Wednesday, February 14, 2024

How To: Religion

 I forget if I already explained this properly.

 I'm not LARPing because I accidentally converted myself. Didn't know it was possible before it happened. There's a recipe. 


 Imagine the ideal religion. Imagine it as vividly as possible, with every detail. What do your priests wear? What colour? Why do they wear it? What are your ceremonies like? Do you have temples? Shrines? How much do they cost? What are they decorated with?

 Of course, most important: what are your rituals and why are they like that? 

 I originally did it as an aide to evaluating real-world religions. I had previously imagined the ideal government, so I could highlight anomalies. Are the differences due to a failure of my imagination, or a failure in the government? It was extremely useful and profitable, and I realized I should do it for religion. (Check: I did find several failures of imagination and had to correct my ideal government. "Oh wait, I see, that's why they do that.")

 It turns out all of religion is an anomaly, and it's due to a failure of real-world religion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Merely adhere to your ideal religion, bro. It works great.

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