Saturday, August 31, 2024

I Think Truly Satan was The Nameless One

 Satan ni Aten was very literally the god of lies. Divinity of deception. If he ever had a proper name, his own nature forbid him from telling you. Using his true name, if any, would have been heresy against Satan, and even Satan could justly punish you for directly and deliberating profaning him. He was always stealing the names and faces of others. He was obliged to, in order to appear as anything at all.

 Likewise the seemingly nebulous motivating force behind progressivism and wokism and communism and so on keeps changing its mask. It genuinely has no true name. Conveniently for it, this means any name you give it becomes obsolete once the lies it is currently lionizing go stale and get discarded. 

 However, as always, lies are a critical weakness. Conveniently for us, there is a term for a nameless religion. It's [the nameless religion]. Fascism is the Nameless form of government. Atheism is, properly, a version of Namelessism. Perhaps one of the purest versions. 

 Progressives claim they're not marxists, who claim they're not owenists, who claim they're not merely christians, who would claim they're not atenists if anyone knew enough to accuse them of it. In a sense, they're not even wrong. The similarities do look esoteric at first glance. Wokists step it up and claim they're not wokists.
 Using Namelessism explicitly calls out this behaviour. "In this turn of fashion, are you claiming a new false name, or claiming you aren't an identifiable group?" It puts [that name is not your real name] in, front, at the centre of the frame. Every time they change their spots, you can call them out as the spot-changing theonate.

 Do you see the connection with falsehood per se? 

 1. All lies are gaslighting. The liar is trying to convince you that A is not identical to A. That A's true name is something other than A. 

 2. Atheism means, "There is no name for the thing I worship." Or, equivalently, they worship something that inherently can't be named, an absence. 

 3. There is one truth, and everything that contradicts that truth is a falsehood, meaning endless choices of dogma. As each skin rots and perishes, they can don an endless parade of new false skins. 

 "We're new!"

 "You're not. Your age is comparable to time itself." 

 "You can't pigeonhole me!"

 "A core tenet of Namelessism." 

 "We're all unique and special!"

 "You already said that. Yes, we know, there is no single Name that describes you as a whole, because your essence is directly opposed to wholes and wholesomeness." 

 "Don't discriminate!" 

 "You mean I shouldn't use distinct Names for distinct entities? I shouldn't Name the distinction?"

 Etc etc.

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