Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Pagan Satan Worship

 I see people horrified at this, but I see what needs to be done in miniature. We must smash their idols and burn their books without mercy as soon as it's practical to so. That's why I praised the Hindus that destroyed Babri and I enjoy Varg's uncompromising position.

 The term [needs] here is Satanism. Also [must]. This is not paganism or animism or heathenism or Odinism or whatever you want to call it. Such staunch worship in contravention of property rights is a universal profanity. No divine being will tolerate this. 

 Worshipping a genuine divine is easy mode. If you can avoid profanity, it's pampering and free stuff. If you're getting excited about idols which are none of your business, you're telling me (and I am being told) that the thing you worship isn't sacred. It lacks power because it doesn't deserve power. 

 The contracts of others are none of your business, whether secular or whether spiritual. If you make their contracts your business, then you legitimize it when they make your contracts their business. You eschew your own property.
 You will get what you ask for.


 If you must smash idols, what you worship isn't your icon, it is iconoclasm. 
 There is no joy or glory here, you worship deliberately seeking out ugliness and making it uglier. You worship juxtaposing yourself with trash.
 You will get what you ask for.

 It is unjust. Satanists deserve the fruits of worshipping Satan. The worst punishment you can give them is to allow them to keep their Satanist idols and crosses. If they did not deserve it, the heavens would have already seen to it.

 Like all Satanism, it is also worship of his sexy deputy, Phobos. I regularly exorcise my entire town, so I can live somewhere with minimal desecration. I particularly enjoy watching the most foul businesses go out of business in the weeks after a pulse. Pervert shops, for example, tend to falter - what a coincidence. Satan couldn't prevent this, because Satan was always weak, and I am not. Is your god weaker than Satan? If you worship a genuine divine principle, what do you need to be afraid of? 


 Mars hardly objects to a spot of war here and there, but if you're declaring war for iconoclastic reasons, you will find he in fact does have standards. Your intentions not only matter, they are critical. The heavens are reading your thoughts, and they will answer the prayers as spoken. If you want to destroy idols, then yes, idols will be destroyed...
 Not every war is a good war. I see this: declaring war on Satanism is like declaring war on a baby. They can't fight back. Dishonourable. Declaring war on Muslims can't even be called war, it's butchery. Dunno whose name you call for that. Is there a god of eugenics?

 If you own a place, it is not necessary to "smash" or "burn." Simply pick them up and put them outside the fence. Perhaps on garbage day, but that's an aesthetic consideration. Spiritually, I own my town, which means the false idols defile and smash themselves. They literally lay themselves on the ground to be trampled and broken. (I try not to participate because it would mean touching them.) There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and I don't physically have to lift a finger.

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