Saturday, August 31, 2024

House Price vs. Due Diligence vs. Social Collapse

 House prices are brutal. My childhood home costs 3x what my parents paid in 1987 and it's not a high demand area


 Whoops, innumeracy. 

 Why does society fall? Because it allows folk who lack even basic due diligence to speak. Even lets them explicitly lead.


 Gas prices are nominally more than triple what they were in 1987. The house in question has in fact fallen in price. What level of consciousness is seeing the opposite of reality?


 That's how you get a central bank. Humans become prey. Predators eat prey. 

 If the price is brutal, it's because wages have fallen even more than the house. Partly because the post-war boom was fake (based on looting, not production), partly because the purpose of prey is to be exploited. Ask them: they'll tell you that themselves. The only thing prey violently resists is anyone telling them not to be exploited. 



 Speaking of things that are the opposite of reality, let's show a blackpill:
 "Don't worry about what's real. Your brain can't tell."
 What twits see this as: affirmation. What is actually is: surrender to Satan. Particularly pathetic now that Satan is dead. 

 Evil is weak. If you are losing to evil, you are even weaker, and deserve it.


 P.S. All three sides of WWII were Communist. Nameless government, adhering to the Nameless religion. The only [[[[war crime]]]] that matters is this one: all three sides traitorously tortured and maimed their own children.  The torture camps exist in every country in the world. Even Caino hypocriens won't submit to literal torture if they don't think it's mandatory, but it's okay, it's [[compulsory]].

 Call me when hoe math addresses the elephant in the room. lol


Anonymous said...

Please define [[ ]] and [[[[ ]]]]

I presume it's some variant of ((( )))

Alrenous said...

Thanks for the offer, but I'm good. I have faith that you can work it out yourself.