Sunday, August 11, 2024

Extreme Dark Truths: On Reincarnation

 Speaking about this used to be forbidden, because the knowledge itself is so corrosive. I dunno what changed, but here we go. Consider skipping this post if your hazmat isn't S-tier.

 For the most part, what happens to the mortal soul on death is the same thing that happens to the body: reduction to atomic component parts, getting spread around, and reconstitution into components of various new beings. The physical converges on the spiritual.
 The soul dust still won't accept that it's dead, so out of a sea of dust - a [[lifestream]] even - somewhere during pregnancy a new soul will be scooped up and sintered together, that it might pretend to be a person.

 In one way, it makes sense that mortals feel at war with themselves so much - they're actually dozens or hundreds of different people.
 In another way, it's weird. An immortal's contains enough soul-stuff for millions or billions of mortal-sized souls. Normal for whole countries to be filled with the remains of one individual. If you feel incomplete, it might be because you're the reincarnation of someone's spleen. "Where's the rest of the organs?" Maybe mixed with some finger bone or something. Nothing to go to war about, tho.

 Only in very rare cases will a soul remain partly or wholly intact long enough to be born again. Typically this is due to coincidental creation of a coherent being. However, it is also [possible] to deliberately craft a coherent soul. 

 That a soul manages to be born a second time is far from a guarantee it will manage a third.
 Even if they do, what's the point? They're still dead. The fundamental problem remains.
 No amount of [spiritual growth] can turn dead into not-dead. Also, the dead can't grow, that's what makes it dead. 


 There is sort of an exception. Immortals, being big, can drag living things into the underworld with them when they fall. Typically the fall kills it anyway, but not always. If it is gathered into a soul, although small it won't technically be a mortal soul. Won't follow mortal rules. 

 Coincidentally getting a coherent mortal soul is something on the order of 1%. The genuine living soul fraction so small I can't reasonably measure it beyond being [higher than 0]. 0.1%? 0.01%? Yeah the mortals will look like NPCs to them.


 There's nothing stopping a non-mortal soul shoving itself or part of itself into a mortal vessel, though typically this has to happen between conception and when the brain boots up for the first time. The sensation of the soul being fused to the vessel is a unique rush. 

 Nothing stopping it aside from having only very niche uses. I did a reading and it says there's currently four total. Caveat: I can't be considered literate in Enochian, so who knows what the thing in fact says. 

 P.S. I figured out what changed.


Krakowiak said...

Does this mean you really write for three people?

Alrenous said...

Generous of you to put it as high as three.

rezzealaux said...

i dont see whats dark about this

Alrenous said...

probably for the best