Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Both White Dao and Black Dao Are Forces of Incomprehensible Destruction

 Both creation and Creation are acts of transcendent annihilation. 

 White Dao is cosmic mascline. Black Dao is cosmic feminine. 

 How creation and Creation works: the male, using a needle, pierces through the cosmic eggshell, Death, unleashing an infinite torrent of contradictory possibilities. The slightest breach is equivalent to infinite big bangs - an act of unfathomable destruction. A transcendence-transcending fundamental-force bomb, obliterating everything in its path by overwriting it with everything else it wasn't already. 

 The female then devours everything. -everything- Also an act of unfathomable destruction. Infinities upon infinities pour into her gullet, all identity obliterated by chewing, vanishing into her bottomless, pitiless gullet. 

 Infinity, minus infinity.
 An overproductive tube, capped by a unfillable cup.

 Oh, but the male/female seal isn't quite perfect. She leaks a bit of the male. Just a touch. Smaller than the smallest thing she can possibly perceive. Of all the infinities the male unleashed, one tiny finity, the one thing that doesn't contradict that which already Exists, manage to survive this ultimate catastrophic hell. 

 This infinity minus infinity is some particular scalar. 

 Through two acts of utter obliteration...Life. Unnoticeable to them, yet still it Exists. 

 Everything that Exists, even the Dao, even Death, came into being by destroying literally every other thing it isn't. Creation is incomprehensible unfathomable transcendent Destruction, including, very importantly, destroying unfathomability and incomprehensibility. Those two would contaminate everything and bring it back to nothingness, should they be allowed to touch anything in Existence. Transcendent antimatter: they're antilogic. (Get it? In retrospect it couldn't be more obvious.)

 You may have noticed some resonant reflections of the cosmic male and female in the material mortal female and male. 


 Put very mortally, to create something is to contradict everything that it isn't. To Realize a possibility is to Unrealize every other possible possibility. If something is blue, that means it's not red, orange, yellow, green, purple, infrared or ultraviolet. If it is one shape, it is not every other possible shape. 




 To be in healthy harmony with Creation, is necessary to simultaneously embrace Destruction. From Death, Life, from Life, Death, thus, to be truly alive is to worship death. To retain Life, one must retain Death. 

 Embracing transition to nonexistence doesn't mean embracing nonexistence itself. Embracing Destruction doesn't mean embracing the [destroyed] state of being. 

 In a sense, Existence happens between the moment White Dao unleashes everything, and Black Dao destroys it again. There's a finite distance. The process takes finite time. To properly worship Destruction is also to worship Creation, for something must first be created before it can be destroyed. Worshipping as such positions you comfortably in the middle zone; the margin which directly touches neither destruction zone.

 Death is not annihilation. Death is not nothingness. Death is not Khaos. The whole point is that Death separates Life from these things!

 The sin, then, is cosmic Preservation. It has a season: winter.  Restoration, spring, is also contrary to the natural order. To preserve is to interrupt destruction, which will in turn clog the creator, having the effect of interrupting Existence, the diametric opposite of the intended result. It is not a coincidence that all preservatives are poisons. Formaldehyde kills whatever is put into it. To restore is to attempt to reverse the flow, even worse. To make the male into female, the female into male. The only true form of restoration is RPG!necromancy, raising the dead. Nothing can be restored and it should never be attempted.

 To separate Life from the things which are truly the opposite of Life, Death and Life must be in direct contact. Intimate contact, even.
 You might even call it the Dao.
 It is fall that symbolizes Death, not winter. Autumn is the season of destruction; in winter proper, everything that can be destroyed already has been.

 In a startling real sense, the guys who said the universe is destroyed and created anew every instant were correct. When the present transitions to the past, it is perfectly annihilated. When the future transitions to the present, it is transitioning from possibility to actuality: it is being created.
 The fire is hot, so it creates future flames. Fire creates fire.
 If you want to see something in the present again in the future, what you should not do is try to preserve it. What you should not do is try to restore a version of it that was already destroyed. What you should do is create it anew.
 The door is solid, which means it is creating future doors. Fire makes fire obviously, and doors make doors nonobviously, in such a way that doors are much better at creating future doors than fire is at creating future fire. Mortals do love their upside-down perceptions.
 There's a great deal wrong with trying to preserve the mountain, because, profoundly, you can make a mountain that recreates itself. Although nothing is as adept at re-creating itself in the immediate future as Logic itself. 

 Eternal life is not achieved through reincarnation. Eternal life is not achieved through immortality. Immortals are indestructible, and that is why they are doomed. Each and every single one.

 P.S. Peacocking looks gay because it is. This is true even in peacocks, which in turn is why the feather eyes are held up by ragged spindly scawny skeletons. Cheapskates. The corruption is obvious, as it must be. The female is supposed to be the beautiful, attracting the boundless providence of the male, but spring is the season of sin, when up is down and black is white. Thus Earthly mating patterns have a habit of backsliding into perversion, the physical converging on the spiritual.
 (Seahorses are so gay the male is a passive homebody who gets pregnant, lmao.)
 Despite everything, humans genuinely are the most spiritual of animals, which is how mortals have been able to escape the trap most other animals succumb to. Mortals sometimes resonate with a global spiritual truth well enough to override the local one. To a degree. 

 P.P.S. Armour gets you killed on the battlefield almost all of the time. Because preservation is a sin.

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