Friday, February 16, 2024

Gay Plagiarism From Inside the House

 The American left launders its enforcement actions through the right. The right helpfully lets the left disguise the fact the call is coming from inside the house. 

 To get to be a supreme court judge or a Harvard dean, you normally have to go through multiple rounds of blackmailing. And anyway they can just make something up. Turns out Gay wasn't even a plagiarist, but who cares, it's politics. 

 When someone steps out of line, the left "accidentally" leaks the relevant blackmail portfolio to the right. "Oh man oh geeze how did that happen." Every time, the so-called "right" helpfully takes ownership of these internecine spats. Even if the evidence is made up.

 "Oh geeze oh man sorry Gay, we'd love to defend you, but you hecked up. Our hands are tied." Wagon status: not circled.

 In this case, the right, by trying to take Gay's "head" has legitimized the notion that the Harvard dean is acceptable as long as they're not a plagiarist. They have agreed Harvard is an important, prestigious institution.

 Imagine Islam was used to depose a Pope, and Islam declared victory because the new Pope wasn't an open sodomite. Imagine not only this, but that Islamists readily accepted paying a tithe to the Vatican, as long as the Pope wasn't a sodomite. Worse, in this analogy, the Islamists wouldn't do anything if the Pope really was a sodomite, unless 'grumble on the internet' counts as [anything].

 These Muslims aren't Muslim. They're Catholics with hats that are funnier than usual, and maybe a little too much fondness for acid. In this analogy, acid = fentanyl.


rezzealaux said...

what do you think of idea of ai being used to inflate blackmail to worthlessness?
if plausible, what are important consequences?

jason said...

They defined it as plagiarism based on a convention that you have to out quotes around cited aources but when I was in college in the 00s they told us explicitely to never use quotation marks and just cite the source in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. This prove the conservitards involved are all boomers and not up on current academic writing conventions.

Alrenous said...

Re: inflating blackmail, ultimately I don't think anything meaningful will change. Maybe AI won't get good enough, maybe blackmail works backwards at this point, maybe rumours never needed substance, it's all kto kogo.
That last one seems especially likely. "Believe all women," unless they accuse e.g. Soros or Matty Ygregious. Accusation and evidence don't matter, it's all about who is being accused.