Monday, July 15, 2024

Does Alex Jones Deserve Infowars?

 If alex jones built infowars, he can build it again. Start warinfos. Can build it way better the second time around.  Yes it's inconvenient and hardly necessary, but did you expect to engage in war without losses, lol? 

 Meanwhile, those who steal whatever money they can will find it squandered by infighting. They'll squabble so much over who gets it they will cost themselves more than they gained.

 Why didn't jones secure his money against his sworn enemy, kek?
 The leopards-eating-faces party vs. the I-can't-believe-satan-lied-about-me party.
 Who could possibly have expected an honourless craven to use falsehoods in an information war? 

 God helps those who help themselves, and, conversely, of those who expect god to do all the work for them... "But I'm on your side-" gonna put your money where your mouth is, or is that all talk? 

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