Saturday, September 4, 2021

Shitty But More Accurate Song Remixes: I am Corpse

Hear me rot

The fumes will make your forehead hot

I stink too much to pretend

Organs torn and skin all rent

I've been down there in the ground

Putrefaction will put down there again

Whoa, yes, I am dead

It's deadness borne of injury (the pain)

Yes I've paid the price (of ignorance)

And I can never pay anything again


If I have to I can stain anything

I smell strong (strong)

I am invincible (because I'm already vinced)

I am corpse 

You can bend me and even break me

because it only serves to make me

Get ever further past the final goal

I won't come back any stronger

Not a novice any longer

Because you've snapped the connection with my soul

(I'm dead)

I am corpse, watch me ooze

See me lying toe to missing toe

As I spread my miasma across the land

Flies see a place to put their embryos

With a long, long way to flow

Until I make my brother retch on the coat stand

If I have to I can stain anything

I smell strong (strong)

I am invincible (because I'm already minced)

I am corpse!

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