Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Consistency: History Repeats is Worse Than I Thought

 History repeats because it's working as intended. 

 Rome fell because it wanted to fall. Mission accomplished. The west got up expressly for the purpose of falling over again. 

 My congenital optimism was acting up again. 

 History is not over the way the journalist!famous guy says, but he said it because that would indeed be the solution.

 War crimes as table stakes? Yes, sort of. Still lowballing it, honestly. Have to interrupt history per se and replace it with something else, by replacing the species that makes history with a species that does something else. The only way for history to stop repeating is to interrupt demand for a repeat of history, meaning something so different it can't rightly be called history anymore.


Foster said...

Seems to me the real demand is to create empire, not to maintain one. Simply because it more fun.

Rome fell because it kicked ass so hard, they wanted a redo to experience the times were your virtues led to a positive outcome as opposed to the subsequent generations that got away with it due to the powerhouse of the system.

Can't get into Valhalla if all the enemies are dead...

rezzealaux said...

creation and maintenance are the same thing.

Alrenous said...

Preservation and restoration are sins. Non-sinful maintenance is re-creation.

The ass rome kicked was mainly its own. Caino masochiens.

Foster said...

Interesting. You know, when I think about it, no one every really feels good about maintaining anything. I certainly don't and the gods never show up unless something new is being born. That checks out.