Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Public School is Very Useful

 That is not clearly a world in which the Holocaust is carried out for banal reasons, by regular people, where just anyone could be one of its perpetrators.
 Milgram's experiment is confounded. What you should do is tell them the electric shocks are medicinal. It sounds like they're dying in excruciating pain, but actually it's for their own good. It will turn out okay in the end.
 Probably need to use something less cut-and-dry than electric shocks. Fleshly mortification is considered low class. Maybe use capsaicin and tell them the subjects are just being big babies. 

 Then you'll find: you live in a world where everyone sends their own children to concentration camps to be tortured by kiddy diddlers, on the daily. Public prussian prostitute pedophile school is there to reveal the truth. It worked: say thanks. Before the 1760 invention by fred the great satan, it was arguable that parents in fact cared about their kids and had their best interests in mind, but were merely incompetent or cowardly. With [[compulsory]] education you can trivially evade, it becomes indisputable: they're doing it on purpose.  

 P.S. Alex jones is indeed a clown. It's all genuinely cope, all 360 degrees.


 I suppose not all fleshly mortification considered a loser thing. Maybe tell them gender dysphoria treatments (castration/spaying) have better outcomes when used without anaesthetic, and task them with carrying new scalpels to the [[[surgeon]]] or something. See how many balk when they see his blood-spattered hand poking past the curtain, with a background refrain of agonized gasping.

 Mortification has to be considered low class so that the higher classes can continue to use it as a punishment.

 [Milgram] has an authority mismatch. The black government clearly doesn't want you doing any unauthorized torture. Certainly doesn't want you slaughtering its livestock without permission. There's no reason to think milgram has received a special dispensation. Conformity to milgram is dissidence against the state.

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