Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Americans Can't Wake Up Because They're Only Pretending to be Asleep

 All of your reasonable options for products and services use the money you give them to murder everything you love! BB on point, as always.

 Hoe math says many true things, but do always remember it's merely a subtler form of narcissism. Yes, it is excuses and cope. 

With no apologies to the babylon bee:

*Instead of Twitter.
    Use nitter. Adblock is also sufficient, if the goal is merely to withdraw support.
*Instead of brewing your coffee with Starbucks beans:
    Drink tea. Decaf, specifically.
*Instead of Levis:
    It is very reasonable to sew your own clothes. Cloth is dirt cheap. They will also fit better. What do the Amish do for pants? Buy used. Though none of this is particularly important or necessary.
*Instead of Gilette razors:
    Get a straight razor from the nearest blacksmith.
*Instead of Microsoft:
    Software piracy.
*Instead of subscribing to Disney+:
    Software piracy. Also why are you using the plus.
*Instead of buying books from Amazon:
    Software piracy. E.g. libgen. Can also just use the regular-ass library.
*Instead of buying Nike shoes:
    Neither important nor necessary. Buy quality shoes instead of overpriced trash? Ask the Amish what they do for shoes?
*Instead of watching Netflix
    Software piracy. There's nothing good on netflix anyway, you're not missing out.
*Instead of Facebook:
    Try meeting IRL? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I heard most folk have phones these days, have you tried using, like, a phone number to talk to them?


 Don't forget you can neuter the Fed's influence over your life, and thus the majority of USG's ability to tax you, by selling all your dollars and dollar-equivalent securities. Likewise using corporate shenanigans it's very possible to near-zero your tax bill, though it is important to be cost-effective and sometimes it isn't worth your time. 


 Mafias buy off police forces all the time. So form a mafia already. "But that's immoral." Is letting the police defend criminals from you more moral? Quit the sanctimony and secure your shit.
 Buying pants and shoes from megacorporations isn't even ritually impure under present conditions, never mind a genuine pragmatic problem. First, try not lying to your husband every day. Stop adulterating the sacred body with caffeine. Beam, motes, etc.

 Utopians aren't as stupid as they pretend. They do in fact already know that the world is neither perfect nor perfectible. You can't wake up someone pretending to be asleep. 

 At some point, after offering enough reasonable solutions and none of them are taken, you realize you were being disrespectful. You're offending them because you're revealing you think they're stupid. They're fully capable of coming up with these things on their own. The solutions look simple and obvious because they are simple and obvious.
 Utopians don't do them because they don't want [[solutions]]. They like tyranny. The oppression is the point. Demand for the profane is high. Demand for the holy is negligible.

 Utopians are dystopians. Everything is working as intended: they are receiving the dystopia they demand and deserve. 

 Civilizations do not rise like bread. They bloat like drowned corpses. If you're lucky, it's like the swelling around a broken bone - but it doesn't go down when the bone heals, it goes necrotic and the leg falls off.

 Americans could have already started their youtube-distributed netflix alternative. You could pay some local theatre retards to tell and film whatever story you want. If it was in demand, there would already be channels like this. You would of course watch this on invidious.
 If Americans demanded morality tales which differed noticeably from netflix screeching, they would already have them.
 The real sin is demanding morality tales at all, as I'm sure you already realized. 

 I really would form my own mafia if my countrymen weren't all red-blooded Communists who would instantaneously report me to the secret police. It's not merely that the cops defend the criminals from me - it's that the alleged "dissidents" also defend the criminals (and cops, but I repeat myself) from me.

 However, I'm not a narcissist-utopian, so I have no need for their help to defend myself. My shit is secured, regardless of their strenuous efforts. I typically use manipulation, so they aren't capable of conceiving of my fences, even when staring right at them. Crime is very much a [you] problem. Git gud scrub. Skill issue.

 Revenge is Sour: if my countrymen weren't red-blooded Communists, I would have no need to form a mafia to defend myself against the police.
 Likewise, since I'm not a Communist, I am quite capable of defending myself against the police without a mafia. Whoops.

 Hoe math thinks reconquista [new world edition!] is necessary because he doesn't want to succeed. His impossible task looks less impossible than usual because the previous editions of excuse-impossible_task have reached their sell-by date. At some point the lies even make the liars feel stupid, and they need new duds. 

 Recall the Homestuck principle. All sorts of things are available, but only one goes viral. Hoe math went viral because he's defence against change, exactly because he isn't offering anything ideologically different.

 Hoe math wants to seize Satan's throne because he wants to be Satan. "But if we let too many illegals in, they will kill me, and then how will I continue to suffer?"
 This is almost certainly what's going on with Bukele too, by the way. Yes, it is accidentally useful for the few non-self-hating mortals. Mainly, the murder rate was so high that too many were escaping the vale of tears instead of continuing in torment. The suffering he prevented will be made up in other ways - one way or another.

 Love has no place here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can use Linux without piracy.