Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Hitler's National Communists

 Socialism is bit-for-bit identical to Communism. Literally the same. Hitler ran the National Communist party of germany. 

 Stalin was Fascist. Hitler was a Communist. It's the same picture.

 The differences between soviet Communism and nazi Communism are minuscule, of interest only to specialists and obsessed schizos. One exception: national Communism vs. international (catholic) Communism, the latter being dramatically more coherent, thus having more integrity. 

 The italians were also Communist. America still is Communist. It's all radical leftism, and all has been for 300 years at least. Bismarck was a leftist, romanov was a leftist, cromwell was a leftist, etc etc. 

 "Democracy is the worst form of government, not including ones we haven't tried." Didn't try waterlogged damsels hucking claymores at passers-by, that's better than Democracy. Didn't try consulting ox entrails or taking enormous doses of drugs and interpreting the delirium, either better than Democracy.


Anonymous said...

If Jews are running it then its communism, which means they're killing off the non-jews and replacing them with jews. Otherwise its only socialism. So China is socialist not communist. But America is communist.

Alrenous said...

How is worshipping satan working out for you

jondough said...

Help, help, I'm being repressed!
(…check, working as planned…)

Alrenous said...

Yeah they changed the comment system, and I am also being repressed.