Friday, August 30, 2024

History of Monotheism

 Monotheism was invented around 3300 years ago in Egypt, by a pharaoh and his bros usually calling themselves Atenists. 


 "Hey, Aten sounds remarkably like Satan." Yes it does

 The best part is la wik going out of her way to specify it's not to be confused with atheism, as if they've read my blog and know atheism needs to fend off accusations of being Satan-worship. This is protesting too much, in the wikipedia's traditionally naive style. In much the same way, the Sophism article used to flatly disavow the link between Sophists and Democracy. Postscript: the Sophism article is now forced to admit the opposite. 


 As per the narcissist norms, Atenists immediately set about suppressing all other forms of worship. First, they instigated a rivalry with non-Atenist temples, then they used the fact they had a pharaoh to close the rival temples. They legally persecuting anyone who disagreed with them, in the manner you're almost certainly painfully, tediously familiar with. 

 Egypt responded all but perfectly: they exiled every Atenist and erased every trace of their legacy. Books status: burned. Depictions of Aten long pedate the monotheists, but the infection ultimately destroyed any respect for Aten, up to and including an architectural style that became associated with Atenism.

 Unfortunately, although also inevitably, they did not hunt down and butcher every Atenist. Instead, the exiles found a new home among the hebrews.

 At the time, hebrews were pagan as far as anyone knows. Jehovah's message and treatment were right in line with Baal's, Isis', Moloch's, Marduk's and so on. Indeed Baal is Tyr or Tiw, middle-east style. The words are titles, not names. It means divine lord.

  A few hebrews got mind-controlled by the exiled Atenists. They survived as basically a secret cult and later called themselves maccabees. These seized judea and Jehovah's religion was twisted in the characteristic Atenist way. Atenists were not truly worshipping Aten, and likewise YHWH's followers were no longer worshipping Jehovah. Speaking of painfully familiar, if you read through the wikipedia page, you'll find the tenets of Atenism are painfully familiar. Abstract sun disks, gender egalitarianism, a mary figure, and so on. 

  A main reason the snake got into genesis is because Egyptians were in the habit of wearing snakes on their hats, and the Atenists were unimaginably resentful about their loss.

 Exodus in fact tells a distorted tale of the Atenists, having little to nothing to do with full-blooded hebrews. Nobody was in fact enslaved, and certainly not as a whole ethne. The plagues allegedly suffered by Egypt are more of their resentful revenge fantasies. In Reality, it was the Atenists who suffered a god plague. It heavily contributed to their sudden failure in Egypt, due to a suspiciously improbable high death rate among their elites. 

 It is likely the plague was sent by a furious Aten. Later the hebrews were repeatedly cursed by a spurned Jehovah. E.g. several Jehovan temples were destroyed and dishonoured on account of not being consecrated to Jehovah anymore, despite semite claims to the contrary.


 Had Egypt not correctly cleansed the Amarnite infection, it would have evolved into proper full-spectrum atheism, exactly the way its successors do. 


 Atenist genes vanished into the general hebrew pool, but the hebrew religion had already been irredeemably desecrated. 

 At this point, the hebrews ran around being hebraic, and it seems this part of the story is already well-known. One exception: greece is not far from that region, and the hebrews observed the greek Sophists. They were highly impressed. They absorbed the ideas of protagoras and plato. Maccabees explicitly rejiggered Jehovah-worship along platonist lines. Updating the lies. Stuff like orphism is also uncannily modern, and it is suspicious when modern takes on greek mythology strenuously omit it.

 I'ma repeat that: judaism as it is known is a school of platonism. It's not jewish.
 Also, plato studied in Egypt, meaning platonism itself grew in the same soil that Atenism grew in.

 Hebrews continuing to admire the fashionable intellectuals of their day seems to have lead to Jesus.

 Jesus looks like a physical human to me, although the standard story is probably just wrong. Even Official histories place neither his birth nor his death at 1 AD, and I suspect even so they're significantly off. Nevertheless, it looks like he existed. Moreover, according to my personal research, he was indeed an avatar of the being who had stolen the faces of Aten and Jehovah.


