Saturday, February 3, 2024

Mona Lisa is Not a Good Painting

 If it's ruined, nothing of value is lost. 

 It is not a masterpiece. It is highly promoted by Democrats because it's mediocre. It's famous for being famous, and praised for being praised. 

 The title is Ms. Lisa but in Italian. It's a selfie, 1500s ver. 

 The topic is mundane. The subject's proportions are a bit off - the girl is just some next door girl. The colours are washed out [2000s 3D] aesthetic. Yes, I have seen brown and grey before, thanks. The background would be more vastly more interesting than the foreground if it wasn't maximally lazy. Forgeries were common even when they had to be hand-painted, because the techniques used aren't special. The "unique" expression can be found on almost any piece of medieval art you care to name, including half-assed margin doodles; atavistic, not innovative. "He put a lot of work into it!" Broken window, you liar: it's easy to find a painting that had more work put into it, but not considered a masterpiece.

 Ms. Lisa is promoted to trick you into thinking bad taste is good taste. See also: Shakespeare is lowbrow pandering, not high art. Promoted because it's bad.
 What 99%+ of the population most likes in a piece of art is popularity. It's liked for being liked. They don't care about aesthetics, they're afraid of not getting along with whoever they Need to get along with. Quality of the art only matters in that really really bad art is predicted to be unpopular, as it looks too stupid when you pretend you like it. The masses adore the mediocre.

 Especially good art is hated for requiring energy of the viewer. E.g. boring folk don't like strong flavours. Too stimulating; it exhausts them. They like puddle art because they can't swim and drown in anything with depth. It's easy to predict other boring folk won't like it either, so even pretend rankings can't force it. 


 The only thing stopping you from painting a Ms. Lisa yourself is the fact that journalists are obsessed with this mediocrity instead of your mediocrity. They already have a false idol to worship and don't need yours. They chose this false idol instead of another because Ms. Lisa was stolen, which made it journalism.

 Bonus: any social status due to the praise accrues to someone who can't cash in. Don't have to risk praising a competitor. Praising a dead man helps camouflage their envious, hankerchief-biting unwillingness to praise the living. Indeed I can guarantee you that being told Ms. Lisa is his best painting makes Leonardo roll in his grave. It's not even real praise, it's an insult to the paintings he put genuine effort and inspiration into. Treat an artist like Leonardo when you want them to quit, give up, and surrender.

 P.S. Another thing popular for being popular: It's A Wonderful Life. It tells the story of how, if you haven't saved your brother from drowning, you should probably seek Canadian Healthcare. Classic Christian self-own: love your enemies, hate yourself.

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

wiki says it became famous after the french revolution, because the french elite were talking about it. possibly because the french were in possession of it. seems to fit.