Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Horrifying Truth of Incest

 Got your dark-truth hazmat suit on? 

 Breeding women for appearance results in daughters so hot it overwhelms the anti-incest instincts of the father, and he wants to breed her. 

 In a sufficient number of cases, for various reasons, this results in incestuous breeding.

 Indeed there's nonzero evidence daughters have evolved emotional tolerance to incestuous assault. Going on so long it's part of the selective landscape. Like a psychic sickle-cell anti-anaemia mutation, see?

  Even if it doesn't result in an overt attack, she picks up on it and becomes deranged as a result. Merely perceiving sexual interest from a parent counts as sexual abuse, and it easily causes crippling scars.

 This is a specific example of the general problem with artificial selection. Breeding for one trait always causes a second trait to become maladaptive. Causes more problems than you gain in glory. 

 Naturally, this problem disproportionately afflicts the upper classes.

 Mortals are smart enough to run dysgenics but not smart enough to run a eugenic program. Smart enough to breed women for looks, not smart enough to breed men for the proper kind of sexual disgust - it doesn't even have its own name, let alone regularly rise to conscious awareness, let alone be part of the strategy.

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

i don't feel like there has been a time where you said something was a dark truth and i actually responded in horror. at the very least nothing has tripped the "definitely remember this one" filter.

this one seems obvious, though possibly because i'm familiar here through the drawing route with the stronger case. drawing uses references as a matter of reducing the number of calculations / increasing the amount/accuracy that can be achieved in a given execution. what's the best reference? one you drew, cause you directly inspected all those parts. what's the best reference for a beautiful woman? a beautiful woman you previously drew yourself.
beauty is a record of intent/actions, at birth it's a record of parents, if you pick a hot wife and you yourself are any good, your daughter will be as hot or hotter than your wife, and then she's younger too.

though, it seems "developed emotional tolerance" and "perception causes abuse" are contradictory. i think the latter is true and not the former.

actually now that i think about it i'm not sure "breeding women for appearance" is accurate. picking beautiful women is not the same as breeding women for appearance. a beautiful woman plus an ugly man makes a daughter that is uglier than her mother. i think the arms race actually is, having been a good=beautiful man, he makes a more beautiful daughter, and so the incest barrier is tested again.