Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Women and Violence & Funding via Immigration

 There are two kinds of women.

 1. Women who are aware they don't know what they want.
 2. Women who think they know what they want, but are mistaken.

 Allow me to summarize: "Violence makes me wet." Possible proximity to violence also scares her...which makes her wet. All the data and high-falutin ratiocination exists in and as a result of a total vacuum of self-awareness. She's scolding men for failing to provide her with enough porn. 

 Not exactly a cooperator.  

 As with all lies, self-awareness would be detrimental. Stated plainly, her case is self-refuting.

 For reference, I don't think the Amish are particularly virtuous in absolute terms. I rather expect they cheerfully torment each other on the regular. Technological restriction as self-flagellation, not genuine protection of community. Nevertheless, they are virtuous enough. It is not a spartan commitment to violence that frees them of the yoke* of the black government. They merely refrain from doing anything that constitutes consent. They don't unilaterally involve themselves with the government, and as a result, it turns out the government cannot unilaterally involve itself with them.


 Evil is weak. You do not need awe-inspiring weapons to defeat it. A single smirk will usually suffice.  

 Tragically, the fight between good vs. evil is not nearly as grand as evil (bibbles/hollwood) would lead you to believe. It's more like the battle between you and a trash bag, as the force of gravity resists your efforts to take it to the curb. If you have not deliberately broken your own arms...


 I like the part where she's virulently feminist. An honourable woman, asked what she wants for dinner, says this: "I'm a woman, I have no idea." A feminist woman, such as this one, claims to want something very specific, at first. Conveniently, she does not expect to be directly involved in any of the violence for which she calls.

 The predicament isn't a problem, it's already solved. Sorry, men aren't providing you with porn because they don't want to. You maybe temporarily trick a few into thinking they do want to, but the key word here is temporarily, along with few and maybe. Uppity of you to demand more.

 Ultimately, tyranny can't be considered oppression. If the livestock didn't want to be oppressed, they could wake up, get a cup of coffee, and...just...stop. Propaganda exists because there is great demand for propaganda. Herdbeasts, it seems, crave predation. They know, they accept, the purpose of their life is to be eaten. 


 That said, in a limited sense the thesis is true. If you want Satan's throne, so you can set Hell's policies, you will need extraordinary amounts of violence. Shepherds not nearly as peaceful as the hollywood portrayal. However, given it costs pennies to be free of Satan, to render Hell's policies irrelevant, you will find that only someone more evil than Satan cares enough to buy the ability to out-lie Satan and seize the throne. Anyone sitting on the throne, or even where Satan's right hand used to be, used extraordinary amounts of violence to get there is and is hardly shy about using more.
 Non-cooperator wants to encourage a non-cooperator...what a coincidence. "Use defection that matches my tastes, rather than defection that doesn't," she says, stridently. 

 There is no way to stop replacement migration without a civil war. 

 You know who the main constituency for replacement is? BOOMERS. 

 Their Medicare, Social Security, and home prices depend on infinite migration 

 The only way to stop Replacement and DEI is a hot civil war, lasting decades, with millions of young dead from combat and millions of old dead from want of Medicare. 

 That's it. 

 There's no way with current demographics to keep Boomer entitlements without LITERALLY INFINITE MIGRATION 

 (the migrants themselves are a net negative, they never become net taxpayers. Each new one just kicks the can down the road... but if that can get's kicked far enough your boomer parents will get to die before the bill is due, and you'll be left with 10x the problems when the shooting starts)


 Keeping mind that rome had this exact problem, and solved it by erasing their economy with inflation, suffering a plague, deleting their legacy genes, and collapsing into the dark ages...
 and italy has never really left their dark ages, because deleted genes don't come back...

 Yes, that's correct. For example, home prices are completely dependent on immigration. Suburbs charge less in tax than they cost. To cover the difference and afford maintenance, the town draws federal subsidies (money printing, inflation) for new neighbourhoods and skims some off the top to pay for maintenance of old neighbourhoods. Ponzi, with the Fed at the top. Conveniently this means they need to buy undermarket contractors to build the new neighbourhood, which means it breaks down faster, and they need to make two new neighbourhoods, far faster than even a 12 TFR would call for, so they can skim off the top for maintenance again. 

