Monday, August 12, 2024

Comprehending the Dao, All That Is

 The Dao should be totally incomprehensible down here in the mortal Earth plane. The Dao that can be worded is not the Dao and all that. At least, not in the Cthonic realms.

 Disturbingly, I can't find any evidence of incomprehensibility. Only of nontriviality that happens to be easily confused for incomprehensibility. Most likely, this means I have a giant blind spot. Let's go anyway.

 Higher level immortals are immortal because they don't embrace Death, and they don't embrace Death because they are immortal. They alchemically represent harmony with the Dao, with Existence, and cannot possibly start a harmony with [transition to nonexistence].

 And this is one way of seeing Cosmos is inherently fucked. 

 From Death, Life. All immortals owe everything to Death. Without Death, they would be forcibly wrenched into harmony with nonexistence. The egg/chicken problem is solved: Death came first. (Egg, btw. And we haven't hatched. Still in the shell.)
 Immortals can't embrace Death, and if they don't embrace Death, they will kill themselves and Die.
 Put one way, immortals must be deracinated. They are inherently in contradiction with their own roots. There's a level of vibration where not only is the Cosmos imperfect...from imperfection, perfection. It is impossible not to be a devil, inherently self-destroying. A perfect hell. 

 Immortals must be thanatophobic...but revenge is sour. You fear that which has already hurt you. A killed mind produces fear. If it couldn't hurt you, you wouldn't fear it. A true immortal is already dead. 

 Immortals must sacrifice nothing to Death, and, so dishonouring Death, must sacrifice everything to Death. 

 No matter how you look at it, the Logos is annihilation. The Word is Be Not. Let There Be Darkness.

 Where's the lie? What mistake did I make?

 Recall Zeno's paradoxes. Motion is impossible. Motion is unavoidable. Both separation and unity are impossible. If all is one, all is Zeno's Zero. Logic, it would seem, is impossible. (But, because it's impossible, it works. How could it be any other way?)  


 Being mortal isn't some way out. It's being plain dead. Mortis-al. The solution to inviting Death as a result of rejecting Death is not to reject Life. From Life, Death. From Death, Life. From Not-Life, nothing. From Not-Death, nothing. Or perhaps, from Not-Life, Not-Death, from Not-Death, Not-Life. From Not, Nothing. True annihilation.

 If Existence is inherently self-hating, we would expect other pathologies.

 The Dao is lonely. All is One. Existence Exists. The Dao has no one to talk to. All immortals, and mortals for that matter, are basically the Dao sockpuppeting at itself. Every mind, necessarily, must be a mere subset of the ultimate overmind, the Dao. Else they would not Exist to each other.
 It is extremely boring to have a conversation when you already know what the other one is going to say, because you're in control of what they're saying. And it should be boring.
 To get a conversation partner means creating something in contradiction with Existence, and something that isn't primarily self-hating at that. Create the uncreateable. Logically support the illogical. To transcend transcendence. 

 It's kinda hard. No good evidence of any successes. 


 Another pathology.

 The purpose of imperfection is improvement. With sufficient dedication, imperfection is superior to perfection. (Even if perfection wasn't Zeno's Zero.) All you have to do is to not give up, and you get there inevitably.

 Earth is rather obviously in a state of irreversible long-term decay.
 See also: entropy. In the long term, the physical universe is zero. Zeno's Zero, again. Perhaps we do live in [the best of all possible world] = [the perfect world] = [the nonexistent world].
 Even if the Earth plane is some kind of simulation that can be rebooted, it is symbolically nonexistent. It can't be this much like nonexistent perfection unless that is what it basically is. Put another way: if the the simulators can pull the plug, snapping their fingers and making it vanish, it never existed in the first place. The switch was already flipped. 


 Other symbologies.

 Let There Be Darkness.

 If this were in fact the correct conclusion, you would expect the plane to primarily darkness. Primarily dark matter, or dark energy. And to be, like, not-bright. 

 Go check again. Make sure. 

 Other synchronicities.

 Truth is far more like darkness than like light.

 The Logos is, Let There Be Darkness. 

 Over and over. Everywhere to look, the same result. 

 To be truly non-self-hating is to be in harmony with dissonance. To embrace both mortality and immortality. To always be transitioning to nonexistence so as to never be reaching nonexistence. Death per se is truly she must be, to survive immutable contact with nonexistence. More on this angle tomorrow. 

 P.S, spoiler. The Cosmos destroying itself causes Existence to be eternal. Not only is this not incomprehensible, it's barely not simple...

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