Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Generations Viewed Through the Comment Box

 Lately online comments are far less toxic. Turns out yelling random insults at strangers online is, like, not good. Who knew. Whomst amongst us. 

 There was tons of bullying in boomer schools because boomers are behaviour disorder: the generation. They were badly behaved children who grew up to be badly behaved adults grownups non-minors, and are still behaving badly. "Rough talk is normal among male friends." Sure, so why are you treating total strangers that way, lel? "I have known this guy for ten seconds, time to call him a faggit. I'm sure he knows I'm not totally serious."

 Instead, zoomers are startlingly lame. They think if everyone trusted and liked the government, everything would be fine. The [outta be a law] boomerism but less strident and more petulant. "If only companies followed the regulations." (lol) Didn't like gen x cynicism, so they decided to be gullible conformists, because that's definitely the opposite of cynicism.

 Properly naive the way children are supposed to be, I guess. Trust mommy and daddy - it's not like you have a choice, lmao. Especially since they don't have both a mommy and a daddy, and have no choice but to rely on daddy DC.
 The issue is that nobody is following the rules the way they're supposed to. Yeah that's it. 


knower said...

Its because you'll get banned on twitter or facebook, or lose your youtube account for mean comments. And here the cptchas slow people down, and that 50% of the yime google bligs says it couldn't post the comment just because they're shit.

Alrenous said...

I've turned captchas off.
In fact it was already off, but I turned it off again.