 Without immigration, property tax would have to go up by at least 50%. Everyone would sell their homes, crashing both population density and property evaluations, meaning everyone left would need to pay 300% tax to afford power/water maintenance, which means more would have to sell their homes, which means....
 This is why, even if black government water and power service is currently working for you, you don't want it. It causes infinity immigration. If you're lucky. When the government offers you a service, refuse. Violently, if necessary. "Muh roads" your roads are costing you more than they're worth. You would be far better off with no roads than with a road-provided government. 

 Presumably medicaid works the same way. The program is administered by the state, and the funding is per-capita. Or something much more convoluted that basically works the same way: to get more money, to pay for the sicker degenerates produced by christian nations, they need more young, healthy immigrants. Whether the immigrants in fact work or pay for the system is irrelevant, because the Fed is at the top. 

 Nobody at social security keeps track of your contributions. It's not like the contributions are there to pay for social security. Doubtless there's some arcane black magic that means the budget of the SS bureaucracy is based on pure population numbers. It's not that the immigrants are paying, and certainly not that they're net paying, it's politics. In this case, manipulating procedural outcomes such that line go up means accumulating more livestock. America turned away from private systems, therefore, this happens.

 Finally, some of the immigrants do pay taxes, and the IRS cares about absolute tax receipts. In particular, the IRS does not care about government expenses, secondarily because it's not their department, primarily because they care due to embezzlement. The more taxes, the more they can skim off the top without being too obvious about it.
 You can tell IRS agents embezzle because one or two dozen IRS agents are not guillotined for embezzlement every year. Whether they try is not in question, the only question is whether anyone stops them, and the answer is no.
 If you just love money and are totally amoral and tasteless, I highly recommend moving to america and getting a job at the IRS. Why dick around with applying for funding or doing weird quant market scams or Fed credit-default swaps when you can get the dosh directly from the faucet? No amount of money would be enough to induce me to voluntarily associate with tax farmers, but if their characters don't bother you, there's absolutely no reason to work anywhere else.


rezzealaux said...

past week i've read a lot of new manga. normally my commentary would be centered around how one story is very good, but then normally i'd only read one story every several months. there were two that were very good, but what struck me more was the range of quality and the amount of things that differed from one story to the next (even though ~all of them are Adaptation Drama Isekai).

https://mangadex. org/title/0346b0eb-d56a-4b69-af71-5cf283792372/madougushi-dahliya-wa-utsumukanai-kyou-kara-jiyuu-na-shokunin-life

this short one which got axed (apparently LN/WN continue) i read half of and thought i only read only a quarter because nothing happened. the cover image there is I Am Woman Hear Me Roar, the manga itself has nothing of the sort happening. things happen *around her, and she reacts. if she has an idea, it's copied from modernity, if she has social problems, it's handled by her friends, if it's moral lessons, it's other characters talking about her father did this her father did that. the main character does nothing that changes anything.

i didn't get mad because it was silly. the useful model of isekai seems to be, "if you had everything you wanted, what would you do?". it turns out there's some pretty good answers to this. it doesn't have to be a power fantasy. but apparently it can be a powerless fantasy too.

then i watched atrioc on cnbc on chinese lithium cars and i didn't get mad at that either because that was silly. every single concept they deployed was wrong. it occurred to me the reason why i normally get mad is i normally spend a lot of time around twitter/4chan, who are one step away from journalists. whatever journalists say, they disagree on one, or two, or three, or maybe four things. it's like how most browsers today are just chrome, or like how atheism is just christianity. they turn a few switches off and make a big deal about it. "You should have these switches off!" admits, in reverse, that on every other switch, the other guy is correct. but they're not correct. it is possible to just up and change everything. even if it's expensive and infeasible, the awareness of that possibility makes sanctimony irrelevant.

the thing you linked.. i don't think i would've gotten the same conclusion if i had just read it directly? maybe it's similar enough? no, i suppose there are some important things missing. at first i was wondering if you had linked the wrong thing.

