Thursday, February 1, 2024

Why Americans are so Obsessed with Age Gaps

 American = pedophile.

 Most of them are too pussy to actually rape a toddler, though. 

 First, they're terrified someone will notice. They all frantically counter-signal "yeah I'm biologically incapable of being attracted to women who can't star in porn. 17 years and 364 days looks like a small animal to me." 

 Second, they're ferociously jealous of anyone who gets to even vaguely live out their dream. "If I can't force myself on a juvenile, you're not allowed to have anyone even vaguely young."

 Epstein wasn't really doing a blackmail operation. The blackmail was a bonus. It's merely supply meeting demand. High-class Americans can finally afford to indulge in their lifelong ambition. They get to the top of the hierarchy because they are proper paragons of those further down. As above, so below. 

 The heavens sent the WEF to punish the sinners. Jews are agents of Nemesis.
 Moldbug was right. America doesn't deserve Romney. America doesn't deserve Obama. America doesn't even deserve someone as good as Biden. Letting that freak show steal the election only ran up a bigger tab with God.

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