Saturday, August 17, 2024

Liars and PostScript: Bloody Peasants & Making Twitter Right-Wing

 Bloody peasants. Real life: "You're not a briton?" Retainer gets off his horse, draws his sword, decapitates the loudmouthed idiot. Turns and kneels. "Sire, I have defeated the invader. Albion's borders are once again secure." "Good work, sir whatshisname." Almost all liars can be defeated by listening to them carefully and believing them.
 "So who else isn't a briton?" 

Liars depend on being unbelievable at some level. It is critical that you take it for granted that they aren't trustworthy, or their lie will fail. 

 "Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed!"

 " are we supposed to stop him repressing you without using violence, tho? This system of [help] seems flawed." 

 Hey guys, I wonder if supreme executive power doesn't in fact come from a [mandate], whatever that is, and isn't related to the masses in any way? Arthur is treating this moron like an inferior because it's automatically obvious that he's an inferior.


 "Civil rights will improve the lot of the negro." If someone says that seriously, you don't go, "Ah, but sir, I believe you're mistaken." You have them committed. Instant impeachment for dramatic levels of incompetence. " you have schizophrenia? That's quite the hallucination. Come along now...we have a nice long-sleeved white jacket for you...."

 You can only take it remotely seriously if you start with the proposition that they can't possibly be serious.
 That is: you can't con an honest man. Revenge is sour: if you're not already batshit insane, lying doesn't work on you. 

 "Global warming will roast the planet if I don't give you all my money and power? I'm going to keep my money and power, since I'm roasted either way, but global warming takes time and you're trying to rob me blind right now." 

 It just doesn't fucking work.


 "These weren't riots? They were mostly peaceful? Neat. Next time I'm at your house party, I'll be sure to be mostly peaceful." Haha, whoops. "Oh geeze I mostly peaceful'd your house all the way to the ground. Do I get a six million dollar mansion for doing it, the way BLM does?" 


 Specifically, if you believe that the liar believes what they're saying, it's foolproof way to defeat the liar. 

 "Trump said nazis were fine people."

 "Hey trump, what do you think about nazis?"

 Rumbled. Schizophrenia again. Have a nice trip to the sanitarium...

 "This video proves it!"

 "You think news agencies are trustworthy? I'm so sorry. My deepest condolences."
 "Let me put a grey checkmark on your twitter profile, you know, like the grey lady. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Being associated with the jew york slimes?" 


 God, can you imagine real twitter? Every time someone goes all [team sports], they involuntarily get that team's flag stapled to their display name? "I see you're pushing DNC talking points. Here's a lovely DNC badge for you! Hooray!"
 "Another Ukraine account associated with the CIA. You're proud of your connections, right? Proud to be getting paid by USG? I hope so, because it's going on your permanent record."
 Report: user is using false flags. "Thanks for reporting this user. Their team flags have been corrected." 

 Force every group to publish a manifesto so there's an objective way to determine who is on their team, lol. If they refuse to publish one, conclude they have no desires and don't need to speak. "I'm helping! You don't want anything, engaging in these debates is a waste of your time. Bad for you! Shut up now, rofl!" 

 I've suggested an explicitly hierarchical social medium before, come to think. Re-invented my own take on the wheel...

 Is it possible for lies to make sense internally? Maybe if you're very careless. I can't think of an example.
 Do you get it? Internally. You hardly need fact checks, the lie disproves itself. 

 "You too can save the planet, for only a small contribution..."

 "Oh excuse me, you don't want to say that, it's how scams work. Stranger charity is ineffective 100% of the time."
 "I'm going to have to revoke all your business licenses, you're now blacklisted for incompetence. Can't even recognize a scam when you're about to run one."


 "Black lives matter? Matter to whom? In what way?"

 "Oh you're trying to save black lives? Cool, we'll get started on shutting down BLM ASAP! Hope it doesn't take too long, we have to get around to repealing civil rights!" 

 "I didn't mean it that way!"

 "Yeah, I know. I know you don't mean the words that come out of your mouth. You're a putrid sack of lying shit." 

 Like...class action lawsuit, on behalf of blacks, against the government, for refusing to designate ethnic-cleansing organization BLM as a terrorist organization and anti-black hate group. What are they going to do, admit it's okay to kill blacks as long as other blacks are doing it? When you try to cite FBI statistics and the FBI seals the files, hire a PR firm to tell everyone the FBI sealed which files and why. Every lie is a critical weakness.

 Unless the population has demand for propaganda, of course. If lies are abundant because demand for lies is high, and demand for truth is negative at best. You can't con an honest man, ergo, a conned man is not honest. He's not being fooled, he's lying to himself. And you can take advantage of that too, it merely takes two steps instead of one. Secure your shit, short their stock. Their lies create handy blind spots you can comfortably stand in.



 Basically the black government tries to make it illegal to speak the truth, then alleged dissidents try to "disprove" the lies with different lies instead of the truth. Functionally dissidents uphold the legitimacy of the black government, and uphold the legitimacy of the original liars, suggesting that they're debating in good faith.

 Imagine a twitter where not only do organizations have to publish a manifesto, but users can't join twitter per se - they have to explicitly subordinate themselves to one of these explicit manifestos, and they all have custom nametags. Clans, loool. Musk's job as over-manifesto is to police the manifestos, forcing organizations to update the planks if their message doesn't match. As determined by who they don't kick out of their organization, basically.
 You might call it formalism, lel.
 You can't imagine the outrage. How dare musk force us to uphold our own words! So many deviant strategies, gone, like tears in the rain....

 I wonder what flags the bots and porn stars would pick, teehee. 

 The false manifesto musk would write for the ""far"" right would also be amusing.
 "I never said that."
 "Yeah you did, right here."
 "That's a ridiculous interpretation." (Even the left agrees it's ridiculous, btw.)
 "Fuck you, 40 billion."
 Whelp. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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