Sunday, August 4, 2024

Normies Tricked Me, I Thought They're Not Boneheads

 You got me, commoners. Point for you. You successfully faked learning well enough that I mistook it for genuine learning. It was just rearranging deck chairs, lol, and I had no idea. And I was told about it. TFW POV: you're a fucking moron.

 Nearly everyone's brain ossifies around 18. 99%+. They like the [[familiar]] because they literally can't think anything new. Any cogitation they didn't cogitate before ossification is incomprehensible to them. The brain is bone from ear to ear. 


 E.g. videogames means minecraft and call of duty because they played those as subaldults.
 E.g. music peaked during [period of teenagerhood] because they cannot listen to music that happened before or after that. Might as well not exist except as random noise.

 High IQ not only lets you meaningfully encounter more things before ~18, high enough IQ prevents ossification. 


 This is why computer files have to be paper files. They had to be transmuted to something the target population already understood, because they're incapable of understanding anything new. 

 You can partially fix this by passing flexible models to children. If they have ideas with lots of moving parts, the parts can move around to accommodate new situations. However, after childhood, the flexibility itself is fixed. No new joints or cogs.

 This is primarily why mortals have such long childhoods. Genuinely cannot learn anything after childhood. They can only refine execution and start to disregard delusions. As a result, to mitigate this crippling defect, they extend childhood for as long as possible, to gather as much raw material as they can afford. 

 Amusingly the infantilization of school does nothing to this developmental window. Don't worry: the scam is a total scam. It merely means you have ossified adults irresponsibly playing around as if they're children. 
 No wait, there's more: the child never encounters responsibility, and can't into responsibility as an adult. Tee hee, how did that happen. 

 If you do have a properly high IQ, there's no rush. Don't have to cram as much as possible into childhood, because in a sense geniuses are all peter pan. They never suffer this catastrophic maiming called [growing up]. Repeat more childhood as necessary.


 The phenomenon of conversion fanaticism is related to a crisis temporarily re-enabling plasticity. The convert has a very limited window to learn the new ideas and has to learn very simplified, basic, flat versions of the doctrine or they'll run out of time. (That and the old ideas are still in there and have to be suppressed, apparently by shouting them down.)

 Before ossification, everything is kinda flimsy. A bit jellolike. After ossification, you're supposed to be doing, not learning. Execute on what is known, trying to do it as well as possible, rather than trying to learn and integrate some superfluous, extraneous nonsense.
 I mean, how long does it take to learn to hunt a mammoth? Don't get fancy. You already know what to do. Hunt the mammoth already.*

 The best part is when you get foreigners together. Reminder that races aren't real - even someone from the next town over can be a foreigner. On (e.g. twitter) they both try to [correct] the other to be the [right] kind of adult, except neither can meaningfully change their mind about anything. Completely futile.
 Except they never encountered the idea of a stranger as a foreigner as a child, so they think anyone who isn't wholly in conformity must be a child. An ignorant child is the only idea they have that can accommodate disagreement. They both keep trying to [parent] the [wayward child] until something explodes and releases the magic smoke. 

 *There's a distinct limit after which you're gilding the lily at best. It's not rocket science.

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