Sunday, August 25, 2024

Tofu Men Create Hard Times, Jello Men Create Harder Times

 Black government cannot allow men to be hard. Indeed men have to already be soft to permit a black government. More on this in a bit.


 Your wife will never really believe in you unless she sees you beat up a violent man in front of her. This is one of the reasons women are inherently polygynous. Like, you can beat up the guy everyone else already beat up, but he doesn't count as violent or whatever. Beating up the local hobo doesn't disgust the woman because she's [[compassionate]] it disgusts her that you think this is a worthy offering - the [[compassion]] is an excuse she uses due to her omnipresent terror.
 Take some risks, coward. A risk as far as the woman can tell, anyway. You at least have to beat up someone new, which means at most half of men can get a willing woman. 

 Traditionally the solution is to not listen to women. What do they want? Who cares?


 Theoretically you could make friends with a guy in the next town over. Go take a dive in a boxing match with him, then he comes to your town and takes a dive in a boxing match with you. In front of the respective balls-and-chain, it goes without saying. In the long term women would hear about the habit, and that would likely spell its doom. Theoretically men could keep the's not logically impossible or anything...but have you met a man, lol? At best you would get an arms race, with women knowing all boxing matches are rigged, so you do a sprint or something, then...


 When Democracy proposed that women be allowed a seat at the table, men were too soft. They should have simply said, "Nobody does or should care what women say, or otherwise indicate, they want." Then, because we all already know argument wouldn't have worked, beat the shit out of everyone proposing it. If anyone saying that stuff had all their teeth, fix it ASAP. (Both of these things make women wet, btw.) Also, get a pope so randos aren't allowed to say things, wtf. 

 Tofu men accept a black government, and create hard times. Hard times create jello men, who create harder times, unable to even afford the parasite. Harder times make tofu men, who create hard times. 

 If the 19th amendment didn't exist, voters would have to invent it. Oh wait, they really did. There is a mild inflection point...before 1920. E.g. NAACP formed 1909, and that's when black bastardy started going up. Men were already voting like women. Letting single moms vote is a scapegoat. Men can say they voted for McCain or whoever, without losing that sweet sweet whipping from daddy government.
 Were the 19th repealed (lol) men would have to start openly voting like women, and have nobody to blame. Real awkward for everyone. Super cringe.
 Last Psych: blame is defence against change. When you blame you openly state your intention to do nothing about it. Burger voters blame the 19th so they can continue suffering its effects. 

 P.S. Women vote for whoever the nearest man tells them to vote for. If you really wanted to repeal the 19th, you don't have to, you just have to tell women to vote differently. Tell them it's feminine to vote Ron Paul or whatever. As you already know, they've done dumber shit already. Make 'em vote for a horse, or a deer. A desk lamp, maybe. Not even vaguely a stretch. They can flip-flop on [just a flu], they can flip-flop on trump.

 Jello men love harder times. Harder, harder, baby. Their prayers will be answered until it's so hard they literally die, leaving only the atavistic tofu men.


rezzealaux said...

about a month ago i noticed "great" men don't do "great" things. not from their perspective (which is the only one that matters: it's the one making things happen). they may have estimates, but what they really do is unknown things. unknown things, strictly speaking, have no scale. they cannot be great because they have not been measured. greatness is an observer concept, something said about men who deal with unknowns, if the thing they dealt with this time happens to be bigger than whatever the observer has decided to compare it to. other times they don't look great at all, which is why "great" men also get into pointless bar fights.

wow this comment box can't be resized, gay.

about a week ago with a lot of effort laxeris finally got through to me this concept he's been trying to convince me of for two years (though he's been aware of it for six), which he summarizes as "in the filth it will be found". wherever difficulty is, is the way forward: the place you need to go next in the videogame is going to have more/harder enemies. for many reasons this didn't get through, the last of which (so probably the most important of which) was there were several component concepts that pointed at each other, so i needed to nail them all down simultaneously.

one of the things i noticed yesterday was i autosabotage after achieving new things. i want to think of the thing i did (or myself) as great. this can only become true if i make myself below what i am, by forgetting how i did it or by introducing new requirements where there once were none. this notified me that narcissism and depression are the same thing: TLP's

"If I were Kim Kardashian, then I would be able to do X!" is NOT envy, flip it over and read the redacted obverse: "Only Kim Kardsahians can do X -- therefore it's not my fault that I can't!"

only, where "I" and "Kim Kardashian" are the same person at the same time.

for me i now have enough experience or happen to have the correct framing to notice the reason why i wanted greatness is because i thought it meant getting what i want - thus, every time i did get what i want, i also summoned the greatness concept. but it's not true. getting what i want involves not being "great", but becoming "filthy" rich, which is achievable simply by doing what i want. the difference between taxing everyone at 100% and owning everything, and taking the world on an adventure and going beyond the wildest dreams.

Alrenous said...

Ah, yes. To you or me, Hercules lifting a 1000-pound rock is heroic. To Hercules, it's tuesday. It's the normal size of rock that he lifts. It takes him about as much effort as a normal person lifting a 90-pound rock.
That is, the 90 pound accomplishment is of a size of the normal person
And the 1000 pound accomplishment is of a size with Hercules.

IRL the way forward is challenging because you have (and someone else has) already gone everywhere easy.


Btw quick internet-sanitization tip. If you're dumb enough (like me) to type stuff directly into the comment box, at least ctrl-a ctrl-c occasionally, so when it eats your comment you have a backup.

Alrenous said...

In particular, the way forward is in a challenging place, but challenging places aren't necessarily worthwhile. It's a selection effect - everything you haven't tried will naturally be more difficult, in one way or another, than everything you have tried.

Alrenous said...

Is this the slave line you wanted?

" A lord breeding with a slave or criminal is necrophilia."

rezzealaux said...

the model i used was magellan and drake, men who did not know the size of the stone. com/watch?v=er4CMhp6hqc
"the greatness of magellan and drake are also an illusion. 'entered an ocean unknown' is strictly speaking not correct. we know there's the pacific ocean there now, and it looks bigger because the yellow line exits frame to the left. but magellan had no idea. previously a guy discovered there was a body of water on the other side at panama, and called it the South Seas. horizon distance at ground level is ~3 miles. magellan rounded the tip of argentina. for all he knew there was even more land on the other side.
"unknown" is not equivalent to "very big"
strictly speaking. "unknown" has no measurement. it has no scale.
"unknown" is trained to be modelled as extremely large and powerful, so people defer to the state, i.e., any discoveries are handed over to the master. it's practiced trauma.
this training is arbitrary. the opposite training can be imposed just as arbitrarily."

i normally type things out in notepad++ first, though maybe i do it less than i think. fixed box size input is like.. 2002 tech. but everythings round and sans serif like 2022.

the slave lines i was looking for included something about, if you bang your slave girls, they will resent you for overstepping your bounds. obviously it can cause troubles for the lord from other lords, and i remember vaguely the genetic sort of argument from the genocide is better than banging conquered peoples, but i can't remember why the slave girl would resent the lord. it was a pretty well thought out simulation. it didn't reference hypergamy or modernity at all.

Alrenous said...

Maybe it was on twitter. Clearly a muse said it through me, rather than me saying it for myself.

Was it something about slaves demanding oppression, and getting favours from the lord, in return for sexual favours, relieves the oppression they want?
Maybe something something prostitution?

rezzealaux said...

i don't think so

Alrenous said...

Accepting the task of lifting a stone of unknown size is itself a task of known size.

Attempting a possibly-great task, of unknown size, isn't great to a great man. It's prosaic.