i wouldn't have identified that this is a woman-or-spiritual-woman writing. 'wow he's criticizing The Matriarchy, he must be a man!'. the hamlet quote was the thing that stuck out to me most, "“Finding quarrel even in a straw, when honor’s at the stake”" this isn't a statement about achieving objectives. it isn't even a statement about death. it's a statement about bickering. "Bickering Good, Violent Bickering Better". maybe, just maybe, the reason why only 1 man in 17 reproduced, is because they weren't even trying to reproduce. 'so you're saying violence is not the answer and that means you're sheep' i think it's notable the soyjak deployed is not in ridicule but a stand-in for the author's own face.

is there a term for this? ability to deploy violence has significantly greater utility than its deployment. 'if you can machinegun immigrants coming across the border, you won't need to machinegun immigrants coming across the border'. you do have to get to the ability and maintain it, but the entire world balance changes after that, the 'efficiency' goes straight to infinity, and the new free energy can be deployed to previously unforseeable things. this is like a dimwit inversion. 'if being able to do it is good, doing it and doing it a lot is gooderer'. oh. it's just strivers again. bureaucrats = rats = strivers. strivers: sanctimonious edition.

well that was easy.

rezzealaux said...

i figured it out. there is no term for a thing's efficiency going to infinity. economists are bureaucrats; the other things beyond the thing have to be 'priced in' first and then the efficiency number is recalculated for the whole.

this is how bubbles happen, those other things get priced in long before they occur, and then there's a big crash any time things don't happen according to predictions, even if the actual output is still increasing.

neuro/neuroticism is self-knowledge, that priced-in expectations of high growth leads to more pricing in of more expectations of more high growth, and that such a thing will eventually fail to occur.

Alrenous said...

"is there a term for this? ability to deploy violence has significantly greater utility than its deployment"
Yes! The meek shall inherit the earth. JBP rightly points out the original line refers to those who have violence but don't have to use it. (Someone who doesn't use violence because they can't is an irrelevant weakling - the author, and their readers, automatically discarded them from consideration.)

Also, revenge is sour. The condition of machinegunning immigrants trying to cross the border is that the immigrants already know better than to try to cross the border.

P.S. Hey now! Sometimes twits turn switches on instead off!


Nobody hates women as much as feminists. Nobody hates the matriarchy as much as women. part because nobody hates women as much as other women, and routinely putting women under each other's authority is a war crime.

P.P.S. Legalize homicide. Outlawing homicide is quite possibly the very worst form of tyranny.

rezzealaux said...

wowex re: term
of course, they think it's a bad thing"

it occurs to me more importantly than thinking it's a bad thing, economists frame it from the pov of consumption. similarly, "induced demand" frames it from the pov of demand.
i have arrived here from the exact opposite direction. possibly because i am a.. producer. i don't like that word. or the word supplier for that matter. it reminds me of the other term women use: "provider". ugly. these are probably also ideas only bureaucrats could imagine.

“Asking for a friend:
Why does Russia get Zircon hypersonic missiles and Ukraine still needs to beg for fucking bullets and artillery shells?”

“I love the implication here that someone *gave* Russia those missiles, because that’s the only way these people can conceptualize how someone acquires things. Steal, whore yourself out or beg until given for free”

Anonymous said...

Catgirl Kulak is a guy

Anonymous said...

Read the above as Catgirl Kulak is gay. KOL.

Alrenous said...

Prey thinking.

"Who let Russia into the hypersonic zircon pasture? While only letting Ukaine into the shells and bullets pasture?"
Grass just grows. Just happens. The only question is whether the alpha pushes you off the fun grass or not.

They have to use provider or supplier because the term creator invokes the divine.
At best they have to profane the word by modifying it with [content], a word for the inside of a box.
"I provided or supplied it...but where did I get it, lol?" Also, uh, did anyone pay for the supplies...

>""if you had everything you wanted, what would you do?". it turns out there's some pretty good answers to this. "

That does sound appealing.

Alrenous said...

P.S. Jevon's [[[paradox]]] is this: when something is cheap, customers buy more of it.
That whole wiki article could be one sentence. Clown world strikes again; it is to laugh. Lower prices means higher demand, which drives higher supply. Turns out more buyers find a $10 purchase is worthwhile than a $20 purchase of the same good.
How paradoxical.
Anyone here who thought clown world wasn't fully installed by 1865?