Friday, August 9, 2024

Was Lincoln Literally Reincarnation of Julius?

 They say history rhymes, but this is ridiculous.

 Kaisar: wins civil war permanently breaking roman republic. Has himself declared dictator for life. Assassinated less than a month later in a theatre.

 Lincoln: wins civil war permanently breaking american republic. Doesn't explicitly have himself declared dictator for life. Assassinated less than a week later in a theatre. 

 History doesn't merely repeat, it gets faster with practice.


rezzealaux said...

wouldn't reincarnations have similar faces?

Alrenous said...

They did have similar faces, and various things can interfere. 2000 years is a long time, for example.

Alrenous said...

Dude, I just checked: what are you smoking. Their faces were nearly identical.
Same hairline. Same nose. Same set of the lips. Different ears but both weird ear forms. The long gaunt aspect goes without saying.

Anyway, the conclusion that is that kaisar doesn't look nearly as romantic (lul) up close as he does thousands of years away. Though they both get cults of personality which go willfully blind about their numerous flaws, often asserting their idols are the opposite of the men who inspired them.

Quite the backhanded compliment, that part. "Yes, they are admirable provided they weren't themselves."

rezzealaux said...

photography is a pretty amazing technology.
they do have very similar lips and ears. i did not know this.
i am definitely affected heavily by hair shape.
even given these and others, "nearly identical" is not what i would say.
(my reference point is matthew perry and shinzo abe)
recently ive been made aware there really must be a lot of ways to read a face, this is another instance. which is sensible enough, everything shows up on the face, most information dense place, many ways to arrive at truth, thus must be many ways to read a face.

given the similarities in event sequence though itd be interesting to work given that they are reincarnations and work from there what amounts of difference are acceptable in looking for other sets.

this new comment system is awful.

Alrenous said...

The new comment system regularly rejects comments from me, the blog author. SF gonna SF.
Hey, do their birth charts. You don't have the time, but that should only be a minor perturbation. Are they also nearly identical, or are they related like any two random individuals?

rezzealaux said...

they don't look similar. no similar placements, no similar aspects.
but perry and abe's charts also don't look similar.
all i learned (? learned positively?) was caesar is sun cancer, which makes sense, his face does first strike me as round, and lincoln is sun aquarius, like roosevelt, which also makes sense, that kind of longness.
this reminds me that people can gain very 'different' faces over their lives.

occurs to me there might be something in the composites, composite caesar-rome, composite lincoln-america. composite charts describe the relationship between the two inputs. but this requires a date for founding of the roman republic.

Alrenous said...


Unless the relevant date is the founding of the polis of Rome.

The Republic started when tarquin got punted, 509 BC.

Anonymous said...

check out side profiles or at an angle. uncanny.