Thursday, August 15, 2024

Considering a Grownup Man in Confessional & Decision Per Se

 What would happen if an adult was forced into christian confession?

 "I have nothing to confess."

 "Then you will go to hell, my son. All have sinned."

 "Who the fuck is your son? But yes, that's what they tell me."

 "Don't swear."




 Men own their actions. They don't say they shouldn't have done them and ask to have their consequences reversed. E.g. if you genuinely make a mistake, you clean it up yourself. You don't need [forgiveness] from random bystanders. You don't need to apologize at all if the net harm was zero or less, do you? See also: meddling. Hey [[holy]] [[man]], how abouts you mind your own fucking business.
 When a man acts, it's with full intention. If it's something he knows he shouldn't do, he doesn't do it in the first place. Men have self-control. He's not a woman, at the mercy of her impulses.

 Having imagined a grownup at confessional, it's obvious it's a submission ritual. The priest tells the man boy-child he's not good enough, and the boy is supposed to accept the priest's judgment. "I get to decide what's good and what isn't, not you." <= that's the point.
 You're not supposed to notice the priest is in flagrant violation of matthew 7, lol. Many have noticed that if the boys behave too well, the church will start inventing new sins until a proper level of [[guilt]] is reached. Just bad enough to need forgiveness, not so bad they go, "fuck this" and try maturity instead of churchgoing. 

 The boy is supposed to accept the priest's judgment, and he's supposed to call him [father] to reinforce the child-parent relationship. To reinforce his infantilization.

 If a man, having made his decision, suffers for doing so, he accepts this suffering as his responsibility. He made his bed, he lies in it. In general, if he's a genuine grownup, he was aware of the suffering when he made the decision. He can't call it unjust, or wrong in any way for that matter. A man doesn't ask someone to let him make decisions but not suffer for them. 

 To be [forgiven] is to make the outcome of the wrong decision the same as the right decision. The point of [confession] is to strip responsibility from the flock. To a man, this is a curse, not a gift. If the wrong decision is the same as the right decision, there was no decision. There was no power. 

 If you make a decision, then ask to have some of the consequences deleted after the fact, then you're not the one genuinely making the decision. Someone else is doing the real acting; your decision was a toy, not real. They permit you to influence which consequences they choose to realize. If they're in the mood.
 No man would allow this relationship. He would seize the decision-making power, or die trying. He doesn't really have a choice about this meta-choice: that's just what men are like. The toy situation would not obtain, or he wouldn't be around for the situation to apply to. By hook or by crook. 

 The point of making decisions is to cause their effects. If the effects are removed, the decision, also. There's no point in pretending to make decisions if they don't have consequences.

 Confession is not useful for sane women either. What's the point of apologizing for her impulses? It's not like she decided to have them. To you, from the outside, whether they're truly her impulses or she's merely an inert conduit doesn't much matter, but it matters a great deal to her, on the inside, who can trivially observe she's only a conduit. God is the one who made her with no self-control, is she apologizing for what God did, lol, lmao, rofl?

 I'm told italian women confess other people's sins. "Forgive me you know what my husband did?!?" Err, except this is hardly limited to italian women. A woman isn't responsible for her own actions and trying to hold her responsible is pure farce. If an impulse causes her to sin, she's going to have that impulse again regardless and regardless, because it was never her decision to have it in the first place. The italians are merely dropping the mask, acknowledging the real dynamic, rather than continuing the clown show. 

 "Forgive me father, for I have sinned. My parents had sex, the spermatozoon was an X, and thus I was born female. Mea culpa."
 "Forgive me father, for I have sinned. Evolution made my genes function the way they do. Mea culpa."
 Twisted. Twisted and deranged. 

 Christianity is Satanism. Reality: "Forgive me Satan, for I have sinned." "Great work! Keep it up!"

 P.S. Do you really think "god" couldn't write a book that's comprehensible to the believers who are supposed to read it? It's Pride all the way down.
 The bibble's dribble needs to be "interpreted" or "explained" because it's manipulative lies, and the lies have reached their expiration date. They either need to be re-interpreted so "believers" are manipulated into doing something for the church instead of something that has become irrelevant, or replaced with a new manipulation that accomplishes the intended result in a modern context. 

 Matthew 7 is clearly condemning all forms of judgment if you're not literally god. Do you know a society where being judgmental isn't considered Bad? Yet the church wants to tell christians to judge sometimes, therefore you find lots of [[interpretations]] of matt 7...


rezzealaux said...

confession really is asking for regrets isn't it.

Alrenous said...

I would say so, yes.
Like voting, it may superficially seem harmless, but if you try it, it feels awful. Because it is awful.