Saturday, August 17, 2024

Dancing on the Gossip Network

 Midwit twitter rightists less-leftists are currently counter-signalling intelligence. A barely-veiled confession. They're Communists who hate excellence for the usual biotrash reasons. 

 We can applaud them for having nonzero restraint. Unlike more-leftists, they do the monkey dance occasionally, instead of every day. 

 Unfortunately, restraint is merely stylistic. They get the society they deserve. (Where is your king? What is his name?) 


 It's important to have the highest tier of intelligence. Everyone reacts to disagreement by concluding the disagreement comes from stupidity or evil. If you're at the highest tier of intelligence, this is not false - it really is because they're dumb. Assuming someone smarter than you is in fact stupider is undiluted Satanism, clown world. Species who are not children of Satan don't assume all disagreement comes from stupidity or equivalents.  


 ("Introducing his royal highness Lol, king of Clownworld!") 

 Even someone at the highest tier can make mistakes. Not to mention [smart] in mortal terms is still laughably stupid in absolute terms. There's nothing stopping a problem from being overwhelming even to the most capable mortal brain alive. 

 This is why it's important to do the science thing and doubt what is said. Go check. Watch them acting as it is said they act.

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