Saturday, August 10, 2024

On Men Saving Women

 The female experience is growing up believing that someone is coming to save you only to realize that “savior” is the thing most likely to destroy you

 "I rejected the guy who offered to save me for payment, in favour of the guy who offered to save me for free. Because transactional relationships are icky!!1! It didn't work out for me...😭"

 "You got what you paid for? I.e. less than nothing? That's so unfair girl! I, too, hate my father! Therefore, all men bad!"


 More precisely, if he expects to be paid for saving you, he's not a [saviour] now is he. He's a regular soldier-type person thing. These women want a [[saviour]] though. Because I'm worth it. Life is intrinsically valuable, see. Holding all the superstitions you're supposed to hold. It would work fine if it wasn't for those mean nasty nonconformist men. 

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