Thursday, February 8, 2024

Worst Constantine

 I've never held Constantine killing his son and wife against him because the reason was an incestuous affair between them. Numa would have executed them both by the old religious law too. It was good enough for Numa, it's enough for me.

 Needed to kill himself as well. Brought terrible shame to his family.

 Incest isn't a little oopsie. You can get minor deformities from time to time in even the best families. IQ in particular is always a total crapshoot. Incest is not a minor deformity. This isn't an unfortunately placed cosmic ray, this is a critical fault in the bloodline. This is literally cause to stop worshipping your ancestors, as they can't have been worthy of praise. 

 Likewise, Constantine brought terrible shame upon himself by picking a wife who was into incest. This isn't a subtle personality flaw. This is a whole complex, and it looks disgusting and creepy even to untrained observers. This is picking up a whore from the slums and acting like you're innocent when it turns out she's diseased.

 No wonder Constantine created such a dishonourable religion. Full-blooded child of Satan. Personnel is policy.

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