Saturday, August 24, 2024

Bigots Realize They Shouldn't Be Sanctimonious but Don't Stop

 Guy has the right basic idea. However, I do have to point out, 

 At the end of the day I’m not a moralizer by temperament

 is simply untrue. As noted by Nick Land, the christian races are almost incorrigibly sanctimonious. Takes truly heroic effort for a pure-blooded christian to even consciously appreciate what he sounds like to non-abrahoids.

 First, [civilization] as an applause light.

 Obviously piracy is not civilization. Or, if it is, civilization is not admirable. 

The men of BisBuc are disgusted and appalled

 ...not if they're pirates they're not. Virtue signalling priests, yeah, sure, sounds familiar. Pirates look at fat and corrupt officials as delicious prey. Disgust? No, slavering. Appalled? At my meal ticket? Um, wat? 

 Smell that? The weakness of your enemies? That's the smell of opportunity in the morning.  

 The moralizing, exceptionally uncoincidentally, leads to the [out-lie Satan] strategy. I don't call them the christian races facetiously.

 have instead decided to cheat, lie, and ruthlessly job stack our way to outsized money and power.

 "We deserve to be able to lie." Yeah, okay, whatever, but that's not how it works. What happens, if you job-stack enough through deception to get noticeable levels of [[hard power]], is that is becomes illegal to job stack. Thanks. Great job. 

 Pirates are found in boats because they have to keep moving.  

See, unlike you perpetually nomadic and eternally unimpressed latchkey kids

 Ah, yes, exceptional not-moralizing, lol.

 Ah, yes, the famously non-nomadic...pirate raider...

 Intuitively this looks like taking Ultima and Pirates of the Caribbean at face value. Choosing pirates because they appear cool to children, not because they are substantially sacred wealth. Not paying your respects to Mars.

 Ultima's Buccaneer's Den is a real place...provided they have tacit approval from the nearest civilization. (The answer is civilization really is piratical, and therefore unadmirable, btw. Worse than barbarism.) Else it is a real place, really temporarily. Only lasts as long as it does because the local civilization (rightly) expects them to turn on each other, lying and cheating each other to death. If they demonstrate uncommon longevity, then the civilization plays atropos.


That means some level of ingroup solidarity and outgroup exclusion will be necessary going forward.

 But not, like, having a pope or a king, thus a genuine leader and a genuine group. This ain't no pack of predatory pirates, this is a wonderful sanctimonious herd of grazing pirates. 


it’s not just permissible, it’s fucking obligatory. Every agentic and capable man has a duty to the vitality of his civilization

 The morali- Okay, sorry. I do try not to explain that the sun rises in the morning. I want to make sure, but at the same time...

 I have an issue where I penetrate lies too easily. I counter them so fast I didn't even realize a lie occurred, meaning if you ask me - or more relevantly if I ask myself - how many lies appeared, I can only remember 1.5. I have instead a general impression of faint ridiculousness. "Nn...nobody can take this seriously, right? ....right?" Democratic Man gonna clown world.
 In this particular case, the first time around, I glossed right over the above quote as nonsense, didn't realize what a howler it was.

 It's not some duty to break your oaths due to some detail of the oaths. Yes, you can break your oaths if you swear them with traitors, but more importantly, you shouldn't knowingly deal with traitors in the first place.

  If someone asks you to sign a noncompete, and you intend to compete, don't. This isn't a moral cooperate-with-cooperators thing, it's the fact that knowingly pretending to cooperate with Satanists gives them power over you, and you will not gain more than it costs. 

 Deliberately surrounding yourself with traitors is not piracy. Traitors can't secure their wealth because they're too busy betraying each other. When a pirate is surrounded by traitors, his first action is to skedaddle with this unsecured loot ASAP. He gets the booty and himself out of there. In this, the pirate is wise.

 Instead, job-stack outside the field until that job goes belly-up. Take bigger risks with the NCC job, risks which happen to be orthogonal to competition. Go for broke - after all, it's not like it's your only job, lel.
 It's the moonlighting provisions that are inherently unenforceable. If they want to own your time 24/7 - and you should explicitly mention this - they need to pay you 24/7. They will of course refuse, but as it happens this puts the ball in their court. At this point ideally you let them believe you agreed to the moonlighting provisions when you in fact didn't, but it's also okay to outright lie because they can't reasonably be fooled except by self-deception. If you don't see how that's different, it helps to explicitly write down how the conversation goes. In short their objection to the moonlighting thing will admit you're right, if they want your time they need to pay for it, and thus not agreeing to pay for it is agreeing it's an illegitimate ask. They can return the serve ("not moonlighting is a requirement because we say it is, that's what this job costs") but won't.


expectation of thoroughgoing employee selfishness, which means every employee has a moral obligation to himself, his family, and his people to behave just as ruthlessly in return.

 Ah yes, the famously non-moral moral obligation. 

This isn’t a matter of “morality”


 I do recognize explaining the sun here, this is in fact about calling out the moralistic condemnation of selfishness. 

 What if I selfishly want to be ruthful? What if I feel compassion and I selfishly want to express it? Well, too bad, that's [[selfish]].

 Are you saying ruth doesn't have its own rewards? Does affection and trust feel bad in your world? 

 I have to be careful about not moralizing about sanctimoniousness. If your king wants to forbid selfishness, that's his prerogative. If your pope wants to falsely declare that serving your own interests, having self-compassion, is the opposite of compassion, he can certainly do that, and you're obligated by your own word to believe him. 

 Here in my world, every time I'm not selfish, I reduce the resources I can spend on those who I'm oathbound to support. I etiolate my own promises, my own honour. Selflessness is treachery. 

 Piratically preying on civilization is very fine. However, Democratic Man is not virtuous enough to manage piracy.
 Here's the bar => ==================
 They are here.


rezzealaux said...

>"I’m not a moralizer by temperament"
>uses italicized bold everywhere
also "BisBuc" sounds retarded.

Alrenous said...

But does it sound more retarded than everything else?
It's Democratic Man. Temper your expectations. Don't expect hobbits to win the high jump.

rezzealaux said...

yeah. it sounds more retarded than everything else.
the component concepts work. the guy runs by the name walt bismarck, his thing is called tortuga society, tortuga from glace at about page seems to be the name of some mythical pirate place, buccaneer is a kind of pirate, he is the leader, therefore bismarck's buccaneers. i also like theoretically like this first syllable acronym as opposed to first letter (which you found the name of before but it escapes me, the term's name sounds really silly, like turducken). but all of this fails the bouba/kiki test of direct audial recognition, and "BisBuc" does not work, at least in american english. "sbugk" like i'm throwing up or something. "B-Bucks" seems fun but maybe it's too close to V-Bucks (fortnite) and also too fun (not enough sanctimony).

i would peruse around a bit more but you're right about the sanctimony. i cannot breathe in there.

Alrenous said...

Sounds like business bucks, not pirates of bismarck.
Of course bismarck invented neetbux. He was all about printing money and giving it away. Far leftist, at best.
Come to think, the name is accidentally revealing. The reason bismarck invented neetbux was to be more christian than jesus. It worked too, he arrogated the function of the church to himself.

(Btw, re: resizing the comment box. Teaching you not to type messages directly into the box. Type it in a text file or something and paste it here.)

Check how anti-totalitarian germany is supposed to be / traditionally was:

rezzealaux said...

berry interesting
i dunno about the setup, it seems centralization/decentralization have pretty obvious reasonings and he doesn't really touch on either. nor does he really define what happened in 1970, but other than that, the flow is pretty good.