Saturday, July 13, 2024

Will Robo-Stone Replace Concrete?

 No, but stone is already cheaper than portland cement over the lifetime of a building. Portland and steel is fine if you want to throw up a temporary structure, but it's 100% going to be temporary. Meanwhile Roman roads and bridges of 2000+ years are not only still standing but still usable. Even the ones that used Roman cement.  Because they weren't built of garbage.

 Of course, Americans hate it when things are less expensive. They want lower value and higher costs - check any apple in the store. They wanted to feed their cows on garbage because they love garbage. Trying to be as poor as possible, but on a weird challenge mode where they don't simply forbid building things. Bonus: portland cement was personally designed by Satan for maximum ugliness, and Americans go hard for that shit. That it's a crumbling scam is a great second point in its favour. They put rebar in primarily so it can rust and stain, and only secondarily to make it crumble even faster.

 Cheap cement and rusting steel will continue to get preferential coding regs and subsidies, conveniently propping up vested interests and suppressing [[disruption]], until the American empire wholly collapses. 

 Stone is also impractical for very very tall buildings, as you will overload its compressive strength. You can make a steel/stone hybrid in this case. With redundant steel and proper maintenance passages, you can replace the rusting steel in a rhythm. Maybe specifically avoid cement or mortar in the upper, steel-braced sections, so it can be gracefully dismantled when you can no longer afford the steel maintenance. 

 Because stone already has an attractive and durable surface finish, you can eliminate some finishing tasks, like exterior cladding, drywall, and painting.

 More importantly, you don't have to maintain these cheap substitutes. They start showing their age at something like two years. If anyone sneezes next to drywall, it develops a dent. 

 Environmentally-minded folks often desperately want to believe long global supply chains are inefficient, especially those that seem to add thousands of miles of unnecessary transport, but a cost breakdown shows these steps are actually incredibly inexpensive. 

 To peasants, subsidies are natural laws, raining from the sky at god's command. He can't tell the difference between the local lord and the omnicreator - they're both beyond his comprehension. 

requires an enormous amount of effort sustained over years to move the wheels of the various bureaucracies.

 Bureaucracies, likewise, are manna to peasants. They look up to and admire bureaucucks. "I hope one day me, or my kids, can be complete shitbags like they have at the DMV."

 I especially enjoy how this moron has no idea that columns exist. Probably because they're attractive and, well, "We don't do that around these here parts." Not a live option. 

Stone, on the other hand, can’t be handled in a flowable state.

 Geopolymer can be. I used to think Egyptians were amazing because they casually cut stone to match the natural bedrock, using either bronze tools or, more realistically, psionic powers. Now I know they were amazing because their version of concrete was hundreds of years ahead of American technology. Ahead of even Roman technology. (Their straight edges were also better than American lasers. Again, presumably, using their kryptonian superabilities, not bronze.) Maybe one day Americans will manage to be high-tech, like dynasty Egyptians or the Mayans, who didn't need autocad to perform complex audio calculations. lol America will catch up any day now, lmao. 



 In an industrial park or similar you might expect buildings to be demolished and replaced long before its lifetime expires. In these cases you do want mere temporary structures. There's no point to investing 3x in building for 100x in lifetime if you don't even need 1x lifetime. In these cases, please at least paint your cement anyway, for the love of all that is holy. "But I'm a narcissist and hate everything, especially myself." Oh, well, carry on I suppose.


 This post also seems basically okay.
 As long as you keep in mind it's written by a superstitious and sniveling peasant.

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