Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Narcissism and Universalizing

 The narcissist has no option but gaslighting, due to their universalizing tendences.

 Narcissism: "Everyone is the same (in particular, everyone is me)." Consequently, anyone who disagrees with them, in their mind, represents everyone disagreeing with them. They see only universal approval or universal disapproval.  

 "But that doesn't make sense! Those who disagree also disagree with each other!" Yes, it's a mental disorder. Literal insanity. If it made sense it wouldn't be insane. 

 Narcissists either give up and kill themselves, or imagine that the dissent is illusionary. "Why would I say I disagree with myself? I must just be lying." Perfectly sogical. Naturally narcissists see nothing at all implausible about the idea of lying to themselves. The delusion that they don't self-deceive is a bridge too far even for them. 

 The fact that narcissists always project makes the line especially ironic. They don't see you, they see a reflection of themselves. They transmute your visage into a mirror. Consequently the gaslighting is in fact a true story not about the alleged subject but about the storyteller. 

 Children use namecalling because they narcissistically imagine that everyone cares about their opinion, just like they care about everyone else's opinion. (Because it's just their own opinion, but outside.) The adult narcissist is likewise unable to refrain from childishly attempting social violence.
 In children it's somewhat tolerable because sometimes they do give up and adopt the outside position. Sometimes they surrender and remove dissent by changing themselves. ("Impressionable.") Adult narcissists have ossified and always try to violently suppress dissent, up until they overdose on fentanyl.


rezzealaux said...

this is unrelated to post but i wanted to tell you about it,
unsubbed to atrioc on account of the usual rationalist defense of evil (topic was google gemini ai visualizations), it occurred to me, it's a variation on the old responsibility question. "I did it but didn't know, so its ok" is the old form, "I did it but I was ordered to, so its ok" is the Nuremberg/free will form.
The new sjw/rationalist form is "I did it, and I did know, and I wasn't ordered, but I was scared, so it's ok."
after writing it out i feel better, which means this is why i hate them. "but i was scared" is rather pathetic, but it's not like it's unfixable. "but i was scared, so its ok" is both pathetic and unfixable^2; not unfixable just on this problem, but unfixable on all problems.

Alrenous said...

"but i was scared"

Women shouldn't be making choices. Find her man and blame him.

Alrenous said...

Confirmed: blimps don't exist in America because they've been outlawed.


There's nothing remotely unsafe about hydrogen balloons, except in the flight cartel's feverish fanfiction.

Of course glossing over for the moment that 'unsafe' is an argument for, rather than an argument against. If 1 in 10 blimps went down in giant [oh the humanity] fireballs, the correction description of that would be awesome or metal. I want two.

Alrenous said...

Reminder that the Rwandan genocide was a failed CIA project. They did try to kill every Tutsi, but failed miserably and got booted out of the country instead. Indeed it looks like they also got temporarily booted out of the Congo as well.
The Tutsi allowed the CIA propaganda because it made them look like victims instead of victors, and the CIA did it because it hid the fact they had their tushes handed to them by a bunch of subsistence-level African cowherders.