Tuesday, February 27, 2024

How Outlawing Homicide is a Subsidy for Criminals

 Situation: "If you cross this line, I will (try to) kill you." 

 Black government slides into this DM, and blocks the option. 

 Who benefits? Everyone over the line. Who doesn't benefit? Anyone who can behave. 

 This does open up the "conquest" thing, seemingly. "Words and also not giving me your wallet are violence." "Refusing my rape? Insolence! I will not tolerate this disrespect!"
 Legalizing homicide is the correct answer because conquest isn't profitable. Only fools attempt it. When A and B fight, the winner is C. 


 If you know ahead of time that homicide is legal, you invest in homicide protection. Security is cheap. You can afford enough homicide protection.  Isomorphic to the fact you get cheaper life insurance if you don't smoke, you get cheaper homicide insurance if you don't pick, instigate, or provoke fights. 

 Isomorphic to car insurance, it doesn't pay out if you're at fault. For market reasons, not because it's a legal requirement. If you can get payouts (anti-homicidal enforcement or paying wergeld) from attempted murders you yourself instigated, then the obvious thing to do is to instigate as many as possible. Any security firm that tries it would instantly go out of business. This is also obvious to the firms in question, so it simply doesn't come up.

 Indeed they will ask their actuaries and likely give you great rates as long as you have the receipts from your concealed-carry permit and range time.  

 Put another way, allegedly skilled marksmen can say whatever they want as you'll die if you try to stop them. In practice, warfare is never guaranteed. Only a madman, who can't focus enough to learn to shoot, would risk a deadly duel over mere wind.

 Paying attention? You get less protection against murder if you leave it to the government, because you can't fire the cops. However, folk who need killin' get massive subsidies. 

 That's why everyone in America is either a startlingly rude cunt or an actively traitorous parasite. In the modern world, if nobody wants you dead you're leaving money on the table.

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