 Although the old testament is horrifyingly desecrated, Satan was not a perfect being and you can see remnant flecks and fragments of the old, basically healthy worship of Jehovah. Stupid example: "Oi, don't steal from your neighbours, you twats." It's a bad sign that this doesn't go without saying...but at least it's not saying the opposite. As per Jordan B. Peterson, genesis is indeed supremely deep and sophisticated, as is typical of myths from the time. Unlike a physical egg, provided you already know the answers, you can pick out and discard the rotten parts of this curate's egg

 My educated guess is that Satan became frustrated with the corruption-resistant parts of ye olde testament, having spent centuries bashing his head against those gleaming goldbrick walls. At this point, exploiting Sophist techniques and stealing evocative motifs from his successful neighbours, he went and made a new testament. 

 It worked out great. For the father of lies.
 The new testament is curiously undesecrated. Profane, yes, corrupt, not so much. Creates a smoother reading experience. This is because it was never at any point supposed to be anything but devil-worship. Gestating atheism. It's all working as intended. There are parts that are not wholly self-hating, as Satan was still not a perfect being, but they come off as understandable missteps, little oopsies. Occasionally they are later edits, by gullible true believers who believe they're [clarifying] an earlier miswording, as they heroically try to understand how their devil-worship document is supposed to be divine.

 I suspect that broadly christians have always seen through the lies, and that's intended. A proper initiate is supposed to see through the lies precisely so that they can be re-told most effectively, rather than mindlessly repeated with no regard for the target audience. This would explain why chistians are always so fuzzy on the explicit denotations of their own creed, but have all the fine details of Satan himself picked out. They know exactly what they're supposed to be doing, and if you ask them exactly what they say they're avoiding, they'll tell you.

 Outsiders need to be tricked into worshipping hatred, but if you properly accept Satan into your heart, you can worship self-destruction most effectively, provided you outwardly claim to be condemning it. 

 The romans desecrated their own temples by accepting funding from their black government. Consequently they were seized by Satan, and ultimately replaced by his own pet religion. Consequently rome was destroyed, as Atenism and Judaism were. 

 Since the bibble was written in latin, the fall of rome caused christians to stop reading their bibble. For around 500 years, 600-1100, christianity was reverting to something comically pagan, and europe was vaguely functional.

 Mohammed lived 570-632, creating Atenism v.4.0. Can you really think, even for a second, that timing was a coincidence? Satan, having lost his foothold in the west, moved his attentions to the immediate east. 

 I think it was always intended for the new testament to evolve into something like the koran. Lies fail and must be replaced. Living document etc etc. However, the unplanned interruption made it ossify into an ancient holy text of [[wisdom]], ironically quite contrary to Satan's designs. Wokists and other modern sects claim to be anti-christian to escape the lodestone of the old, stale lies.


 In 1085 the library at toledo was seized from the muslims, releasing many greek and latin texts into european circulation. This encouraged the christian races to learn latin, which caused them to start reading their bibble again. It certainly didn't help that many Sophists were also released from quarantine. If Satan did not plant this vile seed, well, he should have. It would have been a brilliant move. The reconquista was sponsored by the father of lies, whoopsie doodle. No wonder, unlike every other crusade, it wasn't a humiliating failure. (Exciting Satan on Satan action.)

 As an example, It seems the muzzies, through their persian thralls, were the originators of courtly love in this cycle, which is where the french got the idea. Feminism can also be found at the time of Egypt's Ipuwer - oh hey look the papyrus artifact is a contemporary of the Atenists. What an unexpected coincidence that nobody could have expected.
 The french adopted courtly love immediately after ritual contamination from toledo. No more than 15 years later.

 Since 1085, european society has been suffering ever-worsening Satanism symptoms, such as demagogues leading peasant uprisings, and now including a beat-for-beat rerun of the fall of rome.

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