Monday, February 26, 2024

The Name of (a) God is not Yahweh

 Yeah-wuh? There are no divine names that sound like you're throwing up. It's Jehovah.

 "Yeah...urgh...yah- yah- yah- weehhhhhhhhhhhh." <= it's not that. 

 It's not a coincidence that Yeshua became Jesus. The non-Latin letter we transliterate as 'Y' was a much harder sound in those days. Theirs was probably around halfway, and certainly very J-like compared to our Y. Notice J and Y use the exact same part of the tongue. Likewise, that 'W' was much closer to a V. JHVH, not YHWH. Same with weni, widi, weeci. The goddess' name isn't Wictory, whence we get the personal name Wictor. And Kaizar, not seizar.

 Technically Jehovah isn't correct either, but it's far less incorrect, never mind less undignified, than yugh-weeghhhh.


jason said...

I agree. Even Yahweh was originally Jahveh. That is, a German invented spelling it Yahweh. But German Y is our J and German W our V. So its inventor pronounced it Jahveh.

Anonymous said...

German Y is Y. German J is also Y

Alrenous said...

Englishmen clearly take great joy in mispronouncing and defiling their own words, never mind those of others.
See even further: every x-to-english transliteration. Kogo is pronounced kovo.