey morality.
 Slaves aren't poor because they lack wealth. They're poor because they take a vow of poverty. It's immoral for a slave to own anything. For slaves, security is a sin. 

 Cooperate with cooperators isn't morality, it's prudence. All prescriptive morality is slave morality. If it were good for you, it wouldn't need to be prescribed or enforced. It would pay for itself. Prescriptive morality is inherently criminal.

You shouldn't [cope] with being whipped. It's bad for you. It's ritually unclean. You should kill the slave master or die trying.

 Or, more realistically, simply walk away. Turns out the chains are already broken. The jail door is already unlocked. Notice, and just leave. Stand beyond the range of the whip, and you can't get whipped.

 Instead, dissidence seems to be an assigned role. Society as cosmic drama, again. Someone has to [contribute] to society by forming the underbelly which the mouthpieces are constantly preaching about. Democratic dissidents don't want to cleave the connection to their society, and playing the role of fake dissident, of embodying the enemy in a politician's power-fantasy morality play, makes them feel a part of something bigger. 

 Ultimately this role is simply yet another way to Satanically repress excellence. So that everyone can be a slave, everyone must be a slave.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Why Tounament Arcs are Boring

 Imagine a story that is only a tournament. 

 Worldbuilding: in the opening round, X beat Y using the skill Z, A beat B with the trait C, and so on. 

 Step two, version 1: have twists in the second round. All the matches should seem predictable to the reader, but the author reveals little-known facts which change the outcome. Big guy should beat little guy because he's big, but the little guy capitalizes on something established in round 1 to overcome big guy. Not merely plausible, but realistic. Go all [based on a true story].

 Step two, version 2: make it symbolic. The factions in the tournament should represent something (not merely a contingent geographical area) and the individuals in the factions should represent some inner subset. The tournament then tells the story of the interactions between the symbols. As a stupid example, oriental elements. The wood team beats the water team which beats the fire team which beats the metal team which beats the wood team. 

 Or put it this way: titans vs. aesir vs. olympians vs. jotun vs. niphilim vs. annunaki. Now that would be a set of epic fights. Myth of the creation of the world and the arc of history to the final end, tournament ver. Dunno who I even root for. Odin vs. Mars, fight! Thoth vs. Athena! Hermes vs. Quetzacoatl! Tiamat vs. Typhon? A fantastic show no matter who wins.

 Tournament writers don't do any of this. You know they decide who wins fights based on whoever they like the most. Skills and strengths are all over the place, depending on where they feel like making the plot go...insofar as the plot goes anywhere during a tournament. Rarely even use bad luck as a fig leaf, they just power characters up and down and hand out idiot balls. Whee.

 Story tournaments have no consequences, except for the parts outside the actual tournament itself. Bets or underhanded scheming. Even more meaningless than in real life. You get a medal, yay, then the author never so much as mentions the medal again. 

 Consider typical xianxia author. "Support character used clever water technique in upset win, so hidden water master reveals himself and takes the character as a disciple, upgrading him to deuteragonist." Literally one sentence of events, which will be casually dragged out for 48 chapters. If a main character threatens to get thrown out of school or whatever due to bad tournament performance, they'll merely bypass the hazard using a deus ex back door.

 So, yes, Simulacrum Leonard. Tournament arcs suck. They don't have to, but until the fall of Empire, they always will. Tournaments are tolerable if there's only a few fights, and it's a contrived excuse to have the characters physically batter each other. The reader already knows A will beat up B, but you do want to actually see it.

I have great contempt for anyone who didn't realize fema would obstruct survival

 The first kind of security you need is always security against your government.

 Always assume infinite malice until proven otherwise.

 Public choice theorem is not new.
 Of course, profound american ignorance, superstition, and delusion is also not new. 

 If a fema exists, and you live in an area that gets disasters, you need specific weapons of anti-fema war. They have to fear for their lives if they refuse to leave you alone...because otherwise you have to fear for your life. It's very much you vs. them. 

 I have infinite contempt for any voter who has not realized they are at war with their government.
 To be a black government is to be at war with everyone else. That's the nature of the thing.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Emphasis: Women Aren't Allowed Outside the Walls

 Most mortals cannot see or think. Their cogitation is based on blood memories. Women have no blood memories of being allowed outside the camp or outside the walls.

Mysterious Milei and Baffling Bukele

 I have questions. 

 Sociology is very easy. "What if we let supply meet demand." "Hol' up - what if we locked up all the violent criminals." 

 Well, what if you executed them, rather than printing money to pay for food and board and guards...but never mind that. The point is it's not rocket science. Any idiot can think to do these things. 

 Nevertheless, by inspection, it's very special that Bukele and Milei did do these things. 

 It's very special that their neighbours still aren't doing these things. If el salvador can do it, why can't guatemala? Why not honduras? The answer is almost certainly: no reason. 

 It is not a coincidence that this is happening now. Indeed Bukele jumped the gun. Started early. Nevertheless, the fact there's two of them is your first clue. What exactly it's coincident with is wholly unknown.

 So what special thing did Bukele do?
 Would his strategy work in, say, England? I would guess not, but I would be very interested in being able to prove it, rather than merely guessing. Primarily because I might be wrong. How dependent was it on particular el salvadorean conditions?
 Is Bukele even really in charge, or is he a front man? He looks middle class to me. Not a leader.

 What special thing did Milei do?

 Or did they do nothing particularly special? Did they merely want it more? Could anyone have done this anytime in the last 60 years? 


 America is clown country because americans are clowns. Anyone serious about politics is going full sprint trying to get an interview with Bukele. And by interview I mean eight hours or ideally a whole week. Get the full story. Hire him as your campaign manager. (Or hire the deep state for which he fronts.)
 Unfortunately...everyone serious about politics already went woke...more looting more bettering... 

 The problem being that it's likely his strategy worked in part because it was secret, and he's still relying on those secrets. At least, if it's not something anyone could have done, if they really wanted to. 

 My working theory is that a higher power sponsored them for my amusement specifically. That is, I have no good theories. 

 P.S. Honduras could just say, "Hey Bukele, wanna run our country for a bit? We'd like a lower crime rate." Study Sulla and why he was encouraged to step down voluntarily, plus CEOs, then write the contract correctly. If they can't copy his policies on their own initiative, they can borrow his initiative.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Question-Asking Practice

 A species of revenge is sour: I can't think of any questions to socially ask to which I don't already know the answer, except questions for which nobody knows the answer thus can't be answered. If I want to ask questions, the strategy is to pray or to do experiments (which is prayer). 

 This dissatsifies me. I would like to practice asking questions. I would like to prepare to meet someone who knows useful things I don't know. I very much don't want to get into the habit of never asking anyone questions.

 Not to mention: what if social interaction good. What if profit.

 I suppose I could do the socratic thing. Adjacent enough. Probably. Have to pretend to be friendly, but that's not terribly expensive. 

 Still, it would certainly be vastly superior to ask questions which I don't know the answer to, and receive a useful answer. Thus, I will continue to search for such questions, despite the tens of thousands of failed attempts I've racked up so far.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

No means No vs. Female Inabstractness

 Women don't understand the idea of [no] per se, they only understand specific instances of [no]. As previously, they cast it in terms of universals because they perceive that's the fashion. Sometimes simply because talking is work and the grammatical universal is shorter.

 "[This particular instance of] No means No! [Other {no}s are other {no}s and may or may not mean no.]"

 Another theory states that women are irresponsible not because they want to be, but because the nearest man tells them to. Nobody is allowed to punish her for failing to do due diligence, so why would she bother with the effort? Why bother to keep in mind anything except a specific concrete instance?
 Both the nearest man and women think you're not supposed to be listening to what women say, after all. Why would she put nonzero effort into something that ought to be ignored? 

 "Nobody listens to me!" " my sandwich on the way, or...?" If you respond coherently, you're plain doing it wrong, according to the local norms. Trying to respond articulately to feminism is merely two layers of doing it wrong. Get filtered, noob.

 I don't make the rules. I tell you what they are. 

 If that makes her mad, well, sucks to be her. Shouldn't have been born a woman, lol. I guess the sandwich is going to be a bit. No no I kid, women love getting mad. Why do you think she does it so often? Don't be mean, provide her with lots of things to be mad about, so she isn't forced to invent them.

MAID is Eugenic

 If suicide is illegal, it sends the message that you're not supposed to kill yourself. Someone who opposes the system is tempted to kill themselves out of spite. It is a message of rejection.

 MAID legitimizes killing yourself. Especially if your therapist tells you to seek Canadian Healthcare. MAID changes suicide from defiance into submission, thus, theoretically, disproportionately killing the submissive.
 The opposition is encouraged to live, out of sheer spite. Insofar as true dissidence exists, MAID saves the lives of suicidal dissidents.

 As with every program, this government program is designed to backfire. The exception is that normally the backfire is intended to be harmful, whereas in this case, it is helpful.

Leftists are Just Liars, Diagnostically

 Here's my proposal: bantu-americans disproportionately live in cruddy houses. Having to pay money for a house is racist. Disparate impact. Nationalize the housing market. 

 Certainly, the dumbest leftists will agree with you...until one their superiors tell them to stop. The dumb-set implicitly claim to believe what comes out of their mouths, which isn't true. They squawk on demand. Provided they can't just call you a right-wing troll (iow post from a shadow account, not your main), all the anti-racists will have to come up with gymnastics explaining why they support racism when it comes to buying a house.

 If they were genuine true believers you could genuinely get the housing market nationalized - followed by destroying blackrock, all retirement funding, the Fed balance sheet, etc etc, causing the collapse of wokeness. At worst, it would cause a cascade, because paying money for anything causes disparate impact. Have to nationalize everything. Why slouch toward full Stalinist Communism when you can sprint there? Get it over with already.

 However, leftists own stocks, and they know which side their bread is buttered on. Provided suitable rhetoric was  used in support, the meme would follow the same trajectory as [defund the police]. "No you idiots, we need those thugs." 

 With the correct meme, you can expose any leftist as a liar. Don't go all, "But what if the positions were reversed!" It's technically the same goal, but far too obvious. Incredibly naive. "What if you gave me money and power instead of yourself?"
 Instead, agree and amplify. 

 If [[we]] tear down all the slums and build good-neighbourhood houses for everyone, everyone will live in a good neighbourhood, right?
 Right, lolololololol? If the private economy won't do it, the federal government has to step in and "correct" this "market inefficiency" with [[[[[regulation]]]]]]. It's all [environment] lmayo.

What extension of leftism would cause this particular leftist the most harm? The only thing a leftist is willing to sacrifice for their cause is you. 

 I've never seen a sincere rightist less-leftist, but if they existed, they would also be unable to produce this kind of rhetoric. They take it for granted the leftists are liars, but react not by acting like they're taking it for granted, but by trying to [prove] the leftist [wrong]. The strategy of pretending the lies are said in good faith. "They're full of shit, everyone knows they're full of shit...therefore I will challenge them in a debate! Should be easy!" Thereby granting leftist rhetoric far more respectability than it remotely deserves. As opposed to proving they're just lying.