Sunday, February 25, 2024

On Justice: Plato is Seriously a φαγγωτ

 Plato et al got justice completely back-asswards. Wack-barrwasd.

 The difficulty of justice is that the world is already inherently and perfectly just. "We want good folk to be rewarded and bad folk punished." Yeah that's already happening. If you think it isn't, you're one of the bad folk, and you're being punished for your delusions. You can't do anything to further or uphold justice that isn't already being done. Why would there be any need to do anything? Simply allow nature to take its course.

 Would a just man take rewards for his justice? Plato, you fucking shit gobbler, It would be most unjust for him not to receive rewards. Truly revolting. "Yes let's weaken and immiserate the folk we rely on the most." Are you retarded. Of course, you are.


 The issue is that, since fiat justitia ruat caelum, et pereat mundus, if you don't want the sky to fall on your head and the earth to perish under you, you need to form a just society. Rather than upholding justice, it's about ensuring justice doesn't need to pay attention to your town. It's important to recognize when Nature is going to bust out her teaching stick, and demonstrate ahead of time that you don't need the lesson. E.g. hang the tyrant now, rather than waiting for Nature to have to come in there after him. And, of course, don't behead the rightful king. You'll regret it. Ask anyone. Even if he isn't particularly rightful, it's not going to work out. 

 The world is just. Ergo, you must behave such that justice ought to reward you, because you don't want to die in screaming agony. Does that sound selfish? It should, selflessness is unjust.


 If we take Platonic "justice" to its logical conclusion, we find that the point of society is precisely to perish. The just man takes no reward, and likewise the just society starves to death. Ad naseum reveals the inherent nature of this so-called justice: it's masochistic suicide. "It's most just if they get no rewards at all; if they die." Hmm, what could this possibly be about.

 Which, ironically, is just. If anyone is dumb enough to take Plato at his word, they deserve the misery and devastation that will result. That have indeed resulted.

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