Thursday, August 15, 2024

Defund Washington

 America is in fact between 200 and 1500 kingdoms, each with their own secret king. Probably a few queens, even.

 A handful of these can field a DNC president. At least 3. 

 However, these are the junior partners. The president's identity doesn't matter at all the functioning of the alliance. The electoral thing is basically a hobby. 

 They're proper election geeks who make their hobby their whole identity and lifestyle, but that doesn't mean it isn't a hobby. Yeah they have assassinations and stuff over their hobby - what, as if the nintendo vs. sony fanboys wouldn't assassinate each other if they knew a hitman? Think of the otaku sending a ninja after someone who defiled their waifu. Still a hobby, they're just freaks. 

 Come to think, that is likely the real story of JFK. "The president should be in charge of things!" "Stay in your lane." "No really, my teacher said, in civics class!" "The president serves us, we don't serve you." *bang*

 It is true that a DNC president is simply superior. Functionally, POTUS can do two things: stay out of the way, or interfere with the 0.2% of bureaucrats who have work to do. Certainly america shouldn't be involved with DC at all, but given that they are involved and do rely on it, in the short term not letting the bureaucrats do their jobs is plain bad